Numerology has been around for centuries and is a factor of every religion. From the pentacle of the pagans to the "666" of the Christians certain numbers have a mystical property to them. What ever your thoughts on the matter, the belief in numerology is prevalent in our society (the lack of a 13th floor in most skyscrapers etc.) This section will be covering some of the meaning of those numbers and how to derive meaning from other things as well.
Developing the numbers to use
The numbers used in numerology, must be developed from the vast array of numbers available from any item or set. In ordert o develop the numerology factor fo any given nimber you add together each digit. You rerpeat this until you get a number from 1 to 9. As an example, if you have a number 25. You would add the 2 and the 5 to get a 7. For a nukber like 275 you would add the 2 the 7 and the 5 to get 14. Then you add the 1 and the 4 to get 5. Just remember to keep adding the digits together until you get a single digit. This works for even the large numbers. As another example the number 3,678,441. I is easiest to add it in parts. 3 and 6 is 9. 7 and 8 is 15 4 and 4 is 8....then you add the parts 9 and 15 is 24. 8 and 1 (from the first number) is 9. To complete the addition 24 and 9 is 33. Then you add the sum together, 3 and 3 is 6, and there you go!
For names and words you have to use the placement of the letters for the value of the letter:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
So for a Name, like Suzy. you would add 1(S) +3(u)+8(z)+7(y)= 19=1+9=10=1+0=1
Now what do you do with these numbers? Each number has an intristic value metaphysically speaking so that the essence of the item is displayed by its numerological value.
Positive -- One is the number of the individualist. A number of strength and ability to stand against foes. This is the number of a leader, as it epitomizes the point that spears through obstacles. Self sufficiency and an ability to stand alone follow this number. 1 is a good number for originality and freedom of thought.
Negative -- 1 can be very stand offish and show dissatisfaction with those that seem to "cling" (about everyone and everything) Selfishniess can show as a strong trait for those with this number as their namesake.
Positive -- Two is the number of balance. Yin and Yang, good and evil, light and darkness all fall under the realm of two. People with this number tend to easily see both sides of a discussion and often do well playing at devils advocate.
Negative -- 2's can have a very strong contrast, their ideas often based in the setting of (it is either this way or it is that way) and while the union is well made for 2 the division will always be there
Positive -- 3 is the number of stability. It is the number of life and creaation. Items with this number as their base will last longer and be more durable. People with this number tend toward the conservative
Negative -- Three can be unmoving when the winds of change say it is time to move on. The very stability that is promised by the triad is part of its downfall
Positive -- 4 is the number of building. Plans and development follow this number to completion. Ideas made into reality are a part of this numbers field. The transfer of thought to practical. It is also the number of the practical elements.
Negative -- 4 can be a number that grinds down all else but its determinant factor. It will build when there is no need to continue, churning out a continuing mass that can be unyielding
Positive -- 5 is the number of magic and energy. Mysteries abound in the number 5 and for people that show this as their number it can give them a sense of the metaphysical.
Negative -- 5 can be the number of coldness, the knowledge the oercomes emotions or the emotion that oercomes the physical
Positive -- 6 is the number of fate. The strands of karma follow this number to its completion. It is the number of the interweaving of all. The latticework of energy that touches upon all living things
Negative -- 6 is the number of being trapped with the system, Its net can ensnare and hold back
Positive -- 7 is the number of hope and belief. Things that are marked with this number tend to have faith of purpose and the strength of belief backing them
Negative -- 7 can be the numbe of sorrow and loss.
Positive -- 8 is the number of materialism and wealth. This number can be marked on this that will rise in value or be on a path of materialism.
Negative -- With the emphasis on the material, there is a loss of the other aspects. intellect, emotion etc.
Positive -- 9 is the number of artistic values and beauty. This number encompasses the beauty of all things and the joy that goes hand in hand with it.
Negative -- 9 can be a mark of superficiality, looking only "skin deep"
By Mother Oak
Welcome to my blog. I have created this space to provide a quick resource site for those seeking information on Witchcraft. Feel free to comment and critique my work, also if you see your work on here and it does not give due credit to you let me know and You will receive full credit immediately. I do not claim all of this work as my own. I have compiled much and occassionally have not collected the source with the material. I apologize, and will give you credit if you contact me. I have also lost contact with Mark Sumpter so as soon as I find him again I will post links.
By the Light of the Moon Network
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
An Open Letter to the Eclectic Pagan Community
First let me start out by saying this is not an attack on your beliefs, I am a firm believer in religious freedom and the ability to express said freedom, and I am of the position that a person’s path will come to them and no matter what that happens to be no one has a right to judge you, I am a bit of an Eclectic myself as I am a neo-Pagan who is influenced by several Pagan religions (ancient and Modern) and am also influenced by the ideas and philosophies found in Gnosticism and I find wisdom and knowledge in the Gnostic teachings of “The Christ” Yeshua.
So obviously I have no problem with eclecticism in and of itself, my problem lies with how some people express their eclecticism. Like I said, I am a firm believer in religious freedom and peoples right to express it how they so choose, I also think that people should be a little smarter about how they present it.
So let’s take for example the most noted modern day Neo-Pagan religion, as it has currently flooded our culture, Wicca. When I think of Wicca, I think of Wicca circa 1950’s Gerald Gardner style. While I respect people and their right to practice their eclectic style of Wicca, and follow what ever path and tradition their heart desires. Be it Dianic Wicca, or “Celtic-Tradition” Wicca, or “Egyptian Wicca”….or whatever else is out there that you can come up with. It is a deviation from what was originally intended. When I think of Wicca I think of a Modern pagan religion that is influenced by older religions and by occultism and esoteric and mystical magickal orders such as Crowley’s O.T.O, The Golden Dawn, and Free Masonry. Wicca has its own unique tenets, philosophy, rituals, hierarchy, and gods. As far as I know to be a Wiccan you still have to be at least 18 years of age (Or whatever your local laws are governing the age of consent) and you must be initiated by a High Priestess or Priest of a coven with an established lineage. Now you can follow a Wicca-inspired path. As in you are a Pagan who is influenced by the outer-court Wicca 101 style information that is freely available in the public domain. It’s really okay to be a Wiccan-Inspired Pagan. As you can be a multitude of religions, and still be a Pagan, you can be an Eclectic and still be a Pagan, you can follow a path completely made up by you to suit your personal growth and needs and still be a Pagan. As to my base understanding to be a Pagan is to follow some type of Earth Centric Path. The term Pagan is actually an umbrella term that encompasses many different religions, paths, and spiritual traditions, that is typically Earth-Centric. A Pagan path is also typically polytheistic and duothestic, worshipping one or more Gods and/or Goddesses. However a Pagan can be monotheistic as well, choosing to worship only one particular god or goddess from a chosen pantheon or choosing to see each god or goddess and attributes as smaller parts that when combined makes up a Universal-Divine, an all knowing all powerful deity…or God.
So just because you follow a Modern Day Pagan path that is influenced by Wiccan Teachings, just because what you do in ritual is similar to what a Wiccan does. It does NOT make you a Wiccan. As such you should not call it that. You should call it something else, such as “wiccan-Inspired Paganism” it’s okay, really.
Another thing that is a pet peeve of mine is the mixing of two religious ideals, Yes I admit I am guilty of it, as I said in the opening paragraph I am a Neo-Pagan with Gnostic and Mystical Christian Influence. I follow a Path of my own devising, but I call it what it is, not something else.
I would like to come to a phenomenon known as “Christian-Wicca” or “Christo-Wicca”…..
Now this is a touchy subject for me, as I will admit once upon a time I called myself by this term, because I did not know of any other way to describe it, I followed a heavily Wiccan-Inspired Pagan path mixed with my Christian upbringing and admiration for the teachings of Jesus both of the mainstream Variety and from the Gnostic Teachings.
I do not rule out the possibility of eclecticism, as I said I am an eclectic, though I like to say im a “Universalist” though I have no connection or involvement with the “Unitarian Universalist” movement in any manner whatsoever, I like to classify myself as a Universalist. Because I enjoy studying all the different world religions and I am able to gain wisdom, and knowledge in my studies. I am a firm believer that each religion, each spiritual tradition, no matter if it is established or made up from someone’s eclecticism, when being peeled to the core really all have the same basic truths to them. I tend to regard each god and goddess from each religion and spiritual path as being a unique entity unto their self; however, I do believe they are connected as I believe them to be facets of a Universal-Divine force. I believe that each philosophy, each world view, each religion, was a way for this Universal-Divine to reach out to each individual culture in a way that each culture would be able to understand. I believe that the only way to be able to heal our wounds is when we come to this realization and recognize this. When we are all able to awaken to this possibility only then is Unity able to be reached and this world can find some form of solace and peace.
So my problem does not lie in the idea itself, as I firmly think it is possible. My problem lies with the term itself.
I think that the term "Christian-Wicca" is an Oxymoron, as Wicca as its own gods, tenets and set of beliefs and Philosophy.
And so does Christianity.
Of course, let me reiterate I do not think it is impossible to be open minded, and able to have a Universalistic approach to religion and spirituality. to be able to garner wisdom and comfort from studying word religions, and if you feel so inclined, to incorporate aspects of the religions that call to you into you’re own brand of spirituality.
but when you do this, you should not call it by a title already in use of another religion, (of course I don’t like titles and labels much to begin with) but to call something "Christian" or "Wiccan’ When it really is neither, is really stupid, what you should do is find another title for your beliefs.
Or don’t go with a title at all.
I call myself a Pagan because most of my belief is centered around neo-Pagan Philosophy, and when I do ritual it is based on how modern Neo-Pagans might conduct their ritual.
Being a "Pagan" encompasses many things, there are a multitude of religions and spiritual traditions that fall under the term "Paganism"
in modern times "Paganism" typically denotes someone who isn’t a Muslim, Christian, or a Jew and who usually almost always follows some type of earth based spirituality.
I think it might be okay to be a Pagan-Christian, as in the practices are Pagan, ritual etc. but you use Christian concepts and names for your deities.
I mean hell Christians have been practicing paganism for years, on Easter when they paint, or hide, or hunt Easter eggs, when they send out Valentines day cards, when they celebrate Christmas, they are celebrating not only the birth of Christ (Who if any one has done any bit of study would know that Christ was not born in December, and it was decreed that it would be in DEC. by a Roman Emperor who wanted to incorporate the followers of Mithras into Christianity as it was already a holiday they celebrated.) but they are also celebrating the Winter solstice.
So you know if a Christian can practice Paganism, then I am sure it can go the other way around.
Of course the purist from both sides might argue that point, and not be happy about it, but that is what I think.
But I do not think one could be a "Christian-Wiccan" or at least should not call themselves as such. As Wicca is a specific religion and spirituality under the umbrella of Paganism, with its own unique tenets, rituals, beliefs, and philosophy. – but I guess you certainly could be a “Wiccan-Inspired” Christian, just like you can be a “Wiccan-Inspred” Pagan, or try this one on for size, a “Christian-Inspired” Pagan…hmmm?
My ideas of Jesus Yeshua are also heavily influenced from Gnosticism, which I readily admit is a different entity all together than mainstream Christianity, in my studies and Understanding Gnosticism takes on a more mystical and hands on approach of self-study, self-realization, and self-achievement which is why I personally think it meshes so well with Modern Neo-Paganism.
Again, this essay is not an attack on Eclectic Paganism, or those who blend ideas from Pagan paths with those from Gnostic, and Christian doctrine together, but a simple plea to sit and rethink our position and the names we give to our chosen path.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to any feedback, comments, or critiques I may get for writing this. It is always much appreciated, and I always try to come to these discussions with an Open mind, heart, and soul and hope my readers will do the same.
Blessed Be!
So obviously I have no problem with eclecticism in and of itself, my problem lies with how some people express their eclecticism. Like I said, I am a firm believer in religious freedom and peoples right to express it how they so choose, I also think that people should be a little smarter about how they present it.
So let’s take for example the most noted modern day Neo-Pagan religion, as it has currently flooded our culture, Wicca. When I think of Wicca, I think of Wicca circa 1950’s Gerald Gardner style. While I respect people and their right to practice their eclectic style of Wicca, and follow what ever path and tradition their heart desires. Be it Dianic Wicca, or “Celtic-Tradition” Wicca, or “Egyptian Wicca”….or whatever else is out there that you can come up with. It is a deviation from what was originally intended. When I think of Wicca I think of a Modern pagan religion that is influenced by older religions and by occultism and esoteric and mystical magickal orders such as Crowley’s O.T.O, The Golden Dawn, and Free Masonry. Wicca has its own unique tenets, philosophy, rituals, hierarchy, and gods. As far as I know to be a Wiccan you still have to be at least 18 years of age (Or whatever your local laws are governing the age of consent) and you must be initiated by a High Priestess or Priest of a coven with an established lineage. Now you can follow a Wicca-inspired path. As in you are a Pagan who is influenced by the outer-court Wicca 101 style information that is freely available in the public domain. It’s really okay to be a Wiccan-Inspired Pagan. As you can be a multitude of religions, and still be a Pagan, you can be an Eclectic and still be a Pagan, you can follow a path completely made up by you to suit your personal growth and needs and still be a Pagan. As to my base understanding to be a Pagan is to follow some type of Earth Centric Path. The term Pagan is actually an umbrella term that encompasses many different religions, paths, and spiritual traditions, that is typically Earth-Centric. A Pagan path is also typically polytheistic and duothestic, worshipping one or more Gods and/or Goddesses. However a Pagan can be monotheistic as well, choosing to worship only one particular god or goddess from a chosen pantheon or choosing to see each god or goddess and attributes as smaller parts that when combined makes up a Universal-Divine, an all knowing all powerful deity…or God.
So just because you follow a Modern Day Pagan path that is influenced by Wiccan Teachings, just because what you do in ritual is similar to what a Wiccan does. It does NOT make you a Wiccan. As such you should not call it that. You should call it something else, such as “wiccan-Inspired Paganism” it’s okay, really.
Another thing that is a pet peeve of mine is the mixing of two religious ideals, Yes I admit I am guilty of it, as I said in the opening paragraph I am a Neo-Pagan with Gnostic and Mystical Christian Influence. I follow a Path of my own devising, but I call it what it is, not something else.
I would like to come to a phenomenon known as “Christian-Wicca” or “Christo-Wicca”…..
Now this is a touchy subject for me, as I will admit once upon a time I called myself by this term, because I did not know of any other way to describe it, I followed a heavily Wiccan-Inspired Pagan path mixed with my Christian upbringing and admiration for the teachings of Jesus both of the mainstream Variety and from the Gnostic Teachings.
I do not rule out the possibility of eclecticism, as I said I am an eclectic, though I like to say im a “Universalist” though I have no connection or involvement with the “Unitarian Universalist” movement in any manner whatsoever, I like to classify myself as a Universalist. Because I enjoy studying all the different world religions and I am able to gain wisdom, and knowledge in my studies. I am a firm believer that each religion, each spiritual tradition, no matter if it is established or made up from someone’s eclecticism, when being peeled to the core really all have the same basic truths to them. I tend to regard each god and goddess from each religion and spiritual path as being a unique entity unto their self; however, I do believe they are connected as I believe them to be facets of a Universal-Divine force. I believe that each philosophy, each world view, each religion, was a way for this Universal-Divine to reach out to each individual culture in a way that each culture would be able to understand. I believe that the only way to be able to heal our wounds is when we come to this realization and recognize this. When we are all able to awaken to this possibility only then is Unity able to be reached and this world can find some form of solace and peace.
So my problem does not lie in the idea itself, as I firmly think it is possible. My problem lies with the term itself.
I think that the term "Christian-Wicca" is an Oxymoron, as Wicca as its own gods, tenets and set of beliefs and Philosophy.
And so does Christianity.
Of course, let me reiterate I do not think it is impossible to be open minded, and able to have a Universalistic approach to religion and spirituality. to be able to garner wisdom and comfort from studying word religions, and if you feel so inclined, to incorporate aspects of the religions that call to you into you’re own brand of spirituality.
but when you do this, you should not call it by a title already in use of another religion, (of course I don’t like titles and labels much to begin with) but to call something "Christian" or "Wiccan’ When it really is neither, is really stupid, what you should do is find another title for your beliefs.
Or don’t go with a title at all.
I call myself a Pagan because most of my belief is centered around neo-Pagan Philosophy, and when I do ritual it is based on how modern Neo-Pagans might conduct their ritual.
Being a "Pagan" encompasses many things, there are a multitude of religions and spiritual traditions that fall under the term "Paganism"
in modern times "Paganism" typically denotes someone who isn’t a Muslim, Christian, or a Jew and who usually almost always follows some type of earth based spirituality.
I think it might be okay to be a Pagan-Christian, as in the practices are Pagan, ritual etc. but you use Christian concepts and names for your deities.
I mean hell Christians have been practicing paganism for years, on Easter when they paint, or hide, or hunt Easter eggs, when they send out Valentines day cards, when they celebrate Christmas, they are celebrating not only the birth of Christ (Who if any one has done any bit of study would know that Christ was not born in December, and it was decreed that it would be in DEC. by a Roman Emperor who wanted to incorporate the followers of Mithras into Christianity as it was already a holiday they celebrated.) but they are also celebrating the Winter solstice.
So you know if a Christian can practice Paganism, then I am sure it can go the other way around.
Of course the purist from both sides might argue that point, and not be happy about it, but that is what I think.
But I do not think one could be a "Christian-Wiccan" or at least should not call themselves as such. As Wicca is a specific religion and spirituality under the umbrella of Paganism, with its own unique tenets, rituals, beliefs, and philosophy. – but I guess you certainly could be a “Wiccan-Inspired” Christian, just like you can be a “Wiccan-Inspred” Pagan, or try this one on for size, a “Christian-Inspired” Pagan…hmmm?
My ideas of Jesus Yeshua are also heavily influenced from Gnosticism, which I readily admit is a different entity all together than mainstream Christianity, in my studies and Understanding Gnosticism takes on a more mystical and hands on approach of self-study, self-realization, and self-achievement which is why I personally think it meshes so well with Modern Neo-Paganism.
Again, this essay is not an attack on Eclectic Paganism, or those who blend ideas from Pagan paths with those from Gnostic, and Christian doctrine together, but a simple plea to sit and rethink our position and the names we give to our chosen path.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to any feedback, comments, or critiques I may get for writing this. It is always much appreciated, and I always try to come to these discussions with an Open mind, heart, and soul and hope my readers will do the same.
Blessed Be!
Scathach's Prayer
I Call to you,
My brothers and sisters.
I Call to you,
Fellow sons and daughters.
I Call to you,
All ye children of the Turner Of The Wheel.
I Call to you,
As a fellow child,
To do battle by my side,
To aid me in the conquest of my foes.
Draw close to me now,
Brothers and Sisters of Death Herself.
Let my blade be as your blade,
My blood be as your blood,
My heart be as your heart,
My mind be as your mind.
Together we shall defeat all our foes,
Working as one, we shal vanquish all enemies.
United in heart, mind, body and soul,
All our foes will be destroyed before us.
Should silence, rather than anger, be needed,
We must blend with the shadows.
We must become as the shadows.
We shall move like Scathach Herself,
Silent, swift, sure and unerring.
From the shadows we will strike
With the speed of Death.
None shall expect us when we come for them,
None shall live when we find them.
For we are the Children of Death Herself.
Should anger be the greater part, however,
We shall strike with all the fury in our hearts.
Dougals' forging, Eiluneds' casting, Gwydions' treachery;
These have never been forgiven or forgotten by us.
Should they or any other attempt to stop us,
They shall meet the fury of our blades.
Empowered by Scathachs' great speed,
The speed of Death,
We shall destroy all who attempt to defeat us.
None shall survive our wrath.
It is only in the greatest of times,
The harshest and toughest of times,
That we shall Call upon the Wrath.
The Wrath of Scathach Herself.
All who see this great Wrath will cower before Her.
No smith, sorcerer or ruler shall stop us;
They will die all the swifter before Her.
The Dragon will come to us,
To give us his power and aid us in battle.
None shall stop the blood of our foes from feeding the land.
Copied from Avenging Angel
My brothers and sisters.
I Call to you,
Fellow sons and daughters.
I Call to you,
All ye children of the Turner Of The Wheel.
I Call to you,
As a fellow child,
To do battle by my side,
To aid me in the conquest of my foes.
Draw close to me now,
Brothers and Sisters of Death Herself.
Let my blade be as your blade,
My blood be as your blood,
My heart be as your heart,
My mind be as your mind.
Together we shall defeat all our foes,
Working as one, we shal vanquish all enemies.
United in heart, mind, body and soul,
All our foes will be destroyed before us.
Should silence, rather than anger, be needed,
We must blend with the shadows.
We must become as the shadows.
We shall move like Scathach Herself,
Silent, swift, sure and unerring.
From the shadows we will strike
With the speed of Death.
None shall expect us when we come for them,
None shall live when we find them.
For we are the Children of Death Herself.
Should anger be the greater part, however,
We shall strike with all the fury in our hearts.
Dougals' forging, Eiluneds' casting, Gwydions' treachery;
These have never been forgiven or forgotten by us.
Should they or any other attempt to stop us,
They shall meet the fury of our blades.
Empowered by Scathachs' great speed,
The speed of Death,
We shall destroy all who attempt to defeat us.
None shall survive our wrath.
It is only in the greatest of times,
The harshest and toughest of times,
That we shall Call upon the Wrath.
The Wrath of Scathach Herself.
All who see this great Wrath will cower before Her.
No smith, sorcerer or ruler shall stop us;
They will die all the swifter before Her.
The Dragon will come to us,
To give us his power and aid us in battle.
None shall stop the blood of our foes from feeding the land.
Copied from Avenging Angel
The World of a Witch: A Peek inside Craft Traditions
Since Neolithic times religion has existed. Often times religious practices included magic in fact some scholars believe that magic actually evolved into religion. Cave paintings have been found of men dressed in animal skins and invoking the spirit of the animal that they were hunting to aid them in their search. Eventually the animal involved into a deity that the humans prayed to for a bountiful hunt. The concept of human shaped gods didn’t really develop until the Mesopotamian culture refined their religious beliefs, and predating these “human” deities were sub-animal deities whom we see in the Egyptian pantheon. Some people believe that Witchcraft is an ancient practice which dates back to the beginning of humanity. Although the debate is heated, we may never know for sure. No matter the history of Witchcraft there are still modern traditions that are thriving. These traditions include:
1. Wiccan Witchcraft
2. Eclectic Witchcraft
3. Stregheria
4. Hedge Witchery
5. Kitchen Witchcraft
These make up a small sample of all traditions out there, but are the ones I am most familiar with. It is better to pass on a little true information than an ocean of incorrect information.
The first topic I would like to discuss is the witchcraft that Wiccans employ. In this essay I will try to define as much jargon as I can to make the information easier to digest for the un-researched reader.
Wiccan Witchcraft
This type of witchcraft is specific to initiated Wiccans or someone training to become an initiate. Most of the information on this type of craft is mostly from outer-court sources, which means that they are not oath-bound. The craft performed by Wiccans involves various methods of energy raising and focusing such as dancing and chanting. It also involves altered states of consciousness induced by light scourging, fasting, intoxication, exhaustion, or the assumption of Deity. Once the desired state is achieved or the sufficient amount of energy is raised the magic can begin. The difference between Wiccan Craft and most other paths is the profound use of personal and deity power. It hardly uses herbal, stone, or other folk magic at all. Among witchcraft traditions Wicca is considered to be one of the “higher” traditions due to its use of ritual over simplistic spells. The next topic is often called Wicca because it has been sold to the public as such; however it is a crude bastardization of the beautiful religion of Wicca.
Eclectic Witchcraft
Eclectic Witchcraft is just as it sounds. It draws from various paths and blends them into a coherent system. Many authors on “Wicca” have claimed this type of witchcraft as the afore mentioned religion, yet as I stated before this is a horrible untruth. Wicca has a set way of practicing and laws one must follow to be a Wiccan. In Eclectic Witchcraft however one must only follow the rules the practitioner sets forth for themselves. The third topic in this essay is a religion called Stregheria.
Stregheria is the religion and practices of the Strega, who are Italian Witches who have inherited the craft from their family. Those who marry into a Strega family may also learn the craft. Allover Italy there are strega hidden in the shadows using the magics which have existed since classical times. In this tradition there is a harmonious blend of folk practice and ritual working. They even have a “messiah” if you will. Her name is Aradia. She was born in a small town on August 13, 1313 and soon grew into a rebel who traveled Italy teaching the Ancient Ways (Grimassi 1999, pg 191). She was called the Holy Strega for it was rumored she was the daughter of Diana and Lucifer, who are two of the gods the strega honor. Aside from Stregheria another seemingly ancient tradition is still practiced today by many.
Hedge Witchery
“The word hedgewitch comes from the Saxon word haegtessa meaning 'hedge-rider'. The hedge in hedge witchery is not a fence of shrubs and wildlife, but instead represents the border between our material world and the otherworld - the unknown.”(Lolair, para.1) Hedge Witchery is basically a blend of Wichcraft and Shamanism which came to exist in central and eastern Europe. It is mostly folk tradition and shamanistic practices such as spirit journeys through use of altered states and astral projection. The final topic I will be covering has been developing since man first discovered fire.
Kitchen (Hearth) Witchcraft
Man has always sought protection and warmth around a blazing fire. Fire was so important that in some regions it was deified. Eventually even the process of cooking became magical. This is what kitchen Witchcraft focuses on, simple practical magic which can be performed from common household items (Talesco 1994, pg. ix). A dash of basil could be the final touch to a dinner meant to encourage love among a family. It is very simplistic yet very effective. Most kitchen witches also honor a hearth god or goddess such as Hestia whom they pray to for protection of their homes, and warmth in their hearts.
Although the information in this essay is brief and much abbreviated, –the heavens know how many books could be filled just talking about one tradition- it can still be helpful in helping one find her way on a wonderful journey down the well worn path of the wise.
Grimassi, R. (1999). Hereditary witchcraft: secrets of the old religion (chap. 12) St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications.
Lolair. Hedgewitchery. Message posted to
Talesco, P. (1994) A Kitchen witch’s cookbook (pg. ix) St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications.
By ~SilverThorn
1. Wiccan Witchcraft
2. Eclectic Witchcraft
3. Stregheria
4. Hedge Witchery
5. Kitchen Witchcraft
These make up a small sample of all traditions out there, but are the ones I am most familiar with. It is better to pass on a little true information than an ocean of incorrect information.
The first topic I would like to discuss is the witchcraft that Wiccans employ. In this essay I will try to define as much jargon as I can to make the information easier to digest for the un-researched reader.
Wiccan Witchcraft
This type of witchcraft is specific to initiated Wiccans or someone training to become an initiate. Most of the information on this type of craft is mostly from outer-court sources, which means that they are not oath-bound. The craft performed by Wiccans involves various methods of energy raising and focusing such as dancing and chanting. It also involves altered states of consciousness induced by light scourging, fasting, intoxication, exhaustion, or the assumption of Deity. Once the desired state is achieved or the sufficient amount of energy is raised the magic can begin. The difference between Wiccan Craft and most other paths is the profound use of personal and deity power. It hardly uses herbal, stone, or other folk magic at all. Among witchcraft traditions Wicca is considered to be one of the “higher” traditions due to its use of ritual over simplistic spells. The next topic is often called Wicca because it has been sold to the public as such; however it is a crude bastardization of the beautiful religion of Wicca.
Eclectic Witchcraft
Eclectic Witchcraft is just as it sounds. It draws from various paths and blends them into a coherent system. Many authors on “Wicca” have claimed this type of witchcraft as the afore mentioned religion, yet as I stated before this is a horrible untruth. Wicca has a set way of practicing and laws one must follow to be a Wiccan. In Eclectic Witchcraft however one must only follow the rules the practitioner sets forth for themselves. The third topic in this essay is a religion called Stregheria.
Stregheria is the religion and practices of the Strega, who are Italian Witches who have inherited the craft from their family. Those who marry into a Strega family may also learn the craft. Allover Italy there are strega hidden in the shadows using the magics which have existed since classical times. In this tradition there is a harmonious blend of folk practice and ritual working. They even have a “messiah” if you will. Her name is Aradia. She was born in a small town on August 13, 1313 and soon grew into a rebel who traveled Italy teaching the Ancient Ways (Grimassi 1999, pg 191). She was called the Holy Strega for it was rumored she was the daughter of Diana and Lucifer, who are two of the gods the strega honor. Aside from Stregheria another seemingly ancient tradition is still practiced today by many.
Hedge Witchery
“The word hedgewitch comes from the Saxon word haegtessa meaning 'hedge-rider'. The hedge in hedge witchery is not a fence of shrubs and wildlife, but instead represents the border between our material world and the otherworld - the unknown.”(Lolair, para.1) Hedge Witchery is basically a blend of Wichcraft and Shamanism which came to exist in central and eastern Europe. It is mostly folk tradition and shamanistic practices such as spirit journeys through use of altered states and astral projection. The final topic I will be covering has been developing since man first discovered fire.
Kitchen (Hearth) Witchcraft
Man has always sought protection and warmth around a blazing fire. Fire was so important that in some regions it was deified. Eventually even the process of cooking became magical. This is what kitchen Witchcraft focuses on, simple practical magic which can be performed from common household items (Talesco 1994, pg. ix). A dash of basil could be the final touch to a dinner meant to encourage love among a family. It is very simplistic yet very effective. Most kitchen witches also honor a hearth god or goddess such as Hestia whom they pray to for protection of their homes, and warmth in their hearts.
Although the information in this essay is brief and much abbreviated, –the heavens know how many books could be filled just talking about one tradition- it can still be helpful in helping one find her way on a wonderful journey down the well worn path of the wise.
Grimassi, R. (1999). Hereditary witchcraft: secrets of the old religion (chap. 12) St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications.
Lolair. Hedgewitchery. Message posted to
Talesco, P. (1994) A Kitchen witch’s cookbook (pg. ix) St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications.
By ~SilverThorn
Friday, January 16, 2009
Gods and Goddesses of the World part 1
African Gods and Goddesses
Abassi- Nigeria, creator god and lord of the sky. Created humans by suggestion of wife Atai.
Abuk- Goddess of Gardening
Achimi- goddess of buffalo, daughter of Itherther.
Adriambahomanana was the first male human, after centuries of life he was forced to stop being human, he chose to be the first banana plant and thus became the god of bananas.
Adriammhilala was the first female human, and after centuries of life she was also forced to stop being human. She became the Moon.
Adro- the evil half of the creator god Adroa, Adro turned into a snake and swam the rivers of the world, evil offspring called Adroanzi came from a slit in his side and populated the earth.
Adroa- the Creator god, he was half good and half evil. He split himself straight down the middle, minus the penis. The good half of him stayed in heaven, while the bad half Adro went down to earth.
Aha-Njoku : goddess of yams and sweet potatoes
Ajok- God of the Lotuko tribe, he is God of Rain and Resurrection. He is benevolent as long as he has sacrifices, and can raise the dead if he wishes.
Akongo- all powerful and benevolent creator God he tried to live on earth with humans but found it too much of an annoyance so he went up to heaven with his daughter Mbokomu
Ala- earth mother goddess of fertility and death, she is the daughter and wife of the Sun God Chuku
Alouroua- creator god of the Baules, no one is allowed to know his appearance.
Amma- Sky god and creator of the universe to the Dogon tribe. He attempted to mate with the earth but was stopped by a termite mound, so he circumcised the earth, and the tribe continues the practice of female circumcision to this day. Father of Ogo, Yurugu, Yasigi, and the Nommo.
Anansi- spider trickster god he is also the god of creation, he made the sun and the moon and the night and the day.
Asa- god of fatherhood, said to be strong protective and generous
Atai- wife of Abassi, goddess of Death and arguments
Azrail- god of death in Tunisia.
Babalu-aye : god of healing, he is one of the Orishas.
Bayanni- sister of Shango, she is the goddess of a ceremonial headpiece. (not sure what that means lol)
Banga- god of Waters
Buk- goddess of rivers, streams, and the source of life. She is the mother of Deng (son), Candit, and Dyaliep. (daughters)
Bumba- creator god of the universe, created the universe by throwing up. He threw up the sun, stars, earth, humans, and nine creatures which then became everything on earth. Father to Nyonye-ngana, Chonganda, and Chedi-Bumba.
Cagn- shape shifting god, if he dies or is eaten his bones come together and he is reformed. His sandals become guard dogs.
Candit- daughter of Buk, goddess of rivers
Cghene- Nigerian supreme creator god; beyond comprehension little is known about him and he has no temples.
Chango – god of thunder and fire, drums, and dance; he was elevated from warrior king of the Yoruba upon his suicide and return as a thunder storm. His parentage is in dispute. He had three wives: Oshun, Oba, and Oya.
Chedi-Bumba : son of Bumba, creator of the Kite bird
Chiuta- creator god of the Tunbuka people, he owns all and is the God of Rains.
Chonganda- son of Bumba, creator of all plants
Chuku – creator god of the Ibo people, he gifted mankind with immortality if they would bury themselves in mother earth and cover themselves with ashes. He chose sheep to spread the word and things got mixed up.
Deng- a creator god who upon becoming upset also created all the misery of humanity. Son of Buk.
Domfe- Kurumba god of rain, water, wind, and gardening.
Dongo- thunder god of Songhai
Tsui-goab : creator god, he is also god of thunder and rain. He became all the animals of the world and shed his skin to transform into the next one thus populating the earth. He is also the God of Sorcerers
Dziva – creator goddess of Zimbabwe. She is caring and compassionate until she has a mood swing.
Ebore- sky god
Edinkira- goddess of the trees
Egungun-oya : goddess of divination
Evus- Trickster god of irritation. Son of Mebeghe, conjoined twin of Ekurana, brother to Ninepone and None. Formed from the left over pieces of Mebeghe’s pregnancy. Evus was banished to the jungle for his antics. He seduced his sister Ninepone, his mother woke his brother Ekurana who then zapped him with a lightning bolt and flung him to the bowels of the earth.
Elegua- trickster god of crossroads, beginnings, and opportunity. He is the guardian of the Crossroads of Life. He is the messenger of the higher Gods.
Engai- Supreme God, sky god, and god of cattle to the Maasai people. A catastrophe sent him and the cattle into the sky, unable to live up there he sent them down to earth and gave them to Naiteru-Kop. He soon founded the Maasai tribe, who to this day see it as their holy occupation to guard the cattle of the world, therefore they are able to take cattle from anyone else as their god gave them the cattle in the first place.
Enekpe- Goddess of Fate, she sacrificed herself in battle for her people.
Eseasar- Goddess of the Earth, wife of Ebore
Eshu- trickster god, resides at the Crossroads of Fortune and guides people through life. He also acts as a go between for humans, gods and spirits.
Fa- god of Fate and Destiny. Sees All through his windows with his sixteen eyes. Son of Minona the sorceress. Eshu opens and shuts the windows so he does not burn out.
Faro- Creator of the Universe, he got himself pregnant with twins (names unknown). He checks in every 400 years to make sure the universe is running well.
Gamab- Creator god of Life, Death, and Seasonal Renewal; he lives in the sky and directs the fate of mankind, when it is time for someone to die he shoots them with his arrows.
Gaunab- the God of Evil, he is enemies with Gamab, and Tsui-Goab. He created the Rainbow.
Ghekre- God of Monkeys and death, he judges the souls of the dead for the afterlife.
Gu- God of Tools, Workshops, Smiths, Weapons, and War. Son of Mawu-lisa. He was sent by the Gods to repair the earth, humanity was so grateful they made him a god in his own right.
Heitsi- God of Nature and Animals. His mother was a Cow and his father was Grass. He is a shape shifter. He resides in graves and caves and can be sought for hunting luck.
Haiuri- half of a god, he takes people to the underworld if he catches them.
Hare- an Infamous trickster God of the Yoruba people
Huveane- Creator God, he relaxed on earth until mankind became to noisy, so he is climbing the world’s tallest mountain to escape the noise.
Hyel- Supreme god, he gave mankind the key to eternal life but a mischievous lizard lied and told them to bury the body instead. Worm returned with the correct message but humans were to lazy to dig the body up again and we lost the power of life and death.
Yemaya- one of the Orishas, she is Mother of Waters and childbirth. She is a moon goddess as well and has an aversion to salt.
Imana- Creator God. He tried to rid the world of death but a woman hid him and he decided to let humanity have him.
Itherther- God of Buffalo he was the father of Achimi
Jakuta- god of thunderstorms and lightning, known as the Thrower of Light, he dislikes humanity. And has no relation to the god Shango.
Jok- God of rain, needs sacrifices to perform.
Juok- Creator God.
Kaang- creator god of Botswana he grew fed up with mankind and now only speaks to bugs.
Kaka-Guie : tricky god, makes deals of protection, death and the afterlife.
Kalumba- creator God, he built a road from heaven to earth. He guarded it from Life and Death so they would not come to Earth, life was to go through without death. He closed the road after death snuck through anyway.
Kanu- creator god of the Baga.
Katonda- creator God, his daughter married a human and was forbidden from returning to heaven as part of the deal. The husband however came to heaven to ask a favor and instead his brother in law followed him back and killed their children.
Wele: Creator god. Created everything in six days and on the seventh he rested. He made the sun and the moon as twins but split them up because of fighting.
Khonvoum- God of East Africa, farther attributes are not clear.
Khuzwane- created mankind from the mud of the new earth
Kwoth- unseen God, attributes are not known at this time but he is deemed kind.
Le-Eyo –a god of spells and magic he attempted to make the moon die instead of mankind and it backfired, the moon is eternally reborn every month while mankind wanes away and dies.
Legba- trickster god of language and destiny, he will carry a message for you to the gods but likes to garble things up for fun. He appears as an old man.
Leza- god of Weather. Gave honey bird three baskets to use, 2 contained the seeds of all plants, and one was the equivalent of pandora’s box, which was only to be opened by Leza himself.
Libanza- Creator god. He invited the people of the Moon and the people of the Earth to pay him homage in heaven, the people of the Moon came right away and were gifted with immortality for themselves and the moon. Earthlings lingered and when they arrived were disrespectful so they got death, but legend says if you are good you may still get into heaven when you die.
Lisa- sun god.
Maori- creator God, he grew disgruntled with mankind’s complaining and left for heaven.
Massim-biambe: god of reincarnation
Mawu- Goddess of the Moon, she created the world and everything in it.
Mbaba-Mwanna-Waresa: goddess of beer and rainbows.
Mbere- creator god, made a sea lizard which then became Man
Mbokomu- Ancestor Goddess, she is the Daughter of Akongo. She and her family were sent to earth in a basket by her father.
Mebeghe- creator god of the Bwiti religion
Minga-Bengale : god of hunting
Minona- goddess of sorcery, women and crops. Mother of Mawu, Fa, and sister or mother of Legba (no one is sure lol)
Modimo- Supreme god of the Tswana
Morimi- goddess of the bush burning ceremony
Muluku- god of creation, he gave instructions to the living. Humans ignored them but monkeys obeyed so he took the tails off monkeys and put them on humans and banished them into the trees. Aka we’re all monkeys.
Mulungu- god of bureaucracy (you can’t make this stuff up lol)
Musso-Koroni: goddess of discord and hassle
Mwari- supreme creator god of Zimbabwe
Nana-Buluka : a god of the Fon tribe
Nzame- creator god, made humans after talking with the animals. Didn’t like the first human so he tried again. Married the human woman Mboya and had a son Bingo, eventually grew angry with the son and threw him out of heaven, later regretted it and to this day searches the earth to reconcile with him.
Njambi- creator god, he planted the first tree named Omumborombonga from which the first human emerged, he then retreated to heaven and resides as a sky god that offers spiritual wisdom. His name is sacred and not to be invoked accept in thankfulness.
Ndriananahary- creator god, created the earth but thought it was not habitable, so he sent his son Ataokoloinona to check, Ataokoloinona fell into the earth and got lost. So Ndriananahary sent humans to look for him, we’ve been down here ever since.
Ngai- creator god, made the sky, the earth, the plants, animals, and the mountains. Loves mountains and resides in them on visits to earth, created the first humans and left for heaven but was forced to return when we had problems. Created humans to watch over and protect the earth.
Ngewo-wa: creator god that withdrew to the sky after being annoyed by humans
Nyalitch- supreme god of sky and rain of the Dinka people.
Nimba- goddess of fertility
Ninepone- goddess of fertility, night, and females. She is the daughter of Mebeghe, sister to None, Evus, and Ekurana. Lover of Evus and her brother None, she was punished for incest by her mother, the result is that she carries the world upon her head.
Nommo- sons of Amma, one was sacrificed to save the earth. He protected Yasigi from her brother Yurugu. He multiplied into 4 pairs of twins who then became the first humans, ancestors of the Dogon tribe.
None- father of the human race, god of metalwork, ironmongery, arts, crafts, and publishing in the Bwiti religion. Slept with his sister Ninepone and from that union humans were born, unable to control them alone Evus taught him ironwork, carpentry, book binding, textiles, and painting.
Nyaliep- river goddess, daughter of Buk
Nyambe- creator god, he created the forests, animals, plains, light and life, the sun and the moon, his wife Nasilele and his daughter Mwambwa , and the first human Kamunu. Kamunu hounded the God until he and his wife fled to an island, then a mountain, then heaven. They then blinded Spider to keep their location a secret. Kamunu had spied on Nyambe and made weapons instead of tools from metalworking. Nyambe eventually sent Death to rid the world of Kamunu
Nyame- god that took over ruling the world in the stead of Odomankomo
Nyaminyami – half snake half fish river god of the Zambesi river. He grew very upset when they damned up his river and so feasted on the Batonka tribe and several construction workers.
Nyiko- heroic spider god, he was kicked out of heaven for sleeping with his mother
Nyokonan- creator god who sent his son Nyiko to earth for sleeping with his mother
Nyonye-Ngana : eldest son of creator god Bumba. He created ants but the effort was too much and he died, so the ants are to this day preparing to bury him.
Obassi-Osaw : creator god, gave mankind everything except fire. Was made fool of by a little boy who tricked him into trusting him, then stole fire and ran back to earth.
Obatala- one of the Orishas, he was chosen to be the creator of the Earth but went to a party instead. His brother Oduduwa stole the job and became god of Earth. As punishment he was force to make humans, he was still drunk at the time (lol). He is now the Great White God of mankind, god of White Wine, Laundry, and Refrigerators (you cant make this stuff up). He is also god of the North.
Ochosi- one of the Orishas, he is god of hunting and justice.
Odomankomo- the creator god of the Asante people, Death killed him
Oduduwa- creator of the earth, he is god of the Earth and of the South. There is some uncertainty as to whether he is actually male.
Ogo- trickster god, son of Amma his legend of birth is not so pleasant. He is the God of Chaos, and the Barren lands (which he created after raping his mother).
Ogun- an Orishas he is god of metalwork, justice, and oaths
Olorun- Sky god of the Yoruba people, he designed the earth. He is god of peace, justice, and tradition.
Olokun- brother to Olorun and god of the sea. Some alternate claims that he is actually a she, and is married to Olorun
Orunmila- an Orishas, he is the God of divinity and wisdom.
Osanyin- god of herbs.
Oshe- Yoruba god of thunder and lightning
Oshun- Yoruba goddess of Love, creativity, and Sensuality, wife of Shango
Oya- one of the Orishas, she is the goddess of Wind, Weather, Marketing, Undertaking, Disease, mother of nine but it doesn’t say who.
Qamata- top god of the Xhosa people
Rada- God who studied among humans
Raluvumbha- god of the Baventa tribe, nothing else is known about him.
Rugaba- god of spirits
Ruhanga- god that tried to remove death from the world
Ruwa- god of the Djaga tribe, created the garden of Eden, had a favorite tree which random strangers ate while he was away. As punishment he took away humanity’s immortality.
Shakpana- son of Yemaya, one of the Orishas, he is god of Disease and Madness
Sakarabru- god of medicine, justice, and revenge
Shadipinyi- Namibian god of evil and drunkenness, he created beer to make trouble for humans.
She- Yoruba god of thunder and War
Soko- supreme god of the Nupe people, he only talks with the dead
Somtup- god spirit of rites of passage
Sopona- god of smallpox
Sudika-Mbambi : god of thunder, him and his brother Kabundungulu killed demons and monsters, invaded the Underworld and stole the witch daughters of the Underworld king. The sound of thunder is them calling to each other from their forts, one to the east and one to the west.
Tilo- a god that likes to be involved, he has a temper
Tore- god of woods, animals, and hunting
Uhlanga- swamp goddess, wife of creator god Umvelinqangi, and mother of Unkulunkulu
Umvelinqangi- creator god, god of thunder and earthquakes.
Unkulunkulu- top god of south Africa, he gave immortality to mankind via chameleon, the message got their late and they didn’t thank him for it so he got mad and took it away.
Waaqa- supreme god of the monotheistic Oromo people
Wele- creator god, he created the world in six days and rested on the seventh
Were- supreme creator god, a kind god he throws thunderbolts when upset
Woyengi- creator goddess who came to earth via lightning. She created mankind from the mud of the earth, and after letting them chose their sex and job sent them down separate rivers so they couldn’t change their minds
Wulbari- top god that left humanity because of being pestered by an old lady
Wuni- creator god, humans sent a dog to complain about hard conditions, he transferred the message to a goat instead, the goat didn’t make the intention clear so Wuni came to the conclusion that humans wanted to die so he made Death.
Zanahary- bisexual god of Earth and Sky
Australian Gods and Goddesses
Rainbow-Snake : the great creator serpent; he/she rules fertility, growth, and rain. It comes in the female Yingarna the Mother of Creation, and the male Ngalyod the Great transformer of Land. The appearance is a bit odd, having the head of a kangaroo, the tail of a crocodile, and the body of a snake. Record of its image goes back over 8000 years!
Altjira- god of the Dreamtime, he created the earth, supplied all humanity’s needs and left without saying a word.
Bagadjimbiri- is actually two brothers not one person. They appeared out of no where in the forms of dingos, and constructed the first sexual organs so that man could reproduce. They were then killed by a jealous cat spirit, their mother brought them back as water snakes that flew into the air and became clouds. This happened after killing the cat spirit of course.
Baiame – the Creator sky god, he taught humans how to do everything. He was the Father of Daramulum, and the husband of Birrahgnooloo.
Bamapana- trickster god, he created foul language (lol)
Bellin-Bellin : is the Crow god of Wind. He keeps the winds tied up in bags, and is well known for unleashing them upon Bunjil.
Bildjiwuaroju- Creator goddess, daughter of the sun. Her and her brothers came from heaven in a canoe, in their mating they created all the plants and animals. Her and her one brother Miralalou had both male and female genitals. One night her other brother Djanggawul cut off their male genitals and now was the only male.
Binbeal- god of Rainbows, sun of Bunjil
Birrahgnooloo- goddess of fertility and floods. Lover (or wife it doesn’t say) of Baiame, with whom she had her son Daramulum.
Bobbi-Bobbi : is an Oz snake god, and he created the boomerang. He sent bats to feed humans but they couldn’t catch them, so he took one of his ribs and gave it to humans and told them to throw it at the bats. The humans enjoyed throwing it so much they threw it at the sky, it made a hole in Heaven and Bobbi-Bobbi slithered off in disgust.
Bunbulama- a rain goddess she works with a god called Wuluwait.
Bunjil- the Eaglehawk God. He had two wives and a son, the rainbow god Binbeal. He was blow away into heaven by Bellin-Bellin when he asked for wind and got more than he wanted.
Daramulum- Father Sky god. He protects Shamans, controls the weather and lives in the moon. Son of Baiame.
Darana- creator god he shared the earth with humans in Dreamtime. He turned two foolish humans that stole from him and died (not by him) into the Destiny Stones, which the Dieri people guard. If they break the universe will end.
Dhakhan- ancestral god of the Kabi people. Half fish and half snake.
Dilga- goddess of fertility and mother of the Bagadjimbiri brothers.
Eingana- Snake goddess of Primordial Dreamtime, and the mother of Humanity and water animals. Everything came from her, through a spear hole in her groin. She holds our umbilical cord still and if she cuts it we die.
Erathipa- mother goddess of pregnancy fulfillment. She holds the souls of dead children inside her and puts them inside others to be reborn if they want to be a mother.
Gnowee- Holds the Sun as a torch as she looks for her lost son. So she’s a Sun goddess. If she finds her son the sun goes out.
Goanna- lizard god, the information on him is hazy to nonexistent.
Kunapipi- Ogre Goddess that ate humans, until Bunjil cut her open and let them all out.
Ipilya- Lizard god of storms.
Julana- God that travels through the earth and springs up before women with his massive phallus.
Julunggul- Rainbow Snake Goddess of boyhood to manhood transition.
Junkgowa sisters- Goddesses both, they are Goddesses of the Sea and Marine life.
Karora- creator god of the bandicoot clan of the aranda people.
Kidili- a Moon god that got horny after seeing all the women on earth, he came down and got himself castrated by a boomerang, he died from his wounds.
Kultana- God of the Dead from Arnhem land. He is also god of the North Wind and the Rain.
Wati-Kutjara : Lizard gods that came down from a mountain, they taught shamans and rescued the women of earth from Kidili
LumaLuma- god of gluttony and party crashing. He got invited to all sorts of parties until everyone figured out he ate all the food by calling himself sacred and the only one allowed to eat. He then turned to inviting himself, but got tired of leftovers so resorted to eating children. The people didn’t like this so they killed him.
Mamaragan- god of thunder and lightning, he rides a cloud on a storm front and throws lightning for fun, he lives in a puddle between storms.
Manfar-Kunjer-Kunja : a creator god he made humans from logs
Minawara- a creator god he takes the form of a kangaroo, and is brother to Multultu
Miralalou- a child of the sun, he had his penis cut off by his brother Bildjiwuaroju
Ngurunderi- god of cod and fishing. He killed a giant cod that he chased off of the land and created from its body every fish in the sea.
Njirana- father of Julana
Pilirin- god of fire
Tjinimin- bat god, he tried to make love to the Rainbow-Snake’s consorts and got turned down multiple times, eventually he got mad and stabbed the Rainbow-Snake, which then writhed away into the sea and took all fire with it. He was there when they made new fire and became afraid of it, so he took to hiding in caves and hanging upside down. His nose fell off as well.
Ulanji- snake god, father of the Binbinga tribe
Waang- crow god of the Wurundjeri
Wallungunder- ruler of the Galaxy, top god
Wandjina- Creator gods they made the milky way in the Dreamtime. They look remarkably like aliens
Waramurungundju- mother of all, a fertility goddess, she made all the languages of the world. She and her husband Wuraka walked out of the sea, and then back into it.
Wawalug- fertility goddesses they were daughters of Djanggawul and family. They were once swallowed by Yrlunggur but she spit them back out.
Wuluwait- rain god, consort to bunbulama. He makes rain from tying water grass together.
Wuraka- fertility god, father of all peoples, he walked out of the sea with his wife. He had a penis so long he had to loop it over his neck so it didn’t drag on the ground.
Yalungur- god that was castrated and then created a vagina in place of his old penis.
Yhi- she awoke in Dreamtime and made all the animals and plants. It took three tries to get it right but eventually she did. She came back when man was lonely and made woman from the most beautiful flower.
Yrlunggur- the Great Rainbow Snake of the Murngin people. He doesn’t like the smell of menstrual blood and ate the Wawalug sisters, the other snakes got mad so he threw them back up.
Abassi- Nigeria, creator god and lord of the sky. Created humans by suggestion of wife Atai.
Abuk- Goddess of Gardening
Achimi- goddess of buffalo, daughter of Itherther.
Adriambahomanana was the first male human, after centuries of life he was forced to stop being human, he chose to be the first banana plant and thus became the god of bananas.
Adriammhilala was the first female human, and after centuries of life she was also forced to stop being human. She became the Moon.
Adro- the evil half of the creator god Adroa, Adro turned into a snake and swam the rivers of the world, evil offspring called Adroanzi came from a slit in his side and populated the earth.
Adroa- the Creator god, he was half good and half evil. He split himself straight down the middle, minus the penis. The good half of him stayed in heaven, while the bad half Adro went down to earth.
Aha-Njoku : goddess of yams and sweet potatoes
Ajok- God of the Lotuko tribe, he is God of Rain and Resurrection. He is benevolent as long as he has sacrifices, and can raise the dead if he wishes.
Akongo- all powerful and benevolent creator God he tried to live on earth with humans but found it too much of an annoyance so he went up to heaven with his daughter Mbokomu
Ala- earth mother goddess of fertility and death, she is the daughter and wife of the Sun God Chuku
Alouroua- creator god of the Baules, no one is allowed to know his appearance.
Amma- Sky god and creator of the universe to the Dogon tribe. He attempted to mate with the earth but was stopped by a termite mound, so he circumcised the earth, and the tribe continues the practice of female circumcision to this day. Father of Ogo, Yurugu, Yasigi, and the Nommo.
Anansi- spider trickster god he is also the god of creation, he made the sun and the moon and the night and the day.
Asa- god of fatherhood, said to be strong protective and generous
Atai- wife of Abassi, goddess of Death and arguments
Azrail- god of death in Tunisia.
Babalu-aye : god of healing, he is one of the Orishas.
Bayanni- sister of Shango, she is the goddess of a ceremonial headpiece. (not sure what that means lol)
Banga- god of Waters
Buk- goddess of rivers, streams, and the source of life. She is the mother of Deng (son), Candit, and Dyaliep. (daughters)
Bumba- creator god of the universe, created the universe by throwing up. He threw up the sun, stars, earth, humans, and nine creatures which then became everything on earth. Father to Nyonye-ngana, Chonganda, and Chedi-Bumba.
Cagn- shape shifting god, if he dies or is eaten his bones come together and he is reformed. His sandals become guard dogs.
Candit- daughter of Buk, goddess of rivers
Cghene- Nigerian supreme creator god; beyond comprehension little is known about him and he has no temples.
Chango – god of thunder and fire, drums, and dance; he was elevated from warrior king of the Yoruba upon his suicide and return as a thunder storm. His parentage is in dispute. He had three wives: Oshun, Oba, and Oya.
Chedi-Bumba : son of Bumba, creator of the Kite bird
Chiuta- creator god of the Tunbuka people, he owns all and is the God of Rains.
Chonganda- son of Bumba, creator of all plants
Chuku – creator god of the Ibo people, he gifted mankind with immortality if they would bury themselves in mother earth and cover themselves with ashes. He chose sheep to spread the word and things got mixed up.
Deng- a creator god who upon becoming upset also created all the misery of humanity. Son of Buk.
Domfe- Kurumba god of rain, water, wind, and gardening.
Dongo- thunder god of Songhai
Tsui-goab : creator god, he is also god of thunder and rain. He became all the animals of the world and shed his skin to transform into the next one thus populating the earth. He is also the God of Sorcerers
Dziva – creator goddess of Zimbabwe. She is caring and compassionate until she has a mood swing.
Ebore- sky god
Edinkira- goddess of the trees
Egungun-oya : goddess of divination
Evus- Trickster god of irritation. Son of Mebeghe, conjoined twin of Ekurana, brother to Ninepone and None. Formed from the left over pieces of Mebeghe’s pregnancy. Evus was banished to the jungle for his antics. He seduced his sister Ninepone, his mother woke his brother Ekurana who then zapped him with a lightning bolt and flung him to the bowels of the earth.
Elegua- trickster god of crossroads, beginnings, and opportunity. He is the guardian of the Crossroads of Life. He is the messenger of the higher Gods.
Engai- Supreme God, sky god, and god of cattle to the Maasai people. A catastrophe sent him and the cattle into the sky, unable to live up there he sent them down to earth and gave them to Naiteru-Kop. He soon founded the Maasai tribe, who to this day see it as their holy occupation to guard the cattle of the world, therefore they are able to take cattle from anyone else as their god gave them the cattle in the first place.
Enekpe- Goddess of Fate, she sacrificed herself in battle for her people.
Eseasar- Goddess of the Earth, wife of Ebore
Eshu- trickster god, resides at the Crossroads of Fortune and guides people through life. He also acts as a go between for humans, gods and spirits.
Fa- god of Fate and Destiny. Sees All through his windows with his sixteen eyes. Son of Minona the sorceress. Eshu opens and shuts the windows so he does not burn out.
Faro- Creator of the Universe, he got himself pregnant with twins (names unknown). He checks in every 400 years to make sure the universe is running well.
Gamab- Creator god of Life, Death, and Seasonal Renewal; he lives in the sky and directs the fate of mankind, when it is time for someone to die he shoots them with his arrows.
Gaunab- the God of Evil, he is enemies with Gamab, and Tsui-Goab. He created the Rainbow.
Ghekre- God of Monkeys and death, he judges the souls of the dead for the afterlife.
Gu- God of Tools, Workshops, Smiths, Weapons, and War. Son of Mawu-lisa. He was sent by the Gods to repair the earth, humanity was so grateful they made him a god in his own right.
Heitsi- God of Nature and Animals. His mother was a Cow and his father was Grass. He is a shape shifter. He resides in graves and caves and can be sought for hunting luck.
Haiuri- half of a god, he takes people to the underworld if he catches them.
Hare- an Infamous trickster God of the Yoruba people
Huveane- Creator God, he relaxed on earth until mankind became to noisy, so he is climbing the world’s tallest mountain to escape the noise.
Hyel- Supreme god, he gave mankind the key to eternal life but a mischievous lizard lied and told them to bury the body instead. Worm returned with the correct message but humans were to lazy to dig the body up again and we lost the power of life and death.
Yemaya- one of the Orishas, she is Mother of Waters and childbirth. She is a moon goddess as well and has an aversion to salt.
Imana- Creator God. He tried to rid the world of death but a woman hid him and he decided to let humanity have him.
Itherther- God of Buffalo he was the father of Achimi
Jakuta- god of thunderstorms and lightning, known as the Thrower of Light, he dislikes humanity. And has no relation to the god Shango.
Jok- God of rain, needs sacrifices to perform.
Juok- Creator God.
Kaang- creator god of Botswana he grew fed up with mankind and now only speaks to bugs.
Kaka-Guie : tricky god, makes deals of protection, death and the afterlife.
Kalumba- creator God, he built a road from heaven to earth. He guarded it from Life and Death so they would not come to Earth, life was to go through without death. He closed the road after death snuck through anyway.
Kanu- creator god of the Baga.
Katonda- creator God, his daughter married a human and was forbidden from returning to heaven as part of the deal. The husband however came to heaven to ask a favor and instead his brother in law followed him back and killed their children.
Wele: Creator god. Created everything in six days and on the seventh he rested. He made the sun and the moon as twins but split them up because of fighting.
Khonvoum- God of East Africa, farther attributes are not clear.
Khuzwane- created mankind from the mud of the new earth
Kwoth- unseen God, attributes are not known at this time but he is deemed kind.
Le-Eyo –a god of spells and magic he attempted to make the moon die instead of mankind and it backfired, the moon is eternally reborn every month while mankind wanes away and dies.
Legba- trickster god of language and destiny, he will carry a message for you to the gods but likes to garble things up for fun. He appears as an old man.
Leza- god of Weather. Gave honey bird three baskets to use, 2 contained the seeds of all plants, and one was the equivalent of pandora’s box, which was only to be opened by Leza himself.
Libanza- Creator god. He invited the people of the Moon and the people of the Earth to pay him homage in heaven, the people of the Moon came right away and were gifted with immortality for themselves and the moon. Earthlings lingered and when they arrived were disrespectful so they got death, but legend says if you are good you may still get into heaven when you die.
Lisa- sun god.
Maori- creator God, he grew disgruntled with mankind’s complaining and left for heaven.
Massim-biambe: god of reincarnation
Mawu- Goddess of the Moon, she created the world and everything in it.
Mbaba-Mwanna-Waresa: goddess of beer and rainbows.
Mbere- creator god, made a sea lizard which then became Man
Mbokomu- Ancestor Goddess, she is the Daughter of Akongo. She and her family were sent to earth in a basket by her father.
Mebeghe- creator god of the Bwiti religion
Minga-Bengale : god of hunting
Minona- goddess of sorcery, women and crops. Mother of Mawu, Fa, and sister or mother of Legba (no one is sure lol)
Modimo- Supreme god of the Tswana
Morimi- goddess of the bush burning ceremony
Muluku- god of creation, he gave instructions to the living. Humans ignored them but monkeys obeyed so he took the tails off monkeys and put them on humans and banished them into the trees. Aka we’re all monkeys.
Mulungu- god of bureaucracy (you can’t make this stuff up lol)
Musso-Koroni: goddess of discord and hassle
Mwari- supreme creator god of Zimbabwe
Nana-Buluka : a god of the Fon tribe
Nzame- creator god, made humans after talking with the animals. Didn’t like the first human so he tried again. Married the human woman Mboya and had a son Bingo, eventually grew angry with the son and threw him out of heaven, later regretted it and to this day searches the earth to reconcile with him.
Njambi- creator god, he planted the first tree named Omumborombonga from which the first human emerged, he then retreated to heaven and resides as a sky god that offers spiritual wisdom. His name is sacred and not to be invoked accept in thankfulness.
Ndriananahary- creator god, created the earth but thought it was not habitable, so he sent his son Ataokoloinona to check, Ataokoloinona fell into the earth and got lost. So Ndriananahary sent humans to look for him, we’ve been down here ever since.
Ngai- creator god, made the sky, the earth, the plants, animals, and the mountains. Loves mountains and resides in them on visits to earth, created the first humans and left for heaven but was forced to return when we had problems. Created humans to watch over and protect the earth.
Ngewo-wa: creator god that withdrew to the sky after being annoyed by humans
Nyalitch- supreme god of sky and rain of the Dinka people.
Nimba- goddess of fertility
Ninepone- goddess of fertility, night, and females. She is the daughter of Mebeghe, sister to None, Evus, and Ekurana. Lover of Evus and her brother None, she was punished for incest by her mother, the result is that she carries the world upon her head.
Nommo- sons of Amma, one was sacrificed to save the earth. He protected Yasigi from her brother Yurugu. He multiplied into 4 pairs of twins who then became the first humans, ancestors of the Dogon tribe.
None- father of the human race, god of metalwork, ironmongery, arts, crafts, and publishing in the Bwiti religion. Slept with his sister Ninepone and from that union humans were born, unable to control them alone Evus taught him ironwork, carpentry, book binding, textiles, and painting.
Nyaliep- river goddess, daughter of Buk
Nyambe- creator god, he created the forests, animals, plains, light and life, the sun and the moon, his wife Nasilele and his daughter Mwambwa , and the first human Kamunu. Kamunu hounded the God until he and his wife fled to an island, then a mountain, then heaven. They then blinded Spider to keep their location a secret. Kamunu had spied on Nyambe and made weapons instead of tools from metalworking. Nyambe eventually sent Death to rid the world of Kamunu
Nyame- god that took over ruling the world in the stead of Odomankomo
Nyaminyami – half snake half fish river god of the Zambesi river. He grew very upset when they damned up his river and so feasted on the Batonka tribe and several construction workers.
Nyiko- heroic spider god, he was kicked out of heaven for sleeping with his mother
Nyokonan- creator god who sent his son Nyiko to earth for sleeping with his mother
Nyonye-Ngana : eldest son of creator god Bumba. He created ants but the effort was too much and he died, so the ants are to this day preparing to bury him.
Obassi-Osaw : creator god, gave mankind everything except fire. Was made fool of by a little boy who tricked him into trusting him, then stole fire and ran back to earth.
Obatala- one of the Orishas, he was chosen to be the creator of the Earth but went to a party instead. His brother Oduduwa stole the job and became god of Earth. As punishment he was force to make humans, he was still drunk at the time (lol). He is now the Great White God of mankind, god of White Wine, Laundry, and Refrigerators (you cant make this stuff up). He is also god of the North.
Ochosi- one of the Orishas, he is god of hunting and justice.
Odomankomo- the creator god of the Asante people, Death killed him
Oduduwa- creator of the earth, he is god of the Earth and of the South. There is some uncertainty as to whether he is actually male.
Ogo- trickster god, son of Amma his legend of birth is not so pleasant. He is the God of Chaos, and the Barren lands (which he created after raping his mother).
Ogun- an Orishas he is god of metalwork, justice, and oaths
Olorun- Sky god of the Yoruba people, he designed the earth. He is god of peace, justice, and tradition.
Olokun- brother to Olorun and god of the sea. Some alternate claims that he is actually a she, and is married to Olorun
Orunmila- an Orishas, he is the God of divinity and wisdom.
Osanyin- god of herbs.
Oshe- Yoruba god of thunder and lightning
Oshun- Yoruba goddess of Love, creativity, and Sensuality, wife of Shango
Oya- one of the Orishas, she is the goddess of Wind, Weather, Marketing, Undertaking, Disease, mother of nine but it doesn’t say who.
Qamata- top god of the Xhosa people
Rada- God who studied among humans
Raluvumbha- god of the Baventa tribe, nothing else is known about him.
Rugaba- god of spirits
Ruhanga- god that tried to remove death from the world
Ruwa- god of the Djaga tribe, created the garden of Eden, had a favorite tree which random strangers ate while he was away. As punishment he took away humanity’s immortality.
Shakpana- son of Yemaya, one of the Orishas, he is god of Disease and Madness
Sakarabru- god of medicine, justice, and revenge
Shadipinyi- Namibian god of evil and drunkenness, he created beer to make trouble for humans.
She- Yoruba god of thunder and War
Soko- supreme god of the Nupe people, he only talks with the dead
Somtup- god spirit of rites of passage
Sopona- god of smallpox
Sudika-Mbambi : god of thunder, him and his brother Kabundungulu killed demons and monsters, invaded the Underworld and stole the witch daughters of the Underworld king. The sound of thunder is them calling to each other from their forts, one to the east and one to the west.
Tilo- a god that likes to be involved, he has a temper
Tore- god of woods, animals, and hunting
Uhlanga- swamp goddess, wife of creator god Umvelinqangi, and mother of Unkulunkulu
Umvelinqangi- creator god, god of thunder and earthquakes.
Unkulunkulu- top god of south Africa, he gave immortality to mankind via chameleon, the message got their late and they didn’t thank him for it so he got mad and took it away.
Waaqa- supreme god of the monotheistic Oromo people
Wele- creator god, he created the world in six days and rested on the seventh
Were- supreme creator god, a kind god he throws thunderbolts when upset
Woyengi- creator goddess who came to earth via lightning. She created mankind from the mud of the earth, and after letting them chose their sex and job sent them down separate rivers so they couldn’t change their minds
Wulbari- top god that left humanity because of being pestered by an old lady
Wuni- creator god, humans sent a dog to complain about hard conditions, he transferred the message to a goat instead, the goat didn’t make the intention clear so Wuni came to the conclusion that humans wanted to die so he made Death.
Zanahary- bisexual god of Earth and Sky
Australian Gods and Goddesses
Rainbow-Snake : the great creator serpent; he/she rules fertility, growth, and rain. It comes in the female Yingarna the Mother of Creation, and the male Ngalyod the Great transformer of Land. The appearance is a bit odd, having the head of a kangaroo, the tail of a crocodile, and the body of a snake. Record of its image goes back over 8000 years!
Altjira- god of the Dreamtime, he created the earth, supplied all humanity’s needs and left without saying a word.
Bagadjimbiri- is actually two brothers not one person. They appeared out of no where in the forms of dingos, and constructed the first sexual organs so that man could reproduce. They were then killed by a jealous cat spirit, their mother brought them back as water snakes that flew into the air and became clouds. This happened after killing the cat spirit of course.
Baiame – the Creator sky god, he taught humans how to do everything. He was the Father of Daramulum, and the husband of Birrahgnooloo.
Bamapana- trickster god, he created foul language (lol)
Bellin-Bellin : is the Crow god of Wind. He keeps the winds tied up in bags, and is well known for unleashing them upon Bunjil.
Bildjiwuaroju- Creator goddess, daughter of the sun. Her and her brothers came from heaven in a canoe, in their mating they created all the plants and animals. Her and her one brother Miralalou had both male and female genitals. One night her other brother Djanggawul cut off their male genitals and now was the only male.
Binbeal- god of Rainbows, sun of Bunjil
Birrahgnooloo- goddess of fertility and floods. Lover (or wife it doesn’t say) of Baiame, with whom she had her son Daramulum.
Bobbi-Bobbi : is an Oz snake god, and he created the boomerang. He sent bats to feed humans but they couldn’t catch them, so he took one of his ribs and gave it to humans and told them to throw it at the bats. The humans enjoyed throwing it so much they threw it at the sky, it made a hole in Heaven and Bobbi-Bobbi slithered off in disgust.
Bunbulama- a rain goddess she works with a god called Wuluwait.
Bunjil- the Eaglehawk God. He had two wives and a son, the rainbow god Binbeal. He was blow away into heaven by Bellin-Bellin when he asked for wind and got more than he wanted.
Daramulum- Father Sky god. He protects Shamans, controls the weather and lives in the moon. Son of Baiame.
Darana- creator god he shared the earth with humans in Dreamtime. He turned two foolish humans that stole from him and died (not by him) into the Destiny Stones, which the Dieri people guard. If they break the universe will end.
Dhakhan- ancestral god of the Kabi people. Half fish and half snake.
Dilga- goddess of fertility and mother of the Bagadjimbiri brothers.
Eingana- Snake goddess of Primordial Dreamtime, and the mother of Humanity and water animals. Everything came from her, through a spear hole in her groin. She holds our umbilical cord still and if she cuts it we die.
Erathipa- mother goddess of pregnancy fulfillment. She holds the souls of dead children inside her and puts them inside others to be reborn if they want to be a mother.
Gnowee- Holds the Sun as a torch as she looks for her lost son. So she’s a Sun goddess. If she finds her son the sun goes out.
Goanna- lizard god, the information on him is hazy to nonexistent.
Kunapipi- Ogre Goddess that ate humans, until Bunjil cut her open and let them all out.
Ipilya- Lizard god of storms.
Julana- God that travels through the earth and springs up before women with his massive phallus.
Julunggul- Rainbow Snake Goddess of boyhood to manhood transition.
Junkgowa sisters- Goddesses both, they are Goddesses of the Sea and Marine life.
Karora- creator god of the bandicoot clan of the aranda people.
Kidili- a Moon god that got horny after seeing all the women on earth, he came down and got himself castrated by a boomerang, he died from his wounds.
Kultana- God of the Dead from Arnhem land. He is also god of the North Wind and the Rain.
Wati-Kutjara : Lizard gods that came down from a mountain, they taught shamans and rescued the women of earth from Kidili
LumaLuma- god of gluttony and party crashing. He got invited to all sorts of parties until everyone figured out he ate all the food by calling himself sacred and the only one allowed to eat. He then turned to inviting himself, but got tired of leftovers so resorted to eating children. The people didn’t like this so they killed him.
Mamaragan- god of thunder and lightning, he rides a cloud on a storm front and throws lightning for fun, he lives in a puddle between storms.
Manfar-Kunjer-Kunja : a creator god he made humans from logs
Minawara- a creator god he takes the form of a kangaroo, and is brother to Multultu
Miralalou- a child of the sun, he had his penis cut off by his brother Bildjiwuaroju
Ngurunderi- god of cod and fishing. He killed a giant cod that he chased off of the land and created from its body every fish in the sea.
Njirana- father of Julana
Pilirin- god of fire
Tjinimin- bat god, he tried to make love to the Rainbow-Snake’s consorts and got turned down multiple times, eventually he got mad and stabbed the Rainbow-Snake, which then writhed away into the sea and took all fire with it. He was there when they made new fire and became afraid of it, so he took to hiding in caves and hanging upside down. His nose fell off as well.
Ulanji- snake god, father of the Binbinga tribe
Waang- crow god of the Wurundjeri
Wallungunder- ruler of the Galaxy, top god
Wandjina- Creator gods they made the milky way in the Dreamtime. They look remarkably like aliens
Waramurungundju- mother of all, a fertility goddess, she made all the languages of the world. She and her husband Wuraka walked out of the sea, and then back into it.
Wawalug- fertility goddesses they were daughters of Djanggawul and family. They were once swallowed by Yrlunggur but she spit them back out.
Wuluwait- rain god, consort to bunbulama. He makes rain from tying water grass together.
Wuraka- fertility god, father of all peoples, he walked out of the sea with his wife. He had a penis so long he had to loop it over his neck so it didn’t drag on the ground.
Yalungur- god that was castrated and then created a vagina in place of his old penis.
Yhi- she awoke in Dreamtime and made all the animals and plants. It took three tries to get it right but eventually she did. She came back when man was lonely and made woman from the most beautiful flower.
Yrlunggur- the Great Rainbow Snake of the Murngin people. He doesn’t like the smell of menstrual blood and ate the Wawalug sisters, the other snakes got mad so he threw them back up.
Dreams of the Goddess
One night I had a wondrous dream,One set of footprints there was seen,The footprints of the Goddess they were,But mine were not along the shore.
But then some stranger prints appeared,and I asked Her, "What have we here?These prints are large and round and neat,But much too big to be from feet."
"My child," She said in somber tones,"For miles I carried you alone.I challenged you to walk in faith,But you refused and made me wait."
"You would not learn, you would not grow,The walk of faith, you would not know,So I got tired, I got fed up,And there I dropped you on your butt.
"Because in life, there comes a timeWhen one must fight, and one must climb,When one must rise and take a stand,Or leave their butt prints in the sand."
Author Unknown
But then some stranger prints appeared,and I asked Her, "What have we here?These prints are large and round and neat,But much too big to be from feet."
"My child," She said in somber tones,"For miles I carried you alone.I challenged you to walk in faith,But you refused and made me wait."
"You would not learn, you would not grow,The walk of faith, you would not know,So I got tired, I got fed up,And there I dropped you on your butt.
"Because in life, there comes a timeWhen one must fight, and one must climb,When one must rise and take a stand,Or leave their butt prints in the sand."
Author Unknown
Bill of No Rights
The Bill of No Rights
The following was written by State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Cobb County, GA
We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid any more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden delusional and other liberal, commie, pinko bedwetters.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that a whole lot of people were confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim that they require a Bill of No Rights.
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone - not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the World is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VII: You don't have the right to demand that our children risk their lives in foreign wars to soothe your aching conscience. We hate oppressive governments and won't lift a finger to stop you from going to fight if you'd like. However, we do not enjoy parenting the entire world and do not want to spend so much of our time battling each and every little tyrant with a military uniform and a funny hat.
ARTICLE VIII: You don't have the right to a job. All of us sure want all of you to have one, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.
ARTICLE X: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness - which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
The following was written by State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Cobb County, GA
We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid any more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden delusional and other liberal, commie, pinko bedwetters.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that a whole lot of people were confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim that they require a Bill of No Rights.
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone - not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the World is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VII: You don't have the right to demand that our children risk their lives in foreign wars to soothe your aching conscience. We hate oppressive governments and won't lift a finger to stop you from going to fight if you'd like. However, we do not enjoy parenting the entire world and do not want to spend so much of our time battling each and every little tyrant with a military uniform and a funny hat.
ARTICLE VIII: You don't have the right to a job. All of us sure want all of you to have one, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.
ARTICLE X: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness - which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
Start your own Religion - real and joke versions
RealReasons to create your own real religion.1)You cant find a single religion that works for you.2)You and a group of people you know all agree on spiritual issues but you cant find a single religion that works for you.3)You recieved a message from a divine being.4)You think the religion you're already a part of it corrupted or wrong and you have a way to fix it.5)You think you figured out something no one else has.
Things you'll need (to do) for your Religion.1)A world Philosophy2)A structure of Core Beliefs3)A structure of Rim Beliefs4)A view on Divinity5)A Code of Conduct6)A system of Organization7)Continuity8)A system of Training your priests or members9)A Goal for Followers10)A view on Afterlife11)A view on the Human condition12)A name13)Do research of established religions.14)Make it feel like you've always been a part of it.15)Be completely honest about your beliefs, avoid justifications.
1)A world philosophy. How does your religion view the world and/or life? Is it bad, good, a learning experience, etc. What are the problems? what are the Solutions? What is your religion's role or the role of humanity in the world?
2)You will need a structure of core beliefs that dont change. If there are no core beliefs then your "religion" is really just a group of eclectics with the same title.
3)You will need a structure of rim beliefs. There are beliefs that are completely individualized. If your religion has no rim beliefs then there will be no growth or branching, all you will have is sheep following what you told them to do. Rim beliefs allow members of the religion to alter their personal beliefs without changing the religion they follow because they still have the same core beliefs as the religion.
4)You will of course need a view on Divinity. Does it exist? Is it singular or divided? Several systems are...Animism -belief systems that attribute souls to animals, plants, and other non human entities in addition to humans.Deism -supreme god, takes no roll in universal events.Duotheism -two gods, complementary and equalDitheism -two gods, oppose each other and are equalHenotheism -devotion to one god with belief in existence of other gods.Monism -belief that everything can be taken down to one thing. ranging from the mind is not real to the physical is not real.Monolatry -recognize existence of many gods, worship only one.Monotheism -only one god. may have multiple facets of being. Christian -father, son, holy ghost.Pandeism -god precedes the universe and is the universes creator but currently the universe is god but it will one day return to being only god and no universe.Panentheism -god is the universe, plus extends beyond the universe. all nature is a part of god but god is not solely nature.Pantheism -all gods are one god; god is nature, Polytheism -worship of multiple godsTranstheism -an Absolute exists in trancendence over the gods.Fideism -faith unaffected by reason, reason and rationality dont matter. only faith and revelations matter.Fetishism -belief that an object has powersNaturalism - everything labeled 'supernatural' really isnt supernatural.Pluralism - the universe is made up of several substances. -ex: greek -earth, water, fire, air.Dualism -philosophy that some mental phenomena are non physical and related directly to the soul.Shamanism -spirits effect the world, relationships can be formed, animals can bear omens, spirits can be good or bad.Theism - deities exist, immanent yet trancendant; they are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresentNontheism -reject possibility of deities, atheism and agnostism are nontheistic. Not the same as irreligion.Immanence - divine being acts within the universeTrancendence - divine being is beyond the physicalMisotheism -hatred of godsPolydeism -multiple gods, none of which are interested in the universe anymore.Humanism -religion should not effect human affairs
5)You will need a recommended Code of Conduct. What are things that people shouldnt do? What is wrong? What is right? What actions will eventually lead to your being a better person?
6)You will need a system of organization for your members. Whose a priest? Who does what in services and rituals? Whose incharge? How do people get different tasks?Several systems are...Hierarchical - different people are in charge or above other people; whether by education or power.Council - all members of a defined grouping of religious members have a say in a council to decide what the entire group does.Autonomous - there is no organized connection between groupings of religious members.Electoral - leaders are elected by the group.Rotary - members take turns with the different positions in the group.Chronological - Members get positions based on who has been a part of the group the longest.Degree -members with higher educations and training get more responsibility.
You will also need to distinguish who is a member of the Priesthood and who is not.There seem to be only three systems...Everyone is Laity (no one is a priest).Everyone is part of the priesthood (no laity).Or a mixture of both.
7)You will need a method of ensuring continuity. How does one person learn about the path? How do they teach it to someone that wants to learn?
8)You will of course need a method of training priests or informing members.
9)Obviously you will need a religious goal for Members of the religion. If there is no goal what is the point of being a member of the religion?
10)You will need a view on what happens after this life.Systems seem to be...Reincarnation.Perminent Afterlife Location (heaven and hell).Temporary Afterlife Location.Oneness with the Universe.Deification.And 'nothing'.
11)Your religion may need a view on the condition of Humanity.Several systems are...Humanity is Innately Flawed.Humanity is flawed by action.Humanity is fine.Humanity can grow.Humanity is flawed but theres no problem with that.Humanity is small and insignificant.
12)And you will of course need a name that hasnt already been taken. A name should be based on something important to your religion, be it your name, something profound, a tenant, a deity, or something symbolic. Technically you may need two names, one for the religion itself and one for the members of the religion.Several suffixes for religions and groupings are...ism -act, practive, doctrineary -group ofation -concept ofcity -practiceSeveral suffixes for the members or a group or religion -groupan -membershipent -ian - pertaining toier -ist -personite -member of a groupling -smaller or cuter version of the noun, shares a quality or identity eg as a followeror, er -personster -personacea -belonging toary, ory, ery - relating to, qualityid ,ide -belonging toine -having the characteristic of
13)If you're going to make a real religion you need to be completely honest about your personal beliefs. You also need to avoid making justifications for your flaws.
14)To help in the construction of your religion do research of established religions and organizations.
15)Remember the main goal of every religion is personal relationship with the divine and personal betterment. If you construct it right it should feel like you're just giving yourself a name for something you've been all along.
----------------------------------------------------FakeReasons to make a Fake religion.1)you're bored2)you're broke3)you're a meglomaniac
Things you'll need (to do)1)Find a good name. beware acronyms.2)Blame some entity for everything bad.3)Completely remove peoples need to think for themselves.4)Find something that will make people flock to you.5)Make your authority absolute.6)Make something in the afterlife terrible.7)Forgiveness only handed out by your group.8)Keep it easy to remember.9)Organize it.10)Only you know whats wrong.11)Make up something stupid as a gimmick.12)Only your group gets a good afterlife.13)Dont take it too seriously.14)Make up some commandments.15)Make up a list of good entities.16)Make a few myths.17)Be skimpy on what your actual beliefs are.18)Tell everyone you're persecuted.19)Create a logical fallacy to protect the religion.20)overlay the beliefs with real religions.21)keep it ambiguous22)Always refer to your god(s) with special names like "The Great God" or such.23)Write a bible in a fake language and make up meanings for symbols and 'words'24)make a few rules and beliefs that contradict so followers can pick and chose25)make them feel guilty26)make a bunch of fake rituals27)pretend its really really old.
1)Find a good name, something not previously used and something that sounds cool. No one will want to join you if you call yourselves the "Shitters" and if you call yourselves something thats already taken you're just gonna get your asses kicked. Also beware acronyms, they can make your name look dumb.
2)Make up some entity and blame it for everything bad. This way people get to avoid responsibility for their actions, which every fluffy and idiot wants.
3)Completely remove followers need to think for themselves. Again fluffies and idiots dont like to think, so help them out by taking away the need to do so.
4)Find a gimmick that will make people come join your group.
5)Make your authority absolute. No one but you knows what the religion is really about and anyone that says something different from you is a heretic.
6)Make something in the afterlife terrible. This gives people a reason to do what you want them to. To "save" them from the terrible afterlife.
7)Make sure that everyone knows that everyone is bad and the only way to be forgiven for being bad is by asking you or your Deit(y/ies) to forgive them.
8)Keep things easy to remember. Remember these people dont want to think, struggling to remember something is thinking.
9)Organize it with your goal in mind. Want money? you're in charge or the coffers. Want power? You're at the top of the food chain. Want it to spread like wild fire? Everyone is completely autonomous.
10)Only you or your group knows what is wrong with the world, therefore only you can fix it.
11)Make up something stupid as a gimmick, people love stupid gimicks.
12)Make sure everyone knows only your group gets a good afterlife, this gives everyone else a reason to join your group.
13)Dont take it too seriously, remember you're pulling this out of your ass. If you truly start thinking a giant purple polka dot skinned octopus alien is in the sky telling you what to do you'll be locked up.
14)Make up some commandments. Give the people rules to follow. Make sure shit you like to do is allowed.
15)Make up a list of "good" entities for people to like and pray to and such. The Angel Archy for example.
16)Make up a few myths to flesh things out. Like the time the Great God Bobby Tim fought the three headed lion demon.
17)Be skimpy on what you actually believe. If no one knows what the religion is actually about you have more idiots to pick from.
18)Tell everyone your group that you just invented 5 minutes ago is being persecuted and has been persecuted since ancient times.
19)Create a logical fallacy to protect the religion. Ex: doubts are the Great God's Enemy's way of trying to lead you from the true path.
20)Overlay the beliefs with real religions. If people see similarities with religions they know about they might think you're not pulling it out of your ass.
21)Make it ambiguous. Make two gods that are enemies, dont tell people which one is bad and which one is good. They'll make shit up and fight over it on their own. 22)Always refer to your god(s) with special names and titles like "The Great God" or "The Terrible One". People hear it enough they'll start to think its true.
23)Write a fake bible in a fake language and make up meanings for symbols and words.
24)Make a few rules and beliefs that contradict one an other so people can pick and chose which ones they believe in.
25)Make them feel guilty for doing shit they do every day. Then they'll pray and ask forgiveness or come to you and ask you to forgive them. Triple points if you make them feel guilty for a bodily function like breathing or crapping.
26)Make a bunch of fake rituals for them to act silly in. Double points if you make the rituals illegal and convince others that its proof of your being persecuted.
27)Pretend that its really really old. Double points if you can find something to 'prove' it. Of course you dont need to show anyone else the supposed proof just make them believe it.
Things you'll need (to do) for your Religion.1)A world Philosophy2)A structure of Core Beliefs3)A structure of Rim Beliefs4)A view on Divinity5)A Code of Conduct6)A system of Organization7)Continuity8)A system of Training your priests or members9)A Goal for Followers10)A view on Afterlife11)A view on the Human condition12)A name13)Do research of established religions.14)Make it feel like you've always been a part of it.15)Be completely honest about your beliefs, avoid justifications.
1)A world philosophy. How does your religion view the world and/or life? Is it bad, good, a learning experience, etc. What are the problems? what are the Solutions? What is your religion's role or the role of humanity in the world?
2)You will need a structure of core beliefs that dont change. If there are no core beliefs then your "religion" is really just a group of eclectics with the same title.
3)You will need a structure of rim beliefs. There are beliefs that are completely individualized. If your religion has no rim beliefs then there will be no growth or branching, all you will have is sheep following what you told them to do. Rim beliefs allow members of the religion to alter their personal beliefs without changing the religion they follow because they still have the same core beliefs as the religion.
4)You will of course need a view on Divinity. Does it exist? Is it singular or divided? Several systems are...Animism -belief systems that attribute souls to animals, plants, and other non human entities in addition to humans.Deism -supreme god, takes no roll in universal events.Duotheism -two gods, complementary and equalDitheism -two gods, oppose each other and are equalHenotheism -devotion to one god with belief in existence of other gods.Monism -belief that everything can be taken down to one thing. ranging from the mind is not real to the physical is not real.Monolatry -recognize existence of many gods, worship only one.Monotheism -only one god. may have multiple facets of being. Christian -father, son, holy ghost.Pandeism -god precedes the universe and is the universes creator but currently the universe is god but it will one day return to being only god and no universe.Panentheism -god is the universe, plus extends beyond the universe. all nature is a part of god but god is not solely nature.Pantheism -all gods are one god; god is nature, Polytheism -worship of multiple godsTranstheism -an Absolute exists in trancendence over the gods.Fideism -faith unaffected by reason, reason and rationality dont matter. only faith and revelations matter.Fetishism -belief that an object has powersNaturalism - everything labeled 'supernatural' really isnt supernatural.Pluralism - the universe is made up of several substances. -ex: greek -earth, water, fire, air.Dualism -philosophy that some mental phenomena are non physical and related directly to the soul.Shamanism -spirits effect the world, relationships can be formed, animals can bear omens, spirits can be good or bad.Theism - deities exist, immanent yet trancendant; they are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresentNontheism -reject possibility of deities, atheism and agnostism are nontheistic. Not the same as irreligion.Immanence - divine being acts within the universeTrancendence - divine being is beyond the physicalMisotheism -hatred of godsPolydeism -multiple gods, none of which are interested in the universe anymore.Humanism -religion should not effect human affairs
5)You will need a recommended Code of Conduct. What are things that people shouldnt do? What is wrong? What is right? What actions will eventually lead to your being a better person?
6)You will need a system of organization for your members. Whose a priest? Who does what in services and rituals? Whose incharge? How do people get different tasks?Several systems are...Hierarchical - different people are in charge or above other people; whether by education or power.Council - all members of a defined grouping of religious members have a say in a council to decide what the entire group does.Autonomous - there is no organized connection between groupings of religious members.Electoral - leaders are elected by the group.Rotary - members take turns with the different positions in the group.Chronological - Members get positions based on who has been a part of the group the longest.Degree -members with higher educations and training get more responsibility.
You will also need to distinguish who is a member of the Priesthood and who is not.There seem to be only three systems...Everyone is Laity (no one is a priest).Everyone is part of the priesthood (no laity).Or a mixture of both.
7)You will need a method of ensuring continuity. How does one person learn about the path? How do they teach it to someone that wants to learn?
8)You will of course need a method of training priests or informing members.
9)Obviously you will need a religious goal for Members of the religion. If there is no goal what is the point of being a member of the religion?
10)You will need a view on what happens after this life.Systems seem to be...Reincarnation.Perminent Afterlife Location (heaven and hell).Temporary Afterlife Location.Oneness with the Universe.Deification.And 'nothing'.
11)Your religion may need a view on the condition of Humanity.Several systems are...Humanity is Innately Flawed.Humanity is flawed by action.Humanity is fine.Humanity can grow.Humanity is flawed but theres no problem with that.Humanity is small and insignificant.
12)And you will of course need a name that hasnt already been taken. A name should be based on something important to your religion, be it your name, something profound, a tenant, a deity, or something symbolic. Technically you may need two names, one for the religion itself and one for the members of the religion.Several suffixes for religions and groupings are...ism -act, practive, doctrineary -group ofation -concept ofcity -practiceSeveral suffixes for the members or a group or religion -groupan -membershipent -ian - pertaining toier -ist -personite -member of a groupling -smaller or cuter version of the noun, shares a quality or identity eg as a followeror, er -personster -personacea -belonging toary, ory, ery - relating to, qualityid ,ide -belonging toine -having the characteristic of
13)If you're going to make a real religion you need to be completely honest about your personal beliefs. You also need to avoid making justifications for your flaws.
14)To help in the construction of your religion do research of established religions and organizations.
15)Remember the main goal of every religion is personal relationship with the divine and personal betterment. If you construct it right it should feel like you're just giving yourself a name for something you've been all along.
----------------------------------------------------FakeReasons to make a Fake religion.1)you're bored2)you're broke3)you're a meglomaniac
Things you'll need (to do)1)Find a good name. beware acronyms.2)Blame some entity for everything bad.3)Completely remove peoples need to think for themselves.4)Find something that will make people flock to you.5)Make your authority absolute.6)Make something in the afterlife terrible.7)Forgiveness only handed out by your group.8)Keep it easy to remember.9)Organize it.10)Only you know whats wrong.11)Make up something stupid as a gimmick.12)Only your group gets a good afterlife.13)Dont take it too seriously.14)Make up some commandments.15)Make up a list of good entities.16)Make a few myths.17)Be skimpy on what your actual beliefs are.18)Tell everyone you're persecuted.19)Create a logical fallacy to protect the religion.20)overlay the beliefs with real religions.21)keep it ambiguous22)Always refer to your god(s) with special names like "The Great God" or such.23)Write a bible in a fake language and make up meanings for symbols and 'words'24)make a few rules and beliefs that contradict so followers can pick and chose25)make them feel guilty26)make a bunch of fake rituals27)pretend its really really old.
1)Find a good name, something not previously used and something that sounds cool. No one will want to join you if you call yourselves the "Shitters" and if you call yourselves something thats already taken you're just gonna get your asses kicked. Also beware acronyms, they can make your name look dumb.
2)Make up some entity and blame it for everything bad. This way people get to avoid responsibility for their actions, which every fluffy and idiot wants.
3)Completely remove followers need to think for themselves. Again fluffies and idiots dont like to think, so help them out by taking away the need to do so.
4)Find a gimmick that will make people come join your group.
5)Make your authority absolute. No one but you knows what the religion is really about and anyone that says something different from you is a heretic.
6)Make something in the afterlife terrible. This gives people a reason to do what you want them to. To "save" them from the terrible afterlife.
7)Make sure that everyone knows that everyone is bad and the only way to be forgiven for being bad is by asking you or your Deit(y/ies) to forgive them.
8)Keep things easy to remember. Remember these people dont want to think, struggling to remember something is thinking.
9)Organize it with your goal in mind. Want money? you're in charge or the coffers. Want power? You're at the top of the food chain. Want it to spread like wild fire? Everyone is completely autonomous.
10)Only you or your group knows what is wrong with the world, therefore only you can fix it.
11)Make up something stupid as a gimmick, people love stupid gimicks.
12)Make sure everyone knows only your group gets a good afterlife, this gives everyone else a reason to join your group.
13)Dont take it too seriously, remember you're pulling this out of your ass. If you truly start thinking a giant purple polka dot skinned octopus alien is in the sky telling you what to do you'll be locked up.
14)Make up some commandments. Give the people rules to follow. Make sure shit you like to do is allowed.
15)Make up a list of "good" entities for people to like and pray to and such. The Angel Archy for example.
16)Make up a few myths to flesh things out. Like the time the Great God Bobby Tim fought the three headed lion demon.
17)Be skimpy on what you actually believe. If no one knows what the religion is actually about you have more idiots to pick from.
18)Tell everyone your group that you just invented 5 minutes ago is being persecuted and has been persecuted since ancient times.
19)Create a logical fallacy to protect the religion. Ex: doubts are the Great God's Enemy's way of trying to lead you from the true path.
20)Overlay the beliefs with real religions. If people see similarities with religions they know about they might think you're not pulling it out of your ass.
21)Make it ambiguous. Make two gods that are enemies, dont tell people which one is bad and which one is good. They'll make shit up and fight over it on their own. 22)Always refer to your god(s) with special names and titles like "The Great God" or "The Terrible One". People hear it enough they'll start to think its true.
23)Write a fake bible in a fake language and make up meanings for symbols and words.
24)Make a few rules and beliefs that contradict one an other so people can pick and chose which ones they believe in.
25)Make them feel guilty for doing shit they do every day. Then they'll pray and ask forgiveness or come to you and ask you to forgive them. Triple points if you make them feel guilty for a bodily function like breathing or crapping.
26)Make a bunch of fake rituals for them to act silly in. Double points if you make the rituals illegal and convince others that its proof of your being persecuted.
27)Pretend that its really really old. Double points if you can find something to 'prove' it. Of course you dont need to show anyone else the supposed proof just make them believe it.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hedge Witchery
The word hedgewitch comes from the Saxon word haegtessa meaning 'hedge-rider'. The hedge in hedge witchery is not a fence of shrubs and wildlife, but instead represents the border between our material world and the otherworld - the unknown. In trance-work (also called journey-work or journeying) the hedgewitch crosses this border in order to contact spirits on the other side to learn from them and bring back knowledge to the material world. A hedgewitch may also use this ability to enter trance in healing rituals, both physical and mental, and also to perform divination. These practices are very shamanistic in nature. Shamans from around the world would talk to spirits and ancestors through trancework in order to learn about specific chants and herbs for healing. Illnesses were sometimes thought to be caused by evil spirits and it was the shaman's job, along with the help of their spirit guides, to drive out the evil spirits from the afflicted person. These practices can be linked from the fairy doctors of the UK to the halaait of British Columbia. The hedgewitch is essentially a witch doctor, with the difference being that their practices are usually based on European witchcraft most likely stemming from the spaewives, völvas, seiðkona, and fairy doctors of our pagan ancestors.
Hedgewitches use various methods to enter into trance including: entheogens (hallucinogens), meditation, breathing exercises, dancing, drumming, visualization, and others. Usually hedge witchery is not a path on its own, but instead is part of the practices of a cultural or traditional witch. The practices of contacting ancestors (both ancient and recently deceased family members), spirit guides (familiar spirits), the good folk, and others are all a part of traditional witchcraft practices. The use of entheogens is always controversial. There is evidence along with recipes for the use of hallucinogens by witches in the Middle Ages and later, one example being the use of flying ointments. Before then, psychoactive plants may have been used by our pagan ancestors in their religious rituals and ceremonies. (Note: Do NOT attempt to make and use a flying ointment unless guided by a professional herbalist or a very experienced practitioner, many of the ingredients are poisonous and harmfull even just to the touch)
The use of Hedge Witchery in this entry is not to be confused with the definition presented in Rae Beth's books, which is more akin to green witchcraft.
Cunning-Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic by Emma Wilby
R.J. Stewart Books
The Real Middle Earth: Exploring the Magic and Mystery of the Dark Ages (don't be fooled this book is an academic text and not about LOTR)
Crossing the Borderlines: Guising, Masking, and Ritual Animal Disguises in the European Tradition
Hallucinogens and Shamanism
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs
The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs
Witches' Ointments
"Drugs, Witches, and the Flight to the Sabbat" by Jeremy Harte
"Hedgecraft" by Draig Tiernan
"If Witches No Longer Fly: Today's Pagans and Solanaceous Plants" by Chas S. Clifton (PDF)
"How You Can Produce a Profound Shamanic Trance" by Joseph Wilson
copied from Lolair
Hedgewitches use various methods to enter into trance including: entheogens (hallucinogens), meditation, breathing exercises, dancing, drumming, visualization, and others. Usually hedge witchery is not a path on its own, but instead is part of the practices of a cultural or traditional witch. The practices of contacting ancestors (both ancient and recently deceased family members), spirit guides (familiar spirits), the good folk, and others are all a part of traditional witchcraft practices. The use of entheogens is always controversial. There is evidence along with recipes for the use of hallucinogens by witches in the Middle Ages and later, one example being the use of flying ointments. Before then, psychoactive plants may have been used by our pagan ancestors in their religious rituals and ceremonies. (Note: Do NOT attempt to make and use a flying ointment unless guided by a professional herbalist or a very experienced practitioner, many of the ingredients are poisonous and harmfull even just to the touch)
The use of Hedge Witchery in this entry is not to be confused with the definition presented in Rae Beth's books, which is more akin to green witchcraft.
Cunning-Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic by Emma Wilby
R.J. Stewart Books
The Real Middle Earth: Exploring the Magic and Mystery of the Dark Ages (don't be fooled this book is an academic text and not about LOTR)
Crossing the Borderlines: Guising, Masking, and Ritual Animal Disguises in the European Tradition
Hallucinogens and Shamanism
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs
The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs
Witches' Ointments
"Drugs, Witches, and the Flight to the Sabbat" by Jeremy Harte
"Hedgecraft" by Draig Tiernan
"If Witches No Longer Fly: Today's Pagans and Solanaceous Plants" by Chas S. Clifton (PDF)
"How You Can Produce a Profound Shamanic Trance" by Joseph Wilson
copied from Lolair
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Gods of the Wicca
This is borrowed from Wicca Explained, one of the best and most factual representations of the religion I have yet seen. The site belongs to Spunky and Luthaneal and I urge each of you to check it and their forum out as there is a lot of good information there.
The Triple Goddess
The deities of Wicca are a balance of masculine and feminine, with a God and a Goddess.
The Goddess, also commonly referred to as The Lady or the Triple Goddess, is followed by many people, both Wiccan and otherwise.
She has been an inspiration to many people and many Pagan paths.
Like the Horned God, her true name is revealed to Wiccans after initiation, but this in no way stops people from getting to know her and form a close, personal relationship with her in their own way.
Who is the Triple Goddess?
The Triple Goddess is the divine personification of nature itself. Her identity has been inspired by many Goddesses throughout history and across many cultures. She exists as part of the “Great Goddess” tradition that exists in many cultures, from the Celts, to North Africa and even as far away as China and Japan. In this way she is both an old and new Goddess, given form in modern culture as the Triple Goddess, but at the same time being the embodiment of certain ideas and impressions that have been expressed as part of the human condition for thousands of years and variously expressed through many different Goddesses across the world.
As a Great Goddess she stands as head of her pantheon alongside her Lord, the Horned God. She is the creatrix that brings the world into being and the womb that gives birth to her divine companion.
She is nature itself, present in all things and as such we may view her as inseparable from the body of the Earth. She is there in the firmament below us and the sky above us, giving life to everything and changing with the seasons.
Goddess of the Esbat
As the God is connected with the Sun, so the Goddess is embodied by the Moon. The Moon guides the tides and shows us the silvery light that may guide us through the darkness, just as she may guide each seeker through the Mysteries of her faith.
Each month Wiccans covens gather at meetings which are often called “Esbats”. These Esbats commonly occur at the Full Moon and are traditionally celebrations of the Goddess, where she herself is called to manifest in person before the coven.
The Goddess is often seen to present herself in three aspects, hence being a Triple Goddess. These three forms are Maiden, Mother and Crone, the life of woman which is also represented in the changing cycle of the Moon.
As the Maiden she is portrayed in the power of the waxing moon, which starts unseen and then grows in power and brightness.
Here she is the young, innocent Goddess.
In the Full Moon we see the fertility of the young Goddess reach its climax as she is made full and pregnant. The Moon is at its brightest and filled with power.
She is a provider, protector and teacher for her children.
As the Moon wanes we see the face of the Goddess as Crone, the post-menopausal old women who has passed through youth and motherhood and emerged richer and wiser. She is declining and approaching death, but what she has to offer is the valuable secrets of experience.
The Horned God
The consort of the Goddess is commonly referred to as The Horned God, by those who follow him, whether Wiccan or not.
The true name of this God as used by Wiccans is a guarded secret that is only revealed after initiation. But not knowing the name of The Horned God does not stop people knowing who he is and the role he may take in our lives. More importantly, this is the first step to achieving a relationship with him.
Who is the Horned God?
The personage of The Horned God has been inspired by the myths of many Gods from around the world, as well as various fictional works that are often noted as milestones to modern Paganism.
World mythology has many Gods with horns, wear horned headdresses or otherwise have horns as a symbol to represent them. The Horned God of the Wicca follows in this tradition. It should be noted though, that The Horned God is more rightly viewed as an Antlered God, rather than literal horns, making him synonymous with the noble stag and the way in which deer grow and shed their antlers with the change of the seasons. This too is part of his imagery and a note to his British heritage.
The Horned God is a diune God, meaning that he exists in two primary elements, which in his case are the God of Life, and the God of Death. These two identities are different sides of who he is – aspects of his personality which become evident as the seasons change and the God engages in his continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth.
As he moves between his dark and light aspects, The Horned God adopts different roles which reflect his duties in the changing seasons of the world. To make these roles easier to understand, they have been divided below into who he is according to the four great Sabbats and who he is in the imagery of the Solstices & Equinoxes.
The God of the Sabbats
The Young God
From the Yule to Midsummer the God progresses from a child to a man. This part of his life, as a youth, is best represented in the Sabbats of Imbolg and Bealtaine.
At Imbolg we see the young God as a child playing merrily in the newly born natural world. He is taking his first steps into the forest, which will someday rule as a king. But for now he is a child, revealing in the joys of the fields and the forests.
As we move to Bealtaine he has grown into a strong and virile youth, romantically frolicking with the Goddess in the forest that he has now claimed for his own. He is like the stag, walking tall and proud, and assuming sexual dominance in his territory.
The Corn King
When the Sabbat of Lughnassadh comes round, it is the beginning of the Harvest time. By now the Horned God is old and this is his time of sacrifice. The God is one with the land and so he willingly gives his life in the grain harvest so that his people will be able to eat in the coming cold seasons.
This is the Horned God in the role of The Corn King, the lord of the fields whose body is the food of the community. He is a willing sacrifice and the harvests mark his transition from God of Life to God of Death.
The Lord of the Underworld
With Autumn and Winter the Horned God has taken up his throne in the Underworld. He is the Dark God of death, and ruler of the realm of spirits. He opens the door between life and death on Samhain and then is protector of the Goddess as she passes through the Underworld to emerge as the new world on the other side of death, path which time she will prepare for the rebirth of the God on Yule.
The Imagery of the Solstices and Equinoxes
The Solstices and Equinoxes are events in the passage of the Sun, marking the shortest day, longest day and the times when night and day equal.
Yule: The shortest day and longest night. This is the rebirth of the Sun and likewise, the rebirth of the Horned God into this world.
Spring Equinox: The nights have shortened and the days have lengthened, now they stand in balance, with night and day equal.
Midsummer: The longest day of the year and the shortest night. The height of the Sun’s power and likewise the height of the God’s strength in this world.
Autumn Equinox: As the world wanes back towards the cold seasons, night and day once more equalise.
As one can see, these holidays demonstrate the growth of The Horned God (as God of the Sun) as he grows, matures and then recedes. Effectively, the Sabbats marks the significant events in the life of The Horned God, whereas the Solstices demonstrate his growth and power.
The Oak King and Holly King
Two other identities that are sometimes associated with the Horned God are the Oak King and the Holly King.
The Oak King is the representation of the Horned God as Lord of the living forest. He is the King of life and is represented by the mighty Oak tree, which I green through Spring and Summer, and one of the mightiest trees in the forest.
The Holly King is the representation of the Horned God as Lord of death and the slumbering forest. He is represented by the Holly bush, which remains green all year round, but most significantly it continues to grow unstoppably in the Autumn and Winter. At this time the Holly becomes the crown of the forest.
The Oak King and Holly King enter the mythology of the Wicca at Midsummer, where they become identities for the dark and light sides of the God’s character. At this time, the Sun is at it’s most powerful, but being as this is the longest day of the year, after this the days will start to reduce and the night will become longer. So it is here that the Oak King and Holly King are seen to do battle. The Oak King reaches the Height of his power, but ultimately he is slain by the Holly King, who then assumes the throne of the forest and begins to usher in the time of the growing night and the coming of the cold seasons.
The Triple Goddess
The deities of Wicca are a balance of masculine and feminine, with a God and a Goddess.
The Goddess, also commonly referred to as The Lady or the Triple Goddess, is followed by many people, both Wiccan and otherwise.
She has been an inspiration to many people and many Pagan paths.
Like the Horned God, her true name is revealed to Wiccans after initiation, but this in no way stops people from getting to know her and form a close, personal relationship with her in their own way.
Who is the Triple Goddess?
The Triple Goddess is the divine personification of nature itself. Her identity has been inspired by many Goddesses throughout history and across many cultures. She exists as part of the “Great Goddess” tradition that exists in many cultures, from the Celts, to North Africa and even as far away as China and Japan. In this way she is both an old and new Goddess, given form in modern culture as the Triple Goddess, but at the same time being the embodiment of certain ideas and impressions that have been expressed as part of the human condition for thousands of years and variously expressed through many different Goddesses across the world.
As a Great Goddess she stands as head of her pantheon alongside her Lord, the Horned God. She is the creatrix that brings the world into being and the womb that gives birth to her divine companion.
She is nature itself, present in all things and as such we may view her as inseparable from the body of the Earth. She is there in the firmament below us and the sky above us, giving life to everything and changing with the seasons.
Goddess of the Esbat
As the God is connected with the Sun, so the Goddess is embodied by the Moon. The Moon guides the tides and shows us the silvery light that may guide us through the darkness, just as she may guide each seeker through the Mysteries of her faith.
Each month Wiccans covens gather at meetings which are often called “Esbats”. These Esbats commonly occur at the Full Moon and are traditionally celebrations of the Goddess, where she herself is called to manifest in person before the coven.
The Goddess is often seen to present herself in three aspects, hence being a Triple Goddess. These three forms are Maiden, Mother and Crone, the life of woman which is also represented in the changing cycle of the Moon.
As the Maiden she is portrayed in the power of the waxing moon, which starts unseen and then grows in power and brightness.
Here she is the young, innocent Goddess.
In the Full Moon we see the fertility of the young Goddess reach its climax as she is made full and pregnant. The Moon is at its brightest and filled with power.
She is a provider, protector and teacher for her children.
As the Moon wanes we see the face of the Goddess as Crone, the post-menopausal old women who has passed through youth and motherhood and emerged richer and wiser. She is declining and approaching death, but what she has to offer is the valuable secrets of experience.
The Horned God
The consort of the Goddess is commonly referred to as The Horned God, by those who follow him, whether Wiccan or not.
The true name of this God as used by Wiccans is a guarded secret that is only revealed after initiation. But not knowing the name of The Horned God does not stop people knowing who he is and the role he may take in our lives. More importantly, this is the first step to achieving a relationship with him.
Who is the Horned God?
The personage of The Horned God has been inspired by the myths of many Gods from around the world, as well as various fictional works that are often noted as milestones to modern Paganism.
World mythology has many Gods with horns, wear horned headdresses or otherwise have horns as a symbol to represent them. The Horned God of the Wicca follows in this tradition. It should be noted though, that The Horned God is more rightly viewed as an Antlered God, rather than literal horns, making him synonymous with the noble stag and the way in which deer grow and shed their antlers with the change of the seasons. This too is part of his imagery and a note to his British heritage.
The Horned God is a diune God, meaning that he exists in two primary elements, which in his case are the God of Life, and the God of Death. These two identities are different sides of who he is – aspects of his personality which become evident as the seasons change and the God engages in his continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth.
As he moves between his dark and light aspects, The Horned God adopts different roles which reflect his duties in the changing seasons of the world. To make these roles easier to understand, they have been divided below into who he is according to the four great Sabbats and who he is in the imagery of the Solstices & Equinoxes.
The God of the Sabbats
The Young God
From the Yule to Midsummer the God progresses from a child to a man. This part of his life, as a youth, is best represented in the Sabbats of Imbolg and Bealtaine.
At Imbolg we see the young God as a child playing merrily in the newly born natural world. He is taking his first steps into the forest, which will someday rule as a king. But for now he is a child, revealing in the joys of the fields and the forests.
As we move to Bealtaine he has grown into a strong and virile youth, romantically frolicking with the Goddess in the forest that he has now claimed for his own. He is like the stag, walking tall and proud, and assuming sexual dominance in his territory.
The Corn King
When the Sabbat of Lughnassadh comes round, it is the beginning of the Harvest time. By now the Horned God is old and this is his time of sacrifice. The God is one with the land and so he willingly gives his life in the grain harvest so that his people will be able to eat in the coming cold seasons.
This is the Horned God in the role of The Corn King, the lord of the fields whose body is the food of the community. He is a willing sacrifice and the harvests mark his transition from God of Life to God of Death.
The Lord of the Underworld
With Autumn and Winter the Horned God has taken up his throne in the Underworld. He is the Dark God of death, and ruler of the realm of spirits. He opens the door between life and death on Samhain and then is protector of the Goddess as she passes through the Underworld to emerge as the new world on the other side of death, path which time she will prepare for the rebirth of the God on Yule.
The Imagery of the Solstices and Equinoxes
The Solstices and Equinoxes are events in the passage of the Sun, marking the shortest day, longest day and the times when night and day equal.
Yule: The shortest day and longest night. This is the rebirth of the Sun and likewise, the rebirth of the Horned God into this world.
Spring Equinox: The nights have shortened and the days have lengthened, now they stand in balance, with night and day equal.
Midsummer: The longest day of the year and the shortest night. The height of the Sun’s power and likewise the height of the God’s strength in this world.
Autumn Equinox: As the world wanes back towards the cold seasons, night and day once more equalise.
As one can see, these holidays demonstrate the growth of The Horned God (as God of the Sun) as he grows, matures and then recedes. Effectively, the Sabbats marks the significant events in the life of The Horned God, whereas the Solstices demonstrate his growth and power.
The Oak King and Holly King
Two other identities that are sometimes associated with the Horned God are the Oak King and the Holly King.
The Oak King is the representation of the Horned God as Lord of the living forest. He is the King of life and is represented by the mighty Oak tree, which I green through Spring and Summer, and one of the mightiest trees in the forest.
The Holly King is the representation of the Horned God as Lord of death and the slumbering forest. He is represented by the Holly bush, which remains green all year round, but most significantly it continues to grow unstoppably in the Autumn and Winter. At this time the Holly becomes the crown of the forest.
The Oak King and Holly King enter the mythology of the Wicca at Midsummer, where they become identities for the dark and light sides of the God’s character. At this time, the Sun is at it’s most powerful, but being as this is the longest day of the year, after this the days will start to reduce and the night will become longer. So it is here that the Oak King and Holly King are seen to do battle. The Oak King reaches the Height of his power, but ultimately he is slain by the Holly King, who then assumes the throne of the forest and begins to usher in the time of the growing night and the coming of the cold seasons.
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