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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Herbal Treatment of Disease

By May Bethel

Nature has the intrinsic ability to regenerate itself. However, when nature needs help, turn to herbs.



For ague, also called intermittent fever, gentian, sorrel, tansy, vervain, camomile are the recommended herbs.



In anaemia there is a low state of the blood. The number of red corpuscles is decreased.

One hears of iron-deficiency anaemia. Iron alone cannot help anaemia. It has been found that if the diet is deficient in vitamin C long enough, anaemia will result. Iron needs vitamin C in its process of absorption. Along with an iron and vitamin C deficiency, a deficiency in copper, manganese, cobalt and magnesium can cause anaemia. These minerals are especially necessary in haemoglobin formation.

Synthetic vitamin C is not effective in treating anaemia. Only natural vitamin C as found in rosehips, containing other factors necessary to the effective functioning of vitamin C, is useful in treating anaemia as well as other vitamin C deficiency diseases.

Alterative botanicals were long used in cases of impoverished blood. Alterative is an obsolete term also called blood purifiers. What they really do is restore to the body such elements as are necessary to a healthy bloodstream. A healthy bloodstream largely determines the power of resistance to disease. Botanic alteratives contain a variety of ingredients known today as trace minerals which are not always found in the foods we eat.

A combination of Rocky Mountain grape root, butternut bark and marshmallow root is a good alterative. Alterative botanicals long used in cases of impoverished blood are dandelion root, yellow dock root, yarrow, wild cherry bark, comfrey and red raspberry leaves.

Black walnut leaves are especially good to restore the red corpuscles and iron compounds. They are the best blood builders. The green pigment in the leaves (chlorophyll) is rich in iron. Chlorophyll is similar chemically to the non-protein portion of haemoglobin.



Constipation is one of the causes of appendicitis, which, of course, is due mostly to a faulty diet. In the case of appendicitis, the first thing to do is to give an enema, using either a small amount of baking soda or a herb tea. This will often relieve the pain. For a herbal enema, use either spearmint or catnip. Apply hot and cold packs alternately in the region of the appendix and all along the spine. A poultice of mullein leaves (a large handful), one tablespoon powdered lobelia and a pinch of ginger is good, made by adding enough slippery elm bark (shredded) or cornmeal to the tea to make it thick enough to spread. Apply as warm as patient can stand it and leave it on until cool. After the attack go on a liquid diet of fruit and vegetable juices and alkaline broths. A calmative tea is also good. Never give solid food, water or a laxative during an attack. These help are good while waiting for the doctor, but always see your practitioner.



Arthritis is an inflammation of the connective tissue in the joints. Pain is not the disease itself. It is the result of a longstanding nutritional imbalance.

Our modern, improper diets and stresses encourage the formation of toxins in the digestive tract.

At one time teeth, tonsils and appendix were removed because they were thought to be the source of toxins that caused arthritis. However, when arthritics still had their pains and misery after the removal of these supposed offenders, this procedure was abandoned.

As the disease progresses, the involved joints are moved less and less because of the pain. Consequently the surrounding muscles begin to atrophy, resulting in crippling.

While not a fatal disease, arthritis causes the greatest number of disabilities.

Many types of therapy have been tried to cure arthritis. It is admitted though that a cure has not yet been found.

Any factor that adds to the state of health may be considered as helpful.

Be optimistic, be patient and persistent. A pessimistic attitude upsets the whole glandular system, causing functional imbalance.

If you feel stiffness coming on, breathe fast and deep for five minutes.

Walking is good if particular attention is paid to posture and breathing. Briskness and duration depends upon the endurance of the individual. Walk should be

stopped at a point just short of fatigue.

Take care of your feet. Ill-fitting shoes can cause joint pain.

Correctly applied massage helps to maintain the tone and circulation in the muscles, the activity of which is inhibited by pain. The greatest drawback to massage therapy is the tendency to overdo it. Too much or prolonged massage can be harmful.

While under a hot shower (as hot as can be borne) massage all the area near the aching joint.

Soak the feet in hot Epsom salts water. Then massage every part of the feet, especially the soles.

Also firmly massage the hands, paying particular attention to the palms.

A bath (soak) in hot Epsom salts water will help to alleviate the pain.

Spinal alignment is also helpful.

Exercise daily. Exercise increases the range of motion in the affected joint, strengthens the muscles moving the joint, prevents deformity.

Arthritics should rest often. Rest does not consist merely of cessation from physical and mental labours. Relaxing the muscles is resting. Five minutes of relaxation out of every hour can minimize pain.

Exercise, rest, relaxation, proper food, vitamin and mineral therapy and B-12 injections will go a long way to reduce the pain and discomfort of arthritis.

Since arthritis is a condition of the joints where the bones or cartilage are either eroded or roughened by calcium deposits, there may be an insufficient supply of phosphorus to maintain a calcium balance. Calcium would then be precipitated into the joints or tissues. Almost any deficiency will depress the metabolism of calcium.

It has been found that arthritics have oil deficiencies. Any good vegetable oil is good to add to the diet. Cod liver oil is especially recommended.

Natural vitamins and minerals are always more effective than the synthetic kind. Molasses provide the much needed iron. There is a sulphur deficiency in the cartilage of joints of arthritics. Sulphur is found in amino acids.

Fruit and vegetable juices have eased joint pains, especially raw carrot juice. Celery is recommended as a preventive of arthritis. It is said that if celery is cooked and eaten freely with a little milk, the excess acids in the system would be neutralized and arthritis would be impossible. Parsley is also recommended. Pour one quart of boiling water over one cup of parsley (firmly packed), both leaves and stems. Steep fifteen minutes. One small glassful daily is said to be helpful. Excellent results have been reported in the use of garlic; also uncooked proteins, such as are found in sesame and sunflower seeds and wheat germ, are recommended.

The arthritic has need of an abundance of pantothenic acid, B-6 and manganese. These are removed from wheat in the milling of flour.

In an animal experiment, one group which was fed cooked foods, including pasteurized milk, developed joint stiffness. In the other group, given the same diet except that raw chard leaves were added, all joint stiffness disappeared.

The best dietetic therapy includes alfalfa, desiccated liver, brewer's yeast, bone meal, fish-liver oil, lecithin, sesame and sunflower, seeds, B-12, parsley, garlic and molasses.

Refrain from eating white sugar, white flour, saturated fats and pastries.

The following recipe is said to be helpful. Put a whole lemon, peel, pulp, and seeds, in a blender with water and honey. Drink this half an hour before eating breakfast or on an empty stomach. Some have used apple cider vinegar and honey, two teaspoonfuls of each in a glass of water before meals.

Some herbs or formulas are helpful. The following are recommended

Cayenne (amount, size of a pea) in a glass of milk; or a No. 1 capsule filled with the cayenne may be used. Take the capsule with a glass of milk also.

Comfrey has been given to arthritics with amazing results. It may be used as a tea or eaten raw in salads.

I have used rosemary leaves with excellent results. Drink hot every morning and night.

The Mexican yam has been discovered by modern scientists. The tuber is the source of diosgenin, which yields cortisone and other hormones and steroids used in treating rheumatic diseases.

Willow bark tea has been used by African natives for generations to relieve the pain of rheumatism. The willow bark contains salicin, a pain-killing drug.

The medication most often prescribed today for arthritis is aspirin. Salicylic acid is one of the ingredients of aspirin. Wintergreen leaves contain an abundance of salicylic acid. Wintergreen may be prescribed as taken as the oil of the wintergreen. However, care should be taken as to the amount to be taken. Three or four drops in a glass of water or on a half teaspoonful of sugar is sufficient for a dose. This may be taken three or four times a day, not more than every three or four hours.

Arthritis is one of the afflictions of man that requires a good house-cleaning. A daily fast once a week for several weeks is good. Drink copious amounts of pure water and/or fruit juices during the fast. One kind of juice only to be used during a day. Juice may be diluted.

A few herbal formulae which are recommended for arthritis are:

Poke root, one ounce; prickly ash Bark, one ounce; Black Cohosh, half ounce; and Burdock Root, one ounce.

Virginia snake root, prickly ash bark, burdock root, yarrow and wintergreen leaves.

Wahoo bark, Rocky Mountain grape root, black cohosh and wintergreen leaves.


Asthma And Hay Fever

Asthma is caused by the system being filled with waste matter and mucous. It is recognized by occasional paroxysms of difficult breathing, lasting from a few hours to several days, coming on at intervals to be followed by remissions, during which the patient breathes with comparative ease.

In the case of asthma, the diet should be plain; only raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten for five or six weeks. Nuts may be allowed. This diet should be continued with the addition of fish, lamb or beef broiled. Carbohydrates, refined products, coffee, tea, cocoa or excessive salt have no place in the diet of an asthmatic patient.

An enema should be given every day for a while to help eliminate waste products of metabolism.

Dr. Livingstone discovered that many asthmatic patients may be completely relieved by a course of training in correct breathing. Using the slant-board has helped some.

A syrup made with honey and the tea made from wild plum bark is the best herbal remedy for asthma.

Equal parts of spikenard, elecampane, comfrey, hoarhound and one teaspoonful lobelia is also good. One tablespoonful taken every half hour is recommended.

A good herb mixture is made with equal parts of wild cherry bark, skullcap, valerian, gentian, calamus and a small amount of lobelia.

Black cohosh, coltsfoot, wild cherry, blue vervain are also recommended.

Mullein leaves, dried and smoked in a pipe or cigarette, has helped in some cases. Spikenard was used by the American Indians in the treatment of asthma and hay fever.

MaHuang was used by the Chinese centuries ago. Ephedrin is a drug being extracted from MaHuang. Mormon Valley herb also contains ephedrin.

An anti-spasmodic tincture has been of value in treating asthma. This tincture may be made as follows: Pour one pint of boiling water over once ounce each of scullcap, Gum myrrh, skunk cabbage, one-half ounce each of black cohosh and Cayenne. Steep one-half hour. Strain and add one pint apple cider vinegar. Bottle for use. One teaspoonful is the recommended dose.

A pillow stuffed with "life everlasting" has helped some people.

It has long been suspected that asthma and hay fever are symptoms of a deficiency in the body of some particular factor rather than being a disease in themselves. The failure of the body to assimilate sufficient potassium may well be the cause of asthmatic difficulties based on faulty functioning of the adrenal glands. The herbs containing potassium are walnut leaves, mistletoe, coltsfoot, mullien, yarrow, comfrey, calamus and fennel seed.

Asthma has been helped by a supplement of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

Honey is said to be a cure for hay fever. According to experimental studies made by William Beaumont, of General Hospital of El Paso, Texas, chewing honeycomb from the region in which the patient lives has helped some. By chewing the wax or eating the honey it is possible to counteract the effect of the pollen. The patient builds up a resistance to the very thing for which he has an intolerance.

The body level of vitamin C is decidedly lower during hay fever attacks.

When hay fever starts, or even before the pollen season, take a glassful of "life everlasting" tea night and morning. Also make a pillow using "life everlasting". A diet of fruit juices (50% raw) gives immediate relief.

Before a cure for asthma or hay fever can be effective, the diet of the patient must be corrected.



Backache is one of the most prevalent and perhaps the most painful ailment. Low backache is a common complaint in the earlier stages of osteoporosis. In osteoporosis the bones are soft or porous and may be due to a shortage of calcium.

Backache may also be due to constipation, the self-poisoning from absorption of toxic substances from the bowel into the bloodstream. The resulting debilitating state of health robs the back muscles of their normal tone and strength.

Much lower-back troubles can be traced to spinal discs. Small amounts of protruding disc material squeezes out from between the vertebrae and often press on nerves emerging from the spine. Then follows muscle spasm which causes some of the most intense pain.

Abdominal muscles, through lack of exercise, may not give the spine the support it needs from that area. Tough abdominal muscles are a good insurance against disc trouble.

Exercise is then important in relieving and preventing backache. One good exercise is to lie flat on the floor. Put legs in the air and go through a cycling motion. Using a slant board and cycling while on it is excellent.

Check your posture to be sure it is good. Also look to your shoes. Ill-fitting shoes can have a bad effect on the back.

Diet plays a vital role in developing a strong body which will resist back strain.

Sufficient protein of good quality will build firm tissue which will keep spinal discs properly in place.

B vitamins are of value in treating sciatica, which can result from slipped disc.

To overcome the muscle spasm which causes a great deal of backache, the blood circulation must be improved.

Swamp root, pumpkin seeds, nettle, tansy, uva ursi, buchu and wood betony are the recommended herbs.

Rosinweed root is also said to be good. Place two large tablespoonfuls of the powdered root in one quart of water. Simmer thirty minutes. One cupful four or five times a day is the recommended dose.

Regular, moderate exercise, good posture, good diet, a good back support and a firm mattress are all helpful aids to prevent back trouble.


Bad Breath

Halitosis has far deeper origins than decaying food remaining in the mouth or decayed teeth.

When the bowels are toxic, the saliva contains indican which causes bad breath.

Bad breath can be caused when fats, stored in the tissues, pass into the bloodstream, circulate to the lungs and then escape in the form of gases.

Also unpleasant gases, formed by offending substances you may have eaten, get into the blood with the assimilation of food. You exhale and you breathe out the offensive odour.

Mouth and tooth infection can cause bad breath, however. Putrefaction of food internally is mostly the direct cause. After toxins and putrefaction are eliminated, foul breath promptly disappears.

Cubeb berries or anise seed may be chewed for offensive breath. Also the gum of cup plant may be chewed to sweeten the breath.

Peppermint tea is said to take away bad breath if taken daily.


Boils And Carbuncles

Boils and carbuncles are generally caused by infection in a hair follicle. Lowered body resistance against infection may be indicated in the case of boils and carbuncles. Vitamin C will build up resistance to infection.

Poultices made of ground flaxseed, peach tree leaves, catnip leaves or roasted onion and applied hot will draw out the infection. Poultices of yarrow leaves and wheat bran or slippery elm bark (powdered) and lard or plantain leaves boiled and applied hot are also good.

Burdock tea, gentian root, wild cherry bark, nettle, red clover, yellow dock root, sarsaparilla or sassafras are all good alternatives or blood purifiers, and are all good to prevent and keep one free of boils and carbuncles.

Soaking the offending boils or carbuncles in hot Epsom salts water when possible is a good aid.



Cancer is so widespread that much has been written both to help and also to hinder the finding of a cure for this disease.

Medical science seeks a drug to cure cancer.

A biochemist developed a drug, a chemically synthesized amino acid that is said to have cured leukemia in animals. Why take a synthesized product when a good protein diet will do as much?

Doses of any drug large enough to cure cancer would be strong enough to kill the patient outright.

Marvellous results have been claimed for the grape cure for cancer.

A very good relief for cancer is a tea made of red clover blossoms, either fresh or dried. Drink one quart a day. Violet leaves and flowers should be added. Other herbs recommended are: burdock, yellow dock root, dandelion root, golden seal, slippery elm bark (in cases of stomach cancer especially), comfrey, blue flag, rock rose, and wood betony.

For cancer of the breast the following is recommended. Phytolacca, two ounces; Gentian, one ounce; Dandelion Root, one ounce; three pints of water. Simmer to one pint. Make a simple syrup with honey. One teaspoonful after each meal is recommended.

Alkaloids extracted from a periwinkle shrub (Vinca Rosea) is considered one of the most promising anti-cancer agents. Why use an alkaloid? The herb tea is more effective.

I have successfully treated cancer of the skin with the following ointment. Make a very strong tea with red clover blossoms and violet leaves and flower. The tea is then strained and the liquid is simmered slowly until it is of the consistency of tar. This same ointment was used to remove tumours.

Parsley is rich in potassium and calcium. It has been found that cancer cells cannot multiply in potassium.

Dr. Max Gerson, of Nannet, New York, advocates that cancer cannot develop in normal metabolism. He also said that the liver is the centre of the restoration process in those patients who improve striking.

Dr. Harry Goldblatt and his laboratory collaborator at the Institute of Medical Research at Cedar of Lebanon Hospital discovered that normal tissue growing in test tubes becomes cancerous when it is deprived of oxygen. Cancer frequently occurs in scars.

The Drs. Shute, of Canada, in their book Alpha Tocopherol in Cardiovascular Disease, point out that vitamin E has been known to reduce the oxygen requirement of muscles by as much as 43%. It is a proven fact that vitamin E will eventually remove scars left by thrombosis.

A resident scientist at Wernse Cancer Research Laboratories at Washington School of Medicine at St. Louis, Missouri, criticized cancer researchers who describe a cure for cancer as being just around the corner, and that a break-through has been discovered. This scientist seemed certain that medical science will never be able to prevent cancer. He also said that people should be aware of cancer-causing substances and be willing to avoid them.

The role of nutrition is an important one in cancer research. A strong, healthy' body will resist the inroads of cancer formation and development.


Virus, Coughs, Colds And 'Flu

The common cold causes more actual disability in man-hours lost than any other ailment. Although it is the most prevalent ailment in the world, and one of the oldest known to man, it still baffles medical science.

An old remedy consisted of a hot drink, a hot bath, an enema and/or a laxative and rest in bed.

The quicker you get the channels of elimination open, the quicker you will be over a cold.

Sneezing is nature's way of ridding the respiratory tract of the mucous-laden toxina. Never dry up the nasal tract with inhalants. Let nature do her work in a natural sneezy way.

Plenty of alfalfa tea, elderberry and peppermint is a good combination for colds.

A syrup made with a tea of pine needles with lemon juice and honey added, taken hot, is good for a cold. Hot lemonade with mint-flavoured alfalfa tea and honey is also good, if the patient is kept warm in bed.

It is said to be possible to induce a quick recovery from a cold by changing the urine from alkaline to acid by taking two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water.

Sore throat has been relieved in one day by chewing the fresh gum from the spruce tree.

A good gargle for sore throat is made with sage, honey and a pinch of cayenne. Another good gargle is made with cider vinegar, salt and a pinch of cayenne.

The following has proved effective in cases of pneumonia. Grease a cloth, spread with ground lobelia herb and heat, and place on chest and on back across the shoulders.

A good combination of herbs for any chest affliction is elecampane, spikenard, rosinweed root and coltsfoot. Steep in boiling water and add enough honey to make a syrup.

Today when one has cold or the 'flu he is said to have a virus.

What is a virus? A virus is supposed to be too small to be seen except with the super-powerful electron microscope and too small to be trapped by the finest filter. It is debatable if they are even alive, yet when one enters a living cell it can do a lot of harm.

Most popular cold remedies contain very dangerous ingredients and are ineffective in fighting a cold. The Lederle Laboratories have gone on record agreeing that antibiotics are ineffective for treating viral respiratory infection.

The British Medical Research Council reported that antihistamines have little or no value in treatment or prevention of colds.

The old-fashioned foot-bath is still good in treating a cold. Keep water as hot as can be borne and add epsom salts. Twenty minutes is not too long to sit with the feet in this bath.

For bronchitis, inhalation of vapours of elderberry blossom tea and camphor is very effective.

Sunflower seeds, along with other herbals, is said to be helpful in bronchitis.

A good remedy for bronchitis is as follows: One cup of red clover blossoms, two level tablespoonfuls of ground flaxseed, one pint boiling water. Mix and steep for one hour. Strain and add honey and the juice of one lemon. Drink hot on going to bed, and cold during the day.

Sage tea is also good for colds and bronchitis.

A good old-fashioned cough syrup is made with hoarhound, slippery elm bark, liquorice root or stick (not the cheap confection) and juice of one lemon. Use honey to make the syrup. Wild cherry bark may also be added.

A hot drink, a hot bath, plenty of juices and liquids and plenty of rest is still the best medication for a cold ever invented.

Diet is an important factor in avoiding winter colds.

You can prevent colds, the 'flu or a virus by taking commonsense care of your health.



Constipation is a thief of good health. Prompt elimination of waste products is vitally important. Delayed elimination may often be the cause of headaches and nervous indigestion. Faulty diet and emotional stress are also causes in a majority of cases.

Artificial means of emptying the bowel disturbs the body chemistry. The body's power of immunity is thus weakened. The use of laxatives depletes the body of potassium, which in turn leads to muscular weakness and often paralysis and myocardial weakness.

Advertising of pharmaceutical companies throws a scare into the public of missed bowel movements and so a fortune is spent yearly on laxatives. It is estimated that Americans spend more than $148,000,000 a year on laxatives.

The use of mineral oil for relief of constipation is widespread. It has been proven that mineral oil interferes with the body's utilization and retention of calcium and phosphorus and interferes with the function of vitamin D.

The adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is certainly true. The use of apple pulp (raw) absorbs poisonous matter in the intestines and carries it downward through the intestines and out of the body. Apple pulp is also good for diarrhoea. Bananas have also been used effectively in diarrhoea, especially in infants.

Adults should drink at least two quarts of water daily. Catnip tea can be used effectively as a drink and also as an enema.

Equal parts of butternut bark, Rocky Mountain grape root, senna leaves and liquorice root makes a good herbal laxative. Cascara Segrada may also be added.

Of course, it is understood that no laxative should ever be given in case of a possible appendicitis.

The best possible way to keep the elimination of waste proceeding naturally and effectively is to eat properly of bulk foods and plenty of vitamins and minerals found in fresh fruits and vegetables.



Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot utilize all the sugar which enters the bloodstream from digested food. It is a digestive disorder resulting from a deficiency of pancreatic juice. When the secretion of insulin by the pancreas is inhibited, diabetes results. It has been suggested that the liver may be to blame for a breakdown of the pancreas.

The early symptoms are weakness, fatigue, loss in weight in spite of a good appetite, increase of thirst and frequent urination. Carbuncles on the shoulders or scapular region frequently accompanies diabetes.

Doctors are content to control diabetes with insulin rather than attempt to cure it.

A careful diet is better and more effective than inorganic insulin or any of the oral drugs which are harmful. With Orinase, a sulpha drug, there is kidney involvement. Diabinese, even more potent, caused at least forty-three deaths before it was withdrawn from the market.

Dr. Somogyi, in his article in American Diabetes Association journal, stated that by avoiding low blood-sugar, diabetes can be controlled without insulin or drugs.

Insulin is now known to be a zinc molecule. Diabetics may be generally deficient in zinc. Zinc is one of the trace minerals found in herb teas.

Inulin (not insulin) is a carbohydrate which diabetics may eat. It occurs in artichokes, dahlia bulbs and elecampane. Potatoes do not contain inulin.

To assist the pancreas in the manufacture of insulin, the body requires organic sulphur. The fruits and vegetables which are rich in sulphur are cabbage, cauliflower, brussels-sprouts, kale, broccoli, collards, onions, leeks, horseradish, watercress, chives, garlic, raspberries, pineapple, currants and apples. These should be eaten raw. Beverage herbs that are rich in sulphur are stinging nettle and fennel seed. It is necessary to balance sulphur herbs with phosphorus herbs. Liquorice root, caraway seed and marigold flowers are some of the phosphorus herbs. Apples contain more phosphorus than any other fruit.

Pine nuts contain no starch and with other nuts make a good source of easily digested protein. All green vegetables may be eaten freely. The early, fresh, succulent vegetables of spring, served raw, are the best remedy for ridding the system of hyperacidity and excess sugar.

Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron are the recommended minerals. Beverage herbs containing these minerals are black walnut leaves, camomile flowers, eyebright, stinging nettle, comfrey, fennel seeds and strawberry leaves. Dandelion greens in early spring are also good.

There have been cases where, after drinking a tea of huckleberry leaves for several months instead of water, there was no trace of sugar in the urine. The same effect was obtained after drinking a tea of crawlgrass for several months.

Roots of the "devil's club", a prickly shrub, was used by American Indians for diabetes.

A tea made of soy bean pods, oat straw and wild carrot tops has also proven effective. Soy bean pod tea seems to successfully lower the sugar level of the blood.

A vitamin C deficiency may be the underlying cause of diabetes. Vitamin B helps to cut down on insulin intake. Lemon juice, unsweetened and diluted, oxidizes excess blood sugar.

The brain depends upon the moment to moment blood sugar level for its functioning. This may be attributed to the blackouts that occur in diabetes.

Diabetes may return if you go on a cake and candy binge! Persevere in an intelligent diet including beverage herbs if you wish to be free from diabetes.


Ears That Hear

Impairment of hearing ranks fourth among the top handicapping illnesses.

Many who become hard of hearing, especially after middle age, do not need a hearing aid. Often wax collects in the ear canals, and, when removed by a doctor, hearing is often restored in minutes. It is best to let a doctor remove the wax for two reasons. First, the ear is a delicate organ and can be easily injured. Secondly, as in one case, the wax hardened on the eardrum. If not removed carefully in such a case, inflammation of the brain could follow.

If deafness is not caused by wax, there is still hope for the hard of hearing. In 1949 a world famous ear specialist connected with a large New York hospital held the theory that deafness is caused by an excess of pyruvic acid in the bloodstream. To help correct this condition, which is caused by faulty carbohydrate metabolism, he advocated the use of B-amino complex.


Eyes That See

The one part of the body which reacts more readily to conditions of poor health is the eyes. Regardless of what organ may be diseased, the signs first appear in the eyes.

As long ago as 400 B.C., Hippocrates fed his patients the livers of birds to cure blindness. In the last forty years, science has proved why this cure worked.

A normal, wholesome diet will help to prevent and even cure such eye conditions as poor vision, abnormal sensitivity to glare and bright lights and other eye conditions.

Continued errors in food intake rob your eyes of precious elements so necessary to good eye health. Better food habits could free everyone of eye disorders and eye glasses could be outmoded.

The public should be warned about optic nerve degeneration and even complete blindness due to side-effects of drugs. People are led to believe that drugs are the only answer to curing disease. Side-effects of drugs are more harmful than the original illness. Thiouracil, commonly used for depression of an overactive thyroid, has caused paralysis of the muscles of the eyes and of the eyelids, causing them to droop. It has also interfered with the focusing power of the eye. Prolonged use of acetophenetidin, a common ingredient in aspirin, also affects the eyes. Atropine, used in eye examination and also for motion sickness, interferes with the eyes' accommodation to light and darkness. Potassium iodide can cause degeneration of the retina. The prolonged use of chloramphenicol results in the degeneration of the optic nerve and also interferes with the assimilation and synthesis of the B vitamins.

Contact lenses have been linked to blindness. According to Dr. William Stone, Director of the Ophthalmic Plastic Research Laboratories at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary of Boston, methacrylic acid, used in the manufacture of the plastic which is used in making contact lenses, is sometimes retained in the plastic after it is hardened. Tears caused by irritation can draw the acid from the lenses and, depending upon the amount of acid present, can cause serious damage to the eyes.

Boric acid, often used in treating the eyes has caused death in some instances (AMA, December 28, 1963).

Prolonged deficiency of certain food factors lead to cataract. A deficiency of riboflavin and calcium has been found to produce cataract. About one-fifth of all cases of slight loss of sight are caused by cataract.

Glaucoma is a hardening of the arteries of the eyeball. About 2 1/2 % of all people over 40 contract glaucoma. It is extremely painful, especially at the onset.

There is convincing evidence that cortisone-like drugs can cause hardening of the eyeball.

The purity of the bloodstream is of special importance in curing glaucoma. Toxic waste must be eliminated. This elimination is best begun by fasting, followed with fruit and vegetable juice therapy. Then a balanced diet with special emphasis on vitamin A and riboflavin has been recommended. Such a diet is also important in treating cataract.

Spinal manipulation has also been indicated.

Sunflower seeds seem to be a specific for good vision. Sunflower seeds are rich in the B vitamins. The oil in the seeds is very rich in vitamins A and D. The seeds are also rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, all of which are known to be valuable to good eye health.

There are also herbs which, when taken as a tea, will improve eye health.

In an Old English herbal, horehound tea and wine and honey is said to "clear the eyesight".

Juniper berries are said to fortify the sight by strengthening the optic nerve.

Old herbalists claimed that elecampane "clears, strengthens and quickens the sight of the eyes wonderfully".

Another herbalist claimed that eyebright "hath restored sight to them that have been blind a long time before".

Rosemary is said to "clear dim sight".

A report by a famous Swedish botanist, Peter Kalm, tells how a Mohawk Medicine Man restored the sight of an Indian boy after all other known methods and remedies of the time were tried and failed. The fumes or vapour from a decoction of witch hazel bark was passed through a funnel that was held near the eye. The boy had been blind for six months.

A quaint old rhyme goes like this:

Noble is Rue! It makes the sight of the eyes

both sharp and clear;

With the help of Rue, oh! blear-eyed man!

Thou shalt see far and near.

Culpeper made the claim that "Eyebright made into a powder and then into an electuary (a syrup) with honey, hath a powerful effect and help to restore the sight decayed by age".

Pliny said in his writings that the Pythagoreans believed that the absence of blindness and eye trouble in general was attributed to the daily consumption of honey.

A good drink that will keep the sparkle in your eyes is made as follows: Place one cup of raw carrot juice, one level teaspoonful of rosehips powder, one egg yolk, a little honey, ground sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, one teaspoonful of brewer's yeast, one-quarter cup of eyebright tea, and a pinch of kelp in the blender, and blend well. It is delicious and an eye-brightner.

A good eyewash may be made by mixing fennel seed, camomile flowers and eyebright. Steep in boiling water and strain through a cloth to remove all residue. Apply with an eye-cup.

For pink eye, scrape Irish potato and apply to eyes. Also sassafrass pith made into a tea and applied with an eyedropper. All teas dropped into the eyes must be strained through a clean cloth to remove any sediment.

One of the worst things that can happen to you is blindness. Take the very best care of you eyes while you can still see. They come only two to a customer.



Epilepsy is more prevalent than might be thought. One out of every one hundred persons suffers from epilepsy.

More than fifty years ago the first epilepsy colony was established in the State of New York. It was advocated there that hard muscular work is a good remedy for epilepsy. The superintendent of the colony announced that the patients worked off the convulsions at the end of a hoe handle by vigorous field work.

It has been proven that active muscular work is almost a panacea in cases of epilepsy in which the brain has not been damaged.

Epilepsy is not incurable, as once thought.

Diet is very important in epilepsy therapy. The following suggestions should be carried out. First, cut down on all liquids. Secondly, cut down on all starch foods. Thirdly, increase fats (unsaturated). Fourthly, no milk, no pork, fried or refined foods should be eaten. And lastly, no ice cream, canned fruit or rich desserts should be allowed.

Spinal alignment, particularly in the upper cervical area, has been proven effective.

In epilepsy therapy avoid excitement, overeating, improper rest, poor elimination, intoxicants and refined food products.

Glutamic acid is said to be effective. Glutamic acid is one of the essential amino acids. It is found in eggs, meat, cheese, beans and fish. Glutamic acid should never be taken alone in its isolated state.

Since epilepsy affects the nervous system, the calmative tea, skuppcap, nerve root, valerian, catnip and peppermint is good.

Blue vervain may be added to the foregoing formula or taken alone, since it has been used effectively in epilepsy therapy as well as for nervous conditions.

Ephedrin is also used in the treatment of epilepsy. Ephedrin is extracted from MaHuang. Ephedrin is also found in Mormon Valley herb, or Herb of the Sun, as it is also called.

Eyebright has also been found effective. Take four fluid ounces of the tea on an empty stomach and at bed time.

The following single herbs have also been found effective: Elder flowers, black cohosh, blue cohosh and hyssop, which is excellent.


Eruptive Diseases

Chicken pox: Senna, one ounce; elder flowers, one ounce; pleurisy root, one ounce; yarrow, one ounce; and ginger, quarter ounce.

Measles and scarlet fever: Saffron.

Scarlet fever: Equal parts of pleurisy root, vervain, ground ivy, red sage and centuary.

Smallpox: Wood sage, pitcher plant, valerian, saffron, peppermint, each one ounce; marigold flowers, one-half ounce.

As a preventive against smallpox, place one ounce each of pitcher plant and ground ivy in two pints of boiling water. Simmer down to one pint. Take one tablespoonful every six hours. One-half teaspoonful cream of tartar in a glass of water is also good as a preventive of smallpox and taken after having the disease.



When the body is filled with waste matter, fever is nature's way of burning up the impurities. It acts as a germ killer and enables the body to rid itself of any ailment.

In Central America and Mexico a plant grows which is known as fever flowers. The natives call it "Jamaica". It is used in that part of the country to allay fevers. The flower petals make a delightful, thirst-satisfying drink very similar to lemonade.

Pennyroyal is fine to break up ague and chills.

One-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar is also good in fevers.

Cascara, Orgeon grape root and princess pine have relieved cases of malaria.

A tea made of elderberry blossoms will help to relieve a fever. Yarrow tea is said to relieve a fever in twenty-four hours if taken one teaspoonful every thirty minutes.

Other fever herbs are catnip, shepherd's purse, sumach berries, tansy, thyme, valerian, wahoo bark, wild cherry bark, borage, apple tree bark, camomile, calamus, nettle, parsley, peppermint, sarsaparilla, bonset and sage.

Sponge a fever patient with common baking soda water.

If no milk is given and fruit and vegetable juices (raw) are given (no solid food), a fever can be reduced in a few hours.



Headache is a very common ailment. In most cases, headaches are symptoms of some disorder in the body.

Headaches may be caused by toxaemia, excitement, fatigue, biliousness, indigestion, constipation, high blood pressure, eye strain, a liver disorder or a case of the nerves. Women often suffer a form of frontal headache which may be caused by a genital disorder.

Some doctors consider tension headache and migraine as one and the same.

Migraine headache may be caused by a low blood-sugar level.

Headache is a danger signal. When a certain organ of the body is not functioning normally, nature gives a warning.

Therefore it is very unwise to resort to aspirin or other painkilling drugs to alleviate pain. You may dull the pain, but the source of trouble is still there and eventually may result in greater disturbances.

Take a cupful of strong, hot peppermint tea. Lie down and relax a while. Your headache will soon be gone. Try this in place of aspirin.

A hot foot bath with a cold towel around the head may ease the suffering.

Wring out a cloth in a hot solution of hop tea and diluted cider vinegar and apply to the head.

For migraine or other headaches, put equal parts of vinegar and water in a small pan and allow to boil slowly. When vapours begin to rise, hold the head over it and inhale. This is said to stop the headache in a half hour.

Catnip, nerve root, blue scullcap, valerian and peppermint are a good herb combination to take for headache.

Migraine responds to vitamin therapy, especially the B vitamins.

Experiments have proved that a good protein breakfast will almost without exception completely relieve headache.

It has also been found that migraine sufferers may be allergic to sodium propionate, which is widely used as a preservative in many foods, including bread and also in tobacco.

It has also been suggested that chocolate may trigger migraine.

A new drug, Methyseridge, is claimed to cure migraine. However, there have been cases where the patient developed swelling of the ankles, legs and thighs, cramp in the calves, a rapid increase in weight, severe indigestion and rapid falling out of the hair.

For any headache, the barbiturates are dangerous. They tend to increase the intracellular pressure on the brain cells.

From the very first you experience headache, stop eating. Drink plenty of pure water or lemon water. Clean out the bowels with a catnip enema. Have the spine checked. Watch your diet and get plenty of rest. Neck-stretching has also been advocated.

If you try to carry the world on your shoulders, you will soon experience head pain.


The Ailing Heart

Without the proper functioning of the heart, there would be no life.

Heart disease kills more people than any other disease. Deaths from heart disease have increased 50% in the last ten years.

Knowing how to care for your heart is all-important.

Our forefathers did hard physical labour. They ate large quantities of fresh whole grains such as wheat, corn, rye and millet which contain the raw, unrefined oils which are known to protect the heart and blood vessels. Today, fresh wholegrain has almost entirely disappeared from most diets.

There is much discussion today on the use of vitamin E in the treatment of coronary thrombosis since the medical team of Drs. Wilfred E Shute and Evan Shute, of Canada, developed the use of vitamin E in the treatment of heart ailments.

In their book, Your Heart and You, is much information on the use of vitamin E. It is one of the best sources of information on cardiac ailments and is reliable.

Vitamin E is a complex of several factors. Alpha tocopherol is the factor best to use in the treatment of heart disease. Alpha tocopherol opens up a whole new avenue of hope to heart sufferers.

Modern advertising has made the public cholesterol conscious. Cholesterol is a fatty substance which builds up and clogs the arteries, making it harder for the heart to function, putting a severe strain upon the heart. Research has found that unrefined vegetable oils depress or neutralize the cholesterol in the blood.

Mer/29 or Triparanol is a drug intended for reducing blood cholesterol. The purpose of this drug is to lower body cholesterol by inhibiting its being produced by the body. No interference should ever be made with the body's own ability to produce cholesterol or any other secretion.

Excessive straining during a bowel movement may cause a series of circulatory changes that might end with the dislodging of a thrombus.

Under functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands has been found in many cardiac patients.

Perhaps the greatest cause of heart disease is wrong diet.

The heart is a tough muscle. However, if deficiencies are continued over a long period of time, the heart suffers.

A subnormal level of vitamin C has been found in most cardiac patients.

It has also been found that Pangamic acid (B-15) helps the heart to function properly. B-15 has been discovered in certain foods which are also sources of the B complex, especially in brewer's yeast and seeds.

Sudden noise or excitement can cause palpitation of the heart. This is an annoyance rather than a disease. Persons of calm temperaments who exercise control over their emotions are rarely troubled with palpitation. Palpitation may also be caused by gas and fermentation in the stomach. Tansy tea is a specific for palpitation of the heart.

According to Dr. Paul Dudley White, of Boston, the famous heart specialist, indigestion can lead to a wrong diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Cardiospasm is the commonest condition with which coronary heart disease may be confused. The cardiospasm pain tends to be briefer and recurrent, comes on in time of rest and is often dispelled by walking or the belching of gas.

There are herbs that can help to strengthen the heart. A good combination is golden seal, scullcap and a pinch of cayenne. Some have used wild cherry bark to strengthen the heart. However, a very small amount of the wild cherry should be used.

Another good combination is golden seal, scullcap, nerve root, valerian, camomile and a pinch of cayenne.

There are different types of heart disease. Most heart trouble can be overcome. Reasonable care of this organ can give you every chance of living a normal life span. However, because of its serious nature, it is best to see your doctor.



Haemorrhoids or piles, as they are commonly known, are enlarged veins of the rectum caused by an obstruction in the return circulation. Constipation is a common cause of haemorrhoids. Lubricants, hot and cold sitz baths and regulating the bowels may be of help.

Simmer garlic powder and cocoa butter. Make into suppositories. Insert one after each bowel movement and at bedtime. Powdered garlic mixed with lanolin is also good. Simmer elder bark in grease. Apply to afflicted part after each bowel movement. Mullein leaves, balm of gilead buds, peach tree leaves or cheese plant may be used in this way.



Sipping water slowly is an old remedy for hiccoughs. Tea made of the dill plant given in teaspoon doses is also said to be good. Often a few mint leaves well chewed will stop hiccoughs. Caraway tea is also said to be beneficial. Pineapple juice is also helpful. Cases of hiccoughs have been helped with watermelon seeds (tea) after all other remedies failed.

Pressure for two or three minutes on each side of the neck about one inch below the ears has been found helpful.

Hiccoughs is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm caused by gas in the stomach. Calamus and peppermint are excellent to remove gas from the stomach.


High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the body's danger signal that there is trouble ahead.

What causes high blood pressure or hypertension, as it is called professionally, is still a medical mystery.

There are many theories advocated. Experiments point to an insufficient blood supply to the kidneys. Overweight is also said to be a cause of high blood pressure. It is also thought to be a loss of harmony within the circulatory system. The heart and blood vessels are so harmonized that they will work normally if they are not abused.

Wrong eating and drinking habits, accompanied by poor elimination, are chief causes of high blood pressure. It is also caused by worry, fretting, anxiety and anger.

One thing is certain. There is some connection between high blood pressure and the tension of modern living. Working under constant strain and emotion-charged problems can trigger blood pressure levels.

Low blood pressure rarely if ever causes trouble unless it is extremely low. The number of people in whom low blood pressure is a serious danger is comparatively small.

If the blood pressure remains consistently high for a long period of time, it can result in serious damage to the heart.

Dangerously high blood pressure may be lowered to safer levels when an overweight person reduces his weight.

Restriction of salt should be in high blood pressure therapy.

Only four days on a protein supplement (40 grams daily) has lowered blood pressure.

Learning to relax will prevent high blood pressure and reduce it when necessary.

The arteries are so well constructed that they should last an individual one hundred years. They will renew themselves if the blood is kept pure, and they will remain soft and pliable. When the walls of the blood vessels toughen, blood pressure soars.

Three hundred and thirty three mgs of vitamin C, three times a day, has proved effective in lowering blood pressure.

Rest is imperative. A warm bath at night and plenty of sleep in a well-ventilated room will do much to lower blood pressure. An afternoon nap can reduce blood pressure 15 to 30 points and calm jittery nerves.

Garlic has been proven clinically to lower blood pressure. Mistletoe has been found excellent for dizziness caused by high blood pressure. Cayenne and watermelon seeds have also been proved to be effective.

Black cohosh, blue cohosh, valerian, scullcap, golden seal and vervain are recommended herbs for high blood pressure problems. The calmative tea, scullcap, nerve root, valerian, catnip and peppermint will work wonders to lower blood pressure levels.


Kidney And Bladder Disorders

The main work of excretion is performed by the kidneys. The kidneys are blood purifiers.

When the urine analysis shows albumin, it is evidence that the kidneys are involved.

Kidneys may be slowed up by protein-rich and uric-acid forming foods, by irritating acids caused by colds and by weakness and fatigue. Worry, overwork, wrong food and drink. cold and exposure put a strain upon the kidneys.

To clear up sluggish kidneys drink herb teas, eliminate meat and other proteins for a time and live on a simple diet. Plenty of fruit and vegetable juices are recommended.

Salt and other condiments put special strain on the kidneys. Also constant use of alcohol, drugs and chemical irritants affect the kidneys.

Plenty of fresh air and sunshine, bathing, massage and mild exercise help the kidneys in their function. There will be less strain on the kidneys when the skin and lungs are in condition to function properly.

Since the kidneys and bladder are correlated in their function of excretion, the same medication is suitable for both.

The following herbs are recommended in kidney and bladder disorders. Swamp lily root, marshmallow root, cheese plant, buchu leaves, corn silk, juniper berries and wahoo bark. A tea of caraway seeds is recommended for irritation of the bladder.

The residents of the Cape Cod area drink cranberry juice for relief from kidney and bladder infection. Cranberries contain quinic acid, which is converted into hitturic acid, which in turn is effective as a deterrent to the formation of kidney stones.

In the case of dropsy, horsetail and wahoo bark are recommended. The following formula is also effective in treating dropsy: Juniper berries, stinging nettle, yarrow, rosemary and horsetail grass.

Waste substances resulting from the function of other organs include ammonia, uric acid, creatin and sulphuric acid. If these substances are not excreted properly and promptly, they become potent enough to cause physical impairment. Urinary disorders may develop into such ailments as nephritis or Bright's Disease and nephrosis.



The chief function of the gall bladder is the collection and storage and concentration of bile which comes from the liver.

Removal of the gall bladder is a common practice. You can get along without a gall bladder, but digestion will never be the same. Bile is used to emulsify fats and oils. The body cannot use fats unless they are emulsified. When the gall bladder is removed, much of the fats and oils are lost, having no food value.

The diet is a matter of first importance in gall bladder trouble.

A famous Dutch physician found that the gall bladder of oxen at the end of winter were filled with calculi (stones), but fresh spring pasturage dissipated these stones. Fresh vegetables and vegetable juices are the best remedy for dissolving these stones.

Foods with a fair content of sulphur will also correct this condition. Radishes are especially recommended.

Fresh fruit juices diluted with water, manipulated to the spinal areas which affect the nerve controls of the gall bladder, principally the neck and the fifth and ninth dorsal vertebrae, are all good in nature's way of curing gall stones.

Herbs suggested for gall-bladder trouble are gobernadora and vervain.

Treatment with the sulphas, antibiotics and bladder sedation has not proved satisfactory. Herb teas and proper diet is the best answer to gall-bladder trouble.

The best cure is always prevention. A high state of vitality and good health must be maintained to avoid gall-bladder disorder.


Liver Disorders

The liver is the largest and one of the most important organs of the body. It serves as a regulator of the body. The bile which it produces is to the intestines what the gastric juice is to the stomach. The work of the liver is important to the entire body.

The relation of the kidneys and liver is important in the elimination of waste.

The liver is the control centre of the entire system, of all body chemistry.

One of the big jobs of the liver is to clean out of the blood such substances as would harm us physically. If the liver is sluggish, it does not do its job of filtering waste quickly enough or completely enough.

Among other essential liver functions is the maintenance of sex hormone balance. The liver's part in this is so sensitive that liver ailments may cause feminizing manifestations in men, and women whose livers are sluggish may experience menstrual difficulties and pain.

Indigestion is connected with liver complaints, for the liver controls the assimilation of food.

Hepatitis is a very common ailment today. Hepatitis is a professional term meaning infection of the liver. It is also called jaundice.

Diet is tremendously important in restoring the liver to healthful functioning. All sugars, alcohol, fried foods and condiments should be avoided.

All the components of the B complex are suggested for regenerating a diseased liver. Also from 300-600 mgs of organic vitamin C and not less than 750 mgs of calcium.

Sulphur foods are valuable for secretion of bile and for overcoming enlarged liver since it promotes the flow of bile.

Vitamin E is also a vital factor in the health and normalcy of the liver.

Plenty of the B complex is recommended to keep the liver working properly. B=r2 is also extremely important to aid the liver in its functioning.

It has been found that Epsom salts will stir a sluggish liver.

The following combination of herbs is very helpful in restoring the liver to proper functioning. Rocky Mountain grape root, dandelion root, sarsaparilla, may apple root and golden seal.

Mandrake root, black soot, sacred bark, colic root and blue vervain are recommended herbs.

The following combination of herbs is also good. One ounce dandelion root, one-half ounce each of mandrake, sarsaparilla, blackberry root and buchu, one and one-half ounces of gentian and one handful of hops. Three cups of this tea should be taken daily.

Grate winter radishes, sprinkle with salt and let stand three hours. One teaspoonful every three hours is the recommended amount to take.

The laxative effect of certain herbs is of great importance since most liver and gall bladder disorders are accompanied by constipation. Raw juice of dandelion leaves, stinging nettle, watercress and cabbage is excellent in treating the liver.

In the treatment of the liver, chemicals are only an additional burden to the already damaged organ.

In spite of the liver's special self-preservation ability, liver disease was listed in 1962 as one of the top ten causes of death between the ages of 45 and 64.

A highly nutritious diet with plenty of bed-rest is advocated by most physicians in the treatment of hepatitis.

Keep your liver in good condition by not overeating, choosing a proper, wholesome diet, drink herb teas, breathe deeply and exercise freely.


Multiple Sclerosis

Just what is the cause of multiple sclerosis has not been fully ascertained. Eventually it may be proved to be a disease of malnutrition and best treated nutritionally.

Non-civilized races do not have this disease. However, when they come in contact with the diet of civilization they begin to contract multiple sclerosis.

In multiple sclerosis patients there is an abnormal blood-sugar level and a calcium deficiency.

Excessive amounts of carbohydrates cause skyrocketing rises and falls in blood sugar.

Improvement in multiple sclerosis patients has been obtained with the B vitamins. B vitamins are necessary for proper functioning of the carbohydrate metabolism.

Multiple sclerosis is thought to be a disorder of fat metabolism. A diet rich in fats, especially animal fats, may be one of the factors which brings on this disease.

Billions of favourable bacteria are in the normal intestine. Antibiotics kill all the intestinal flora as well as pyridoxin, which in turn causes a niacin deficiency. Without pyridoxin, niacin becomes a poison. Also, tryptophan, one of the essential aminos, cannot be used properly. This condition in the intestines can also act on the mylin, the fatty protein sheath covering the nerves. When no pyridoxin is present, the myelin breaks down and nerves are damaged. Myelin damage is the basic symptom of multiple sclerosis. Since the myelin sheath is a protein substance, a sufficient supply of good protein in the diet would be valuable in maintaining the proper strength and thickness of this nerve covering. Chemical drugs also destroy these favourable bacteria in the intestines.

A suggested diet in multiple sclerosis consists of plenty of good protein, no white sugar or carbohydrates, plenty of calcium, vitamin B complex (brewer's yeast), desiccated liver kelp, safflower oil and rosehips.

A good combination of nerve herbs should be of special help in multiple sclerosis.

The general health is a major factor in reducing the number of cases of this dreaded disease.


Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy now affects some 200,000 people or one person in 925.

It is plain to research scientists that nutrition is the main factor in muscular dystrophy. Dys means, literally, imperfect or faulty nutrition.

A depression of the potassium content of the body has been noted in most patients with muscular dystrophy.

Herbs containing potassium are walnut leaves, mistletoe, camomile, calamus, plantain leaves, eyebright, summer savoury, carrot leaves, fennel seed, comfrey, dandelion and stinging nettle.

The absence of choline can cause progressive muscular dystrophy in rabbits.

Vitamin E is also considered in the cause of this disease. When massive doses of vitamin E are given in research experiments, the muscles returned to normal.

Wheat germ oil has been used with good effect in treating muscular dystrophy. In a reported treatment of twenty-five muscular dystrophy patients with wheat germ oil, vitamin B and vitamin C, all improved and one recovered completely.

Large doses of inositol and vitamin E together have helped in the treating of muscular dystrophy.



We are living in a nervous age. Stress, tension, worry and poor diet all contribute to a case of the nerves.

Good elimination is most essential in nervous conditions. Hot then cold fomentations to the spine are beneficial in nervous ailments, followed by gentle back massage. Also hot packs held to the back of the neck help to relax.

The nervous system is strengthened most by foods which give an alkaline reaction, foods which are rich in potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Herb teas containing these minerals are just as helpful.

The best herb formula I have found for nervousness is as follows: Nerve root, skullcap, valerian, peppermint and catnip.

For St. Vitus Dance, the following has proved helpful: A combination of equal parts of skullcap and lady's slipper. Another combination of herbs which are said to be effective in treating St. Vitus Dance is equal parts of skullcap, mistletoe, St. John's wort, valerian, gentian and a very small part of lobelia.

For NERVOUS HEADACHE, pour one quart of boiling water on one-half ounce each of camomile and peppermint. Drink freely.

A good NERVINE, is made with skullcap, motherwort, black cohosh, valerian and wood betony. Also, equal parts of scullcap, valerian, mistletoe, hops and powdered liquorice make a good nervine.

A tea made of garden sage is good for nerve exhaustion. Garlic is also said to be a good nerve tonic. Camomile, celery seeds and tops, and hops are also good taken in combination or as single herbs.

The brain, heart, stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen and every other vital organ, every muscle and every cell is governed by the nerves. The individual with a well-balanced nervous system, a pure bloodstream and an alert mind feels on top of the world.

To ensure a strong nervous system, sleep more, exercise more, eat a wholesome diet, worry less and live at a slower tempo. Take time to laugh. It is a safety valve.



B-12 injection is excellent for relief in neuralgia. Hot catnip tea is also good.



Lack of vitamin B is evidenced in neuritis. Rocky Mountain grape root is said to be effective in treating neuritis.



Pain is not a disease. It is merely a symptom. It means that a nerve has been irritated.

The dangerous drug aspirin is probably the worst remedy ever foisted upon the public.

Aspirin is a trade name. It is used to describe a substance known as acetylsalicylic acid, a coal-tar product. It is doubly dangerous because, in suppressing symptoms, it gives one a false sense that everything is all right.

Habitual use of over-the-counter medication to relieve pain constitutes a serious threat to health.

The long continued use of phenacetin, one of the ingredients in some pain pills, accounts for a number of anaemia and kidney diseases. The charges against phenacetin are enough to disqualify any product containing it as a safe medication.

It has been reported that salicylates interfere with the production of hormones by the thyroid gland.

Two or three aspirins cause an increased flow of blood from the stomach lining. One professor of a graduate school of medicine pointed out that aspirin causes internal bleeding and may lead to ulcers and anaemia.

Allergic reaction to aspirin can be violent in persons afflicted with asthma.

Sales of aspirin and aspirin-containing compounds in the U.S.A. totaled more than $282,000,000 during 1960. Advertising by aspirin manufacturers has proved a profitable business.

Instead of aspirin and the host of pain relievers on the market, wisdom points to herbs to relieve pain.

A combination of five plants for fast pain relief are valerian, scullcap, passion flower, balm of gilead buds, willow bark, black cohosh, hops and lady slipper with brewer's yeast and B- 12 added to the diet.

Althea or marshmallow root is pain soothing.

A burdock leaf poultice will allay inflammation and ease pain. Wilt the leaf and apply to the affected part.

For the pain of sinus infection, neuralgia and arthritis, one teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a glass of water four times a day for two weeks has been suggested. Pain is associated with alkaline urine reaction. Cider vinegar changes the urine to an acid reaction.

Pain is greatly exaggerated when there is a lack of phosphorus and potassium.

The phosphorus and potassium herbs are walnut leaves, camomile flowers, calamus, plantain leaves, coltsfoot, eyebright, summer savoury, stinging nettle, borage, dandelion leaves, comfrey, fennel seed, yarrow, mullein, carrot leaves, caraway seed, marigold flowers, and liquorice root.

Besides relieving pain, these herbs supply valuable minerals and are harmless.



Really healthy children do not get polio. Dr. Benjamin Sandler was of that opinion. He stopped a North Carolina polio epidemic by going to the newspapers and television with a special diet. Worried parents followed his diet faithfully. The polio cases dropped almost magically.

Those who are interested may read, Diet Prevents Polio, published by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research.

Four cases of paralytic polio were reported in Canada after they had received the oral type polio vaccine.

A two-year-old California boy was stricken with paralysis in his legs fifteen days after taking Type III Sabin oral polio vaccine.

Investigation of a Nebraska polio outbreak showed that nine persons developed an illness comparable with acute polio between seven to twenty-two days after taking Type III oral vaccine.

An article in a German medical journal reviewed 150 cases of muscle paralysis following vaccination with Type I.

In several English medical journals it was shown that polio cases were due to inoculation for diphtheria and whooping cough.

A New York City doctor blamed the upsurge of polio cases to vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin B therapy has been found effective in polio and sleeping sickness.

There is also a polio risk after tonsillectomies.

Begin treatment for polio with hot, moist flannels applied to painful, contracted muscles. When the muscles become relaxed, skilful manipulation of the limb should be given by one who knows the human muscular system. When the patient is able, he should be encouraged to move the limb himself until he can do it without help.

After pressing a nerve in the knee, the feet and arms are said to come back to place.

When the patient is able to, have him stretch until every part of the spine is involved.

Hot and cold applications to the spine have also proved effective.

The following herbs are recommended in polio cases Valerian, dandelion root, scullcap, golden seal, black cohosh, catnip, red clover blossoms and yellow dock. Select one or several and mix in equal parts An excellent combination is made as follows: Equal parts of valerian, catnip, scullcap and sweet flag root. These herbs are harmless.


Prostate Trouble

The prostate is a male sex gland. After middle-age it is a potential troublemaker. After middle-age, more than 60% of all men experience prostate trouble. Much of this distress can be overcome.

There are men who have defeated surgery by adopting better nutritional habits. The fat-soluble vitamins seem to be associated with the health of the prostate.

Modern medical science has not been able to find a successful method of therapy other than surgery.

A hot sitz bath (105 to 115 degrees), in which the lower part of the body is soaked for twenty minutes to an hour, has a soothing effect and may reduce the swelling.

In 1958, Dr. W. Devrient, of Berlin, Germany, cured his patients of prostrate trouble by having them eat pumpkin seeds.

There is evidence of a decrease in zinc content in glands containing malignant tissue. Pumpkin seeds are specific for a healthy prostrate since they have a high zinc content. Other zinc-rich foods are brewer's yeast, onions, rice bran., eggs, nuts, seeds, molasses, peas, beans, wheat germs, wheat bran, oysters and beef liver.

Lecithin has been suggested by twenty-one researchers as curative of enlarged prostate gland. Seeds of all kinds are rich in lecithin.

Parsley gives relief in prostate pressure.

One-half teaspoon powered slippery elm bark mixed with warm water to make a lumpless paste, with one-half glass of warm water, and drunk morning and evening, has been effective in severe agonizing cases of prostate trouble.

Peach tree leaves are said to be good in cases of prostate trouble. Cornsilk, golden seal, buchu and garlic are also recommended. Blue flag has special action on the prostate gland.

Herb teas are more effective when used in conjunction with a good wholesome diet.


Salves And Liniments


Vinegar (apple cider), 1 pint
Cayenne, 1 teaspoonful
Black cohosh
Camphorated oil
Peppermint oil


Red clover blossoms
"Life everlasting"
Elderberry blossoms
Golden seal
Wheat germ oil
Arnica flowers
Balm of Gilead buds


Elderberry blossoms
Red clover blossoms
Golden seal
Balm of Gilead buds


Ague ammonia 1 oz.
Tincture arnica, 1/2 oz.
Gum camphor, 1/2 oz.
Oil turpentine, 1/4 oz.
Olive oil, 1/4 oz.
Oil peppermint, 1/4 oz.
Alcohol, 1/4 pint.

This salve (2) was used on third-degree burns and left no scar.

Other good ointments to be used on burns are as follows Oil of pennyroyal and raw linseed oil. Elderberry blossoms, yarrow and red clover blossoms simmered in vegetable oil.

Chestnut leaves steeped and applied to burns. Chopped leaves of aloes (aloe vera) applied to burns. Tannic acid is an old remedy for burns. Aloes are good for X-ray burns.

Cod liver oil has healing properties. It kills harmful organisms. The application of cod liver oil dressings to infected wounds in fifty-three patients was very effective in combating infection. Researchers found that the growth of streptococci is stopped within one hour and the growth of staphylococci is stopped at the end of six hours when cod liver oil is used.

Wonderful results are reported in treating wounds with honey. Dip gauze in honey and apply. Change dressing daily.

To draw out pus, add all the Epsom salts to any good salve that it will hold and still remain spreadable.

Salve made from comfrey root will heal wounds and is said to cause broken bones and fractures to knit.

A Veratrain ointment is said to remove bullets without surgery. Webster's dictionary lists Veratrain as being an extract from the sabadilla seeds. American Hellebore is also known as Veratrum Veride. Someone might like to investigate further.


Motion Sickness

If the liver functions normally, attacks of motion sickness may be prevented.

Do not begin an air trip or voyage on an empty stomach. A bowl of warm soup, especially if the weather is cold or cheerless, may keep you from the rail. Shun any food on the trip which you know will cause gas.

Do not get into a dither for some days before starting.

Keep the bowels open, It is advocated that one take a good cathartic before starting on a trip.

Take a quarter teaspoonful cayenne pepper in a bowl of hot soup. All sickness, nausea and squeamishness will disappear.

Preludin, the anti-seasickness drug, has been banned from use in the Scandinavian countries. Atropine is also a dangerous drug and should not be used in cases of motion sickness.



No case of shingles is without emotional upset or emotional strain.

In treating shingles, give an enema every day, whether the bowels move or not. Clean out the system fast. Complete abstinence of all white sugar, white flour and fried foods is of the utmost importance.

A good supplement of 750-1500 mgs of calcium, 300 mgs vitamin C and the whole B complex is recommended.



An unbearable pain in the head and congestion in the sinus region are characteristic of sinus trouble.

The only real relief can be found in a non-mucous-forming diet. Starches should be the first food to be eliminated from the daily diet.

Acidosis is always present in sinus infection. Milk, meat, fish, cheese, and cereals are acid-forming. These foods must be balanced with foods that have an alkaline reaction, such as fruits and vegetables.

Dr. Lucius M. Bush, in his book The Secret of Sinusitis and Headaches, suggests massaging the side wall of the nasal passage to relieve congestion, to open up the nasal passage.

It is thought that emotional damage, not just bacterial infection, can trigger sinus headache.

Good circulation, warm feet, no constipation and a nonmucous forming diet are the essentials in sinusitis treatment.

Substituting soy bean milk for cow's milk helps to restore the sinuses to healthy functioning. Cow's milk is mucous forming.

To relieve the pressure, the opening must be cleared and drainage encouraged. Hot and cold packs (alternately) on the face and forehead help in this opening process.

Treatment for sinutis should begin with an enema. Then regulate bowel elimination to three good evacuations a day. The only cure is to thoroughly cleanse the body of all toxic poisons.

A fruit juice diet for four or five days, drinking all you can, is stressed. One kind of fruit a day. Do not mix the juices. Orange, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, or grape juice should be alternated each day.

Herbs recommended for sinusitis are plantain, golden seal, elderberry flowers, Rocky Mountain grape root, marshmallow root, fennel seed, hops, yellow dock, burdock root and red clover blossoms.

It is recommended that certain herbs be smoked to relieve the distress of sinus infection. Such herbs are cubeb berries, peach tree leaves, peppermint leaves and mullein leaves.

Supplements are of prime importance in the treatment of sinusitis. Vitamin C and B-i2 are especially stressed. Also two teaspoonfuls apple cider vinegar and two teaspoonfuls honey in a glass of water. Calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and D are also advocated. Bonemeal, vitamins A and D, raw liver or desiccated liver, and 300 mgs of vitamin C from rosehips used every day, has proved very effective.


Skin Disorders

Ringworm or Impetigo

Peroxide applied to either ringworm or impetigo is effective. A salve made by mixing powdered sulphur and lard together and adding one teaspoon of lemon juice is also good.

For internal use drink a tea made from golden seal, hops, boneset or plantain.


For erysipelas, bathe parts with a solution made with golden seal, lobelia, burdock, yellow dock and myrrh. Powdered slippery elm bark sprinkled on is also recommended.


Eczema has cleared up when the diet was made adequate and especially rich in linoleic acid and all the B vitamins. Some cases were helped when vegetable oil was given. Eczema has cleared up like magic with corn oil. A dose of one tablespoonful was given and increased gradually until four tablespoonfuls were taken three times a day.

Stubborn cases of psoriasis usually disappear rapidly when vegetable oil and lecithin are added to the diet. Another recommended remedy for psoriasis is 36 grams of lecithin daily; gradually decrease until q, grams daily, which should be continued as a maintenance dose.

An application of apple cider vinegar is said to be helpful.


Poison Oak Or Ivy

First let us consider eradicating this pest. A solution of calcium chlorate (21b to the gallon of water) sprayed on when it is in full leaf. Results are better if done on a warm, sunny day. However, it will kill any vegetation with which it comes in contact. This solution is not poisonous to animals. It does not kill large trees and shrubs unless it is sprayed directly on them.

For the agonizing itching of poison oak or ivy, make a solution of equal parts of a strong tea of white oak bark and lime water. Apply saturated bandage.

Make a strong tea of spearmint, peach tree leaves, plantain, lobelia or golden seal and apply to the area.

Drink chestnut leaf tea several times a day and also apply frequently to the rash.

Every time it itches, rub golden rod leaves, in cold water and bathe parts. Allow to dry for itself.

A strong solution of epsom salts is also recommended.

If you think you have come in contact with these pests, bathe exposed parts with vinegar.



Hives are believed to be due to lack of power of the liver to kill off harmful organisms. The following herb teas are recommended. Sassafrass bark, red clover blossoms, bull nettle and yarrow.

Most skin disorders will respond readily to herb teas.


Bites And Stings

There are certain odours and substances which most insects dislike. Oil of citronella, oil of geranium or oil of eucalyptus are useful for rubbing on exposed parts of the body.

For bee stings, remove the sting and apply bruised green leaf of plantain. Relief is almost instantaneous.

For bee stings, wet soap, moistened baking soda or weak ammonia. For wasp stings, use vinegar or lemon juice. Raw potato or damp earth are also good for wasp stings. Aloes is an old French remedy for bee or wasp stings.

For most insect bites, especially mosquito bites, use wet soap or weak ammonia. For spider bites use vinegar or ammonia.

The following is said to be effective for mad dog bites. Take raw onions, green garden rue, salt and powdered elecampane root. Beat well together and apply to wound.

Plinius, the Roman naturalist, believed that garlic is an excellent remedy for mad dog bite, to be eaten and also applied to the wound.

For snake bite, the pioneers wet saltpetre with a little water and applied it to the bite. A sack of common table salt was also dampened and laid over the bite. Lobelia is a valuable herb to be applied and also very small doses taken internally. Lobelia should be used only by a good practitioner. These are to be used for emergencies until help can be had.

Oil of Peppermint is cooling to bee stings or insect bites.

Bees working on flowers rarely sting unless molested.


Stomach Disorders

The stomach comes in for its share of discomfort and distress.

The many anti-acids advertised in magazine and on television attest to the thousands of stomach sufferers.

Anti-acids are not the answer. The only sure relief for this troublesome ailment is found in safe herbal demulcents which coat the irritated membranes throughout the digestive tract.

Slippery elm bark is one of the best demulcents in the vegetable kingdom. It has a soothing influence on the stomach and intestines. It is superior to whole milk in its ability to neutralize stomach acids.

Okra will also protect the sensitive duodenal surfaces and relieve distress.

The carminative action of garlic helps and arrests formation of gas and fermentation of food.

A glass of milk two hours after each meal will absorb the extra acid which the stomach pours out in periods of stress. Goat's milk is especially curative and healing to the stomach.

Wild cherry bark tea is good for a sour stomach.

Hops have been a long-standing remedy for stomach ailments.

For gas on the stomach, one teaspoonful of caraway seed to a cup of boiling water is helpful.

One-half cupful of pennyroyal tea is good for a sick stomach. Pennyroyal should never be taken during pregnancy, NEVER. Calamus root will stop cramp in the stomach. A tea of golden seal is one of the best stomach remedies known. Sarsaparilla is also a good stomach remedy, as well as "life everlasting", camomile and peppermint.

Peppermint, calamus, gentian and golden seal make one of the best formulae for indigestion.

Papaya juice and also papaya tea are an excellent stomach remedy. I have found that peppermint combined with papaya is especially good.

A combination of golden seal, German cheese plant, camomile and slippery elm bark can help in acid stomach and ulcers of the stomach. Shepherd's purse will stop bleeding from stomach ulcers in fifteen minutes.


Syphilis And Gonorrhoea

Syphilis and gonorrhea are not the same thing. Each is caused by a different germ. One may have both diseases at the same time. They are both social diseases and many times treatment is not sought because of shame.

It is advisable to seek orthodox medical treatment for these conditions.



When the system is nutritionally perfect, tubercle bacillus or any other germ can have no effect on a person.

A Californian doctor supplemented the diet of twenty terminal cases in an out-clinic experiment with natural foods. Many were started back to health in one year's time.

Calmette Guerin, an anti-tuberculosis vaccine has not proved effective.

It has been suggested that babies be innoculated with BCG as a matter of course. An 8-month old boy died a few days after an innoculation. The autopsy showed the cause of death to be widespread tuberculosis.

In spite of the increased use of anti-TB drugs, TB has continued to increase at a rapid rate each year.

Wood betony and wood sage have been used for TB. A wineglass full of the tea was taken three times a day. Comfrey is also said to be an effective treatment.

Herbs have helped so many in fighting disease. Yet learned doctors say there is no scientific proof.

In the face of such contrary evidence, we can know for ourselves of the outstanding virtues of harmless herbs.


Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are the result of stagnation of blood in the veins and the consequent weakening of the walls and valves. Prolonged standing is highly undesirable. However, brisk walking is favourable.

Lay on your back and elevate the legs, draining the blood from the legs to relieve pressure. Bathe legs with cold water to tone and strengthen the tissues.

Tight garters should never be worn.

A good diet will strengthen the tissues and keep the legs free from varicose veins.


Whooping Cough

Ephedrin (MaHuang) boiled in water and administered for whooping cough is an old remedy.

Make a syrup of one ounce of chestnut leaves, half ounce black cohosh, quarter ounce lobelia, one ounce coltsfoot and a pinch of cayenne. One teaspoonful is taken every hour or as needed. I gave this recipe to my children. In about two weeks they were free from whooping. Other children in the community who received shots were still whooping most of the summer.

A study of the blood of whooping-cough patients showed that the normal acid balance is upset. Baking soda will neutralize the acid.

To one pint of boiling water add a pinch of cayenne, one slice of lemon, three tablespoonfuls of honey and one ounce of shredded slippery elm bark. Allow to steep one-half hour. Take frequently in small doses. This is also a good remedy.
© 2000, 2008 Hedgewitchery

1 comment:

  1. https://www.greenjeeva.com/product/slippery-elm-bark-powder/1553
