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Friday, January 16, 2009

Gods and Goddesses of the World part 1

African Gods and Goddesses

Abassi- Nigeria, creator god and lord of the sky. Created humans by suggestion of wife Atai.
Abuk- Goddess of Gardening
Achimi- goddess of buffalo, daughter of Itherther.
Adriambahomanana was the first male human, after centuries of life he was forced to stop being human, he chose to be the first banana plant and thus became the god of bananas.
Adriammhilala was the first female human, and after centuries of life she was also forced to stop being human. She became the Moon.
Adro- the evil half of the creator god Adroa, Adro turned into a snake and swam the rivers of the world, evil offspring called Adroanzi came from a slit in his side and populated the earth.
Adroa- the Creator god, he was half good and half evil. He split himself straight down the middle, minus the penis. The good half of him stayed in heaven, while the bad half Adro went down to earth.
Aha-Njoku : goddess of yams and sweet potatoes
Ajok- God of the Lotuko tribe, he is God of Rain and Resurrection. He is benevolent as long as he has sacrifices, and can raise the dead if he wishes.
Akongo- all powerful and benevolent creator God he tried to live on earth with humans but found it too much of an annoyance so he went up to heaven with his daughter Mbokomu
Ala- earth mother goddess of fertility and death, she is the daughter and wife of the Sun God Chuku
Alouroua- creator god of the Baules, no one is allowed to know his appearance.
Amma- Sky god and creator of the universe to the Dogon tribe. He attempted to mate with the earth but was stopped by a termite mound, so he circumcised the earth, and the tribe continues the practice of female circumcision to this day. Father of Ogo, Yurugu, Yasigi, and the Nommo.
Anansi- spider trickster god he is also the god of creation, he made the sun and the moon and the night and the day.
Asa- god of fatherhood, said to be strong protective and generous
Atai- wife of Abassi, goddess of Death and arguments
Azrail- god of death in Tunisia.
Babalu-aye : god of healing, he is one of the Orishas.
Bayanni- sister of Shango, she is the goddess of a ceremonial headpiece. (not sure what that means lol)
Banga- god of Waters
Buk- goddess of rivers, streams, and the source of life. She is the mother of Deng (son), Candit, and Dyaliep. (daughters)
Bumba- creator god of the universe, created the universe by throwing up. He threw up the sun, stars, earth, humans, and nine creatures which then became everything on earth. Father to Nyonye-ngana, Chonganda, and Chedi-Bumba.
Cagn- shape shifting god, if he dies or is eaten his bones come together and he is reformed. His sandals become guard dogs.
Candit- daughter of Buk, goddess of rivers
Cghene- Nigerian supreme creator god; beyond comprehension little is known about him and he has no temples.
Chango – god of thunder and fire, drums, and dance; he was elevated from warrior king of the Yoruba upon his suicide and return as a thunder storm. His parentage is in dispute. He had three wives: Oshun, Oba, and Oya.
Chedi-Bumba : son of Bumba, creator of the Kite bird
Chiuta- creator god of the Tunbuka people, he owns all and is the God of Rains.
Chonganda- son of Bumba, creator of all plants
Chuku – creator god of the Ibo people, he gifted mankind with immortality if they would bury themselves in mother earth and cover themselves with ashes. He chose sheep to spread the word and things got mixed up.
Deng- a creator god who upon becoming upset also created all the misery of humanity. Son of Buk.
Domfe- Kurumba god of rain, water, wind, and gardening.
Dongo- thunder god of Songhai
Tsui-goab : creator god, he is also god of thunder and rain. He became all the animals of the world and shed his skin to transform into the next one thus populating the earth. He is also the God of Sorcerers
Dziva – creator goddess of Zimbabwe. She is caring and compassionate until she has a mood swing.
Ebore- sky god
Edinkira- goddess of the trees
Egungun-oya : goddess of divination
Evus- Trickster god of irritation. Son of Mebeghe, conjoined twin of Ekurana, brother to Ninepone and None. Formed from the left over pieces of Mebeghe’s pregnancy. Evus was banished to the jungle for his antics. He seduced his sister Ninepone, his mother woke his brother Ekurana who then zapped him with a lightning bolt and flung him to the bowels of the earth.
Elegua- trickster god of crossroads, beginnings, and opportunity. He is the guardian of the Crossroads of Life. He is the messenger of the higher Gods.
Engai- Supreme God, sky god, and god of cattle to the Maasai people. A catastrophe sent him and the cattle into the sky, unable to live up there he sent them down to earth and gave them to Naiteru-Kop. He soon founded the Maasai tribe, who to this day see it as their holy occupation to guard the cattle of the world, therefore they are able to take cattle from anyone else as their god gave them the cattle in the first place.
Enekpe- Goddess of Fate, she sacrificed herself in battle for her people.
Eseasar- Goddess of the Earth, wife of Ebore
Eshu- trickster god, resides at the Crossroads of Fortune and guides people through life. He also acts as a go between for humans, gods and spirits.
Fa- god of Fate and Destiny. Sees All through his windows with his sixteen eyes. Son of Minona the sorceress. Eshu opens and shuts the windows so he does not burn out.
Faro- Creator of the Universe, he got himself pregnant with twins (names unknown). He checks in every 400 years to make sure the universe is running well.
Gamab- Creator god of Life, Death, and Seasonal Renewal; he lives in the sky and directs the fate of mankind, when it is time for someone to die he shoots them with his arrows.
Gaunab- the God of Evil, he is enemies with Gamab, and Tsui-Goab. He created the Rainbow.
Ghekre- God of Monkeys and death, he judges the souls of the dead for the afterlife.
Gu- God of Tools, Workshops, Smiths, Weapons, and War. Son of Mawu-lisa. He was sent by the Gods to repair the earth, humanity was so grateful they made him a god in his own right.
Heitsi- God of Nature and Animals. His mother was a Cow and his father was Grass. He is a shape shifter. He resides in graves and caves and can be sought for hunting luck.
Haiuri- half of a god, he takes people to the underworld if he catches them.
Hare- an Infamous trickster God of the Yoruba people
Huveane- Creator God, he relaxed on earth until mankind became to noisy, so he is climbing the world’s tallest mountain to escape the noise.
Hyel- Supreme god, he gave mankind the key to eternal life but a mischievous lizard lied and told them to bury the body instead. Worm returned with the correct message but humans were to lazy to dig the body up again and we lost the power of life and death.
Yemaya- one of the Orishas, she is Mother of Waters and childbirth. She is a moon goddess as well and has an aversion to salt.
Imana- Creator God. He tried to rid the world of death but a woman hid him and he decided to let humanity have him.
Itherther- God of Buffalo he was the father of Achimi
Jakuta- god of thunderstorms and lightning, known as the Thrower of Light, he dislikes humanity. And has no relation to the god Shango.
Jok- God of rain, needs sacrifices to perform.
Juok- Creator God.
Kaang- creator god of Botswana he grew fed up with mankind and now only speaks to bugs.
Kaka-Guie : tricky god, makes deals of protection, death and the afterlife.
Kalumba- creator God, he built a road from heaven to earth. He guarded it from Life and Death so they would not come to Earth, life was to go through without death. He closed the road after death snuck through anyway.
Kanu- creator god of the Baga.
Katonda- creator God, his daughter married a human and was forbidden from returning to heaven as part of the deal. The husband however came to heaven to ask a favor and instead his brother in law followed him back and killed their children.
Wele: Creator god. Created everything in six days and on the seventh he rested. He made the sun and the moon as twins but split them up because of fighting.
Khonvoum- God of East Africa, farther attributes are not clear.
Khuzwane- created mankind from the mud of the new earth
Kwoth- unseen God, attributes are not known at this time but he is deemed kind.
Le-Eyo –a god of spells and magic he attempted to make the moon die instead of mankind and it backfired, the moon is eternally reborn every month while mankind wanes away and dies.
Legba- trickster god of language and destiny, he will carry a message for you to the gods but likes to garble things up for fun. He appears as an old man.
Leza- god of Weather. Gave honey bird three baskets to use, 2 contained the seeds of all plants, and one was the equivalent of pandora’s box, which was only to be opened by Leza himself.
Libanza- Creator god. He invited the people of the Moon and the people of the Earth to pay him homage in heaven, the people of the Moon came right away and were gifted with immortality for themselves and the moon. Earthlings lingered and when they arrived were disrespectful so they got death, but legend says if you are good you may still get into heaven when you die.
Lisa- sun god.
Maori- creator God, he grew disgruntled with mankind’s complaining and left for heaven.
Massim-biambe: god of reincarnation
Mawu- Goddess of the Moon, she created the world and everything in it.
Mbaba-Mwanna-Waresa: goddess of beer and rainbows.
Mbere- creator god, made a sea lizard which then became Man
Mbokomu- Ancestor Goddess, she is the Daughter of Akongo. She and her family were sent to earth in a basket by her father.
Mebeghe- creator god of the Bwiti religion
Minga-Bengale : god of hunting
Minona- goddess of sorcery, women and crops. Mother of Mawu, Fa, and sister or mother of Legba (no one is sure lol)
Modimo- Supreme god of the Tswana
Morimi- goddess of the bush burning ceremony
Muluku- god of creation, he gave instructions to the living. Humans ignored them but monkeys obeyed so he took the tails off monkeys and put them on humans and banished them into the trees. Aka we’re all monkeys.
Mulungu- god of bureaucracy (you can’t make this stuff up lol)
Musso-Koroni: goddess of discord and hassle
Mwari- supreme creator god of Zimbabwe
Nana-Buluka : a god of the Fon tribe
Nzame- creator god, made humans after talking with the animals. Didn’t like the first human so he tried again. Married the human woman Mboya and had a son Bingo, eventually grew angry with the son and threw him out of heaven, later regretted it and to this day searches the earth to reconcile with him.
Njambi- creator god, he planted the first tree named Omumborombonga from which the first human emerged, he then retreated to heaven and resides as a sky god that offers spiritual wisdom. His name is sacred and not to be invoked accept in thankfulness.
Ndriananahary- creator god, created the earth but thought it was not habitable, so he sent his son Ataokoloinona to check, Ataokoloinona fell into the earth and got lost. So Ndriananahary sent humans to look for him, we’ve been down here ever since.
Ngai- creator god, made the sky, the earth, the plants, animals, and the mountains. Loves mountains and resides in them on visits to earth, created the first humans and left for heaven but was forced to return when we had problems. Created humans to watch over and protect the earth.
Ngewo-wa: creator god that withdrew to the sky after being annoyed by humans
Nyalitch- supreme god of sky and rain of the Dinka people.
Nimba- goddess of fertility
Ninepone- goddess of fertility, night, and females. She is the daughter of Mebeghe, sister to None, Evus, and Ekurana. Lover of Evus and her brother None, she was punished for incest by her mother, the result is that she carries the world upon her head.
Nommo- sons of Amma, one was sacrificed to save the earth. He protected Yasigi from her brother Yurugu. He multiplied into 4 pairs of twins who then became the first humans, ancestors of the Dogon tribe.
None- father of the human race, god of metalwork, ironmongery, arts, crafts, and publishing in the Bwiti religion. Slept with his sister Ninepone and from that union humans were born, unable to control them alone Evus taught him ironwork, carpentry, book binding, textiles, and painting.
Nyaliep- river goddess, daughter of Buk
Nyambe- creator god, he created the forests, animals, plains, light and life, the sun and the moon, his wife Nasilele and his daughter Mwambwa , and the first human Kamunu. Kamunu hounded the God until he and his wife fled to an island, then a mountain, then heaven. They then blinded Spider to keep their location a secret. Kamunu had spied on Nyambe and made weapons instead of tools from metalworking. Nyambe eventually sent Death to rid the world of Kamunu
Nyame- god that took over ruling the world in the stead of Odomankomo
Nyaminyami – half snake half fish river god of the Zambesi river. He grew very upset when they damned up his river and so feasted on the Batonka tribe and several construction workers.
Nyiko- heroic spider god, he was kicked out of heaven for sleeping with his mother
Nyokonan- creator god who sent his son Nyiko to earth for sleeping with his mother
Nyonye-Ngana : eldest son of creator god Bumba. He created ants but the effort was too much and he died, so the ants are to this day preparing to bury him.
Obassi-Osaw : creator god, gave mankind everything except fire. Was made fool of by a little boy who tricked him into trusting him, then stole fire and ran back to earth.
Obatala- one of the Orishas, he was chosen to be the creator of the Earth but went to a party instead. His brother Oduduwa stole the job and became god of Earth. As punishment he was force to make humans, he was still drunk at the time (lol). He is now the Great White God of mankind, god of White Wine, Laundry, and Refrigerators (you cant make this stuff up). He is also god of the North.
Ochosi- one of the Orishas, he is god of hunting and justice.
Odomankomo- the creator god of the Asante people, Death killed him
Oduduwa- creator of the earth, he is god of the Earth and of the South. There is some uncertainty as to whether he is actually male.
Ogo- trickster god, son of Amma his legend of birth is not so pleasant. He is the God of Chaos, and the Barren lands (which he created after raping his mother).
Ogun- an Orishas he is god of metalwork, justice, and oaths
Olorun- Sky god of the Yoruba people, he designed the earth. He is god of peace, justice, and tradition.
Olokun- brother to Olorun and god of the sea. Some alternate claims that he is actually a she, and is married to Olorun
Orunmila- an Orishas, he is the God of divinity and wisdom.
Osanyin- god of herbs.
Oshe- Yoruba god of thunder and lightning
Oshun- Yoruba goddess of Love, creativity, and Sensuality, wife of Shango
Oya- one of the Orishas, she is the goddess of Wind, Weather, Marketing, Undertaking, Disease, mother of nine but it doesn’t say who.
Qamata- top god of the Xhosa people
Rada- God who studied among humans
Raluvumbha- god of the Baventa tribe, nothing else is known about him.
Rugaba- god of spirits
Ruhanga- god that tried to remove death from the world
Ruwa- god of the Djaga tribe, created the garden of Eden, had a favorite tree which random strangers ate while he was away. As punishment he took away humanity’s immortality.
Shakpana- son of Yemaya, one of the Orishas, he is god of Disease and Madness
Sakarabru- god of medicine, justice, and revenge
Shadipinyi- Namibian god of evil and drunkenness, he created beer to make trouble for humans.
She- Yoruba god of thunder and War
Soko- supreme god of the Nupe people, he only talks with the dead
Somtup- god spirit of rites of passage
Sopona- god of smallpox
Sudika-Mbambi : god of thunder, him and his brother Kabundungulu killed demons and monsters, invaded the Underworld and stole the witch daughters of the Underworld king. The sound of thunder is them calling to each other from their forts, one to the east and one to the west.
Tilo- a god that likes to be involved, he has a temper
Tore- god of woods, animals, and hunting
Uhlanga- swamp goddess, wife of creator god Umvelinqangi, and mother of Unkulunkulu
Umvelinqangi- creator god, god of thunder and earthquakes.
Unkulunkulu- top god of south Africa, he gave immortality to mankind via chameleon, the message got their late and they didn’t thank him for it so he got mad and took it away.
Waaqa- supreme god of the monotheistic Oromo people
Wele- creator god, he created the world in six days and rested on the seventh
Were- supreme creator god, a kind god he throws thunderbolts when upset
Woyengi- creator goddess who came to earth via lightning. She created mankind from the mud of the earth, and after letting them chose their sex and job sent them down separate rivers so they couldn’t change their minds
Wulbari- top god that left humanity because of being pestered by an old lady
Wuni- creator god, humans sent a dog to complain about hard conditions, he transferred the message to a goat instead, the goat didn’t make the intention clear so Wuni came to the conclusion that humans wanted to die so he made Death.
Zanahary- bisexual god of Earth and Sky

Australian Gods and Goddesses

Rainbow-Snake : the great creator serpent; he/she rules fertility, growth, and rain. It comes in the female Yingarna the Mother of Creation, and the male Ngalyod the Great transformer of Land. The appearance is a bit odd, having the head of a kangaroo, the tail of a crocodile, and the body of a snake. Record of its image goes back over 8000 years!
Altjira- god of the Dreamtime, he created the earth, supplied all humanity’s needs and left without saying a word.
Bagadjimbiri- is actually two brothers not one person. They appeared out of no where in the forms of dingos, and constructed the first sexual organs so that man could reproduce. They were then killed by a jealous cat spirit, their mother brought them back as water snakes that flew into the air and became clouds. This happened after killing the cat spirit of course.
Baiame – the Creator sky god, he taught humans how to do everything. He was the Father of Daramulum, and the husband of Birrahgnooloo.
Bamapana- trickster god, he created foul language (lol)
Bellin-Bellin : is the Crow god of Wind. He keeps the winds tied up in bags, and is well known for unleashing them upon Bunjil.
Bildjiwuaroju- Creator goddess, daughter of the sun. Her and her brothers came from heaven in a canoe, in their mating they created all the plants and animals. Her and her one brother Miralalou had both male and female genitals. One night her other brother Djanggawul cut off their male genitals and now was the only male.
Binbeal- god of Rainbows, sun of Bunjil
Birrahgnooloo- goddess of fertility and floods. Lover (or wife it doesn’t say) of Baiame, with whom she had her son Daramulum.
Bobbi-Bobbi : is an Oz snake god, and he created the boomerang. He sent bats to feed humans but they couldn’t catch them, so he took one of his ribs and gave it to humans and told them to throw it at the bats. The humans enjoyed throwing it so much they threw it at the sky, it made a hole in Heaven and Bobbi-Bobbi slithered off in disgust.
Bunbulama- a rain goddess she works with a god called Wuluwait.
Bunjil- the Eaglehawk God. He had two wives and a son, the rainbow god Binbeal. He was blow away into heaven by Bellin-Bellin when he asked for wind and got more than he wanted.
Daramulum- Father Sky god. He protects Shamans, controls the weather and lives in the moon. Son of Baiame.
Darana- creator god he shared the earth with humans in Dreamtime. He turned two foolish humans that stole from him and died (not by him) into the Destiny Stones, which the Dieri people guard. If they break the universe will end.
Dhakhan- ancestral god of the Kabi people. Half fish and half snake.
Dilga- goddess of fertility and mother of the Bagadjimbiri brothers.
Eingana- Snake goddess of Primordial Dreamtime, and the mother of Humanity and water animals. Everything came from her, through a spear hole in her groin. She holds our umbilical cord still and if she cuts it we die.
Erathipa- mother goddess of pregnancy fulfillment. She holds the souls of dead children inside her and puts them inside others to be reborn if they want to be a mother.
Gnowee- Holds the Sun as a torch as she looks for her lost son. So she’s a Sun goddess. If she finds her son the sun goes out.
Goanna- lizard god, the information on him is hazy to nonexistent.
Kunapipi- Ogre Goddess that ate humans, until Bunjil cut her open and let them all out.
Ipilya- Lizard god of storms.
Julana- God that travels through the earth and springs up before women with his massive phallus.
Julunggul- Rainbow Snake Goddess of boyhood to manhood transition.
Junkgowa sisters- Goddesses both, they are Goddesses of the Sea and Marine life.
Karora- creator god of the bandicoot clan of the aranda people.
Kidili- a Moon god that got horny after seeing all the women on earth, he came down and got himself castrated by a boomerang, he died from his wounds.
Kultana- God of the Dead from Arnhem land. He is also god of the North Wind and the Rain.
Wati-Kutjara : Lizard gods that came down from a mountain, they taught shamans and rescued the women of earth from Kidili
LumaLuma- god of gluttony and party crashing. He got invited to all sorts of parties until everyone figured out he ate all the food by calling himself sacred and the only one allowed to eat. He then turned to inviting himself, but got tired of leftovers so resorted to eating children. The people didn’t like this so they killed him.
Mamaragan- god of thunder and lightning, he rides a cloud on a storm front and throws lightning for fun, he lives in a puddle between storms.
Manfar-Kunjer-Kunja : a creator god he made humans from logs
Minawara- a creator god he takes the form of a kangaroo, and is brother to Multultu
Miralalou- a child of the sun, he had his penis cut off by his brother Bildjiwuaroju
Ngurunderi- god of cod and fishing. He killed a giant cod that he chased off of the land and created from its body every fish in the sea.
Njirana- father of Julana
Pilirin- god of fire
Tjinimin- bat god, he tried to make love to the Rainbow-Snake’s consorts and got turned down multiple times, eventually he got mad and stabbed the Rainbow-Snake, which then writhed away into the sea and took all fire with it. He was there when they made new fire and became afraid of it, so he took to hiding in caves and hanging upside down. His nose fell off as well.
Ulanji- snake god, father of the Binbinga tribe
Waang- crow god of the Wurundjeri
Wallungunder- ruler of the Galaxy, top god
Wandjina- Creator gods they made the milky way in the Dreamtime. They look remarkably like aliens
Waramurungundju- mother of all, a fertility goddess, she made all the languages of the world. She and her husband Wuraka walked out of the sea, and then back into it.
Wawalug- fertility goddesses they were daughters of Djanggawul and family. They were once swallowed by Yrlunggur but she spit them back out.
Wuluwait- rain god, consort to bunbulama. He makes rain from tying water grass together.
Wuraka- fertility god, father of all peoples, he walked out of the sea with his wife. He had a penis so long he had to loop it over his neck so it didn’t drag on the ground.
Yalungur- god that was castrated and then created a vagina in place of his old penis.
Yhi- she awoke in Dreamtime and made all the animals and plants. It took three tries to get it right but eventually she did. She came back when man was lonely and made woman from the most beautiful flower.
Yrlunggur- the Great Rainbow Snake of the Murngin people. He doesn’t like the smell of menstrual blood and ate the Wawalug sisters, the other snakes got mad so he threw them back up.


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