
Welcome to my blog. I have created this space to provide a quick resource site for those seeking information on Witchcraft. Feel free to comment and critique my work, also if you see your work on here and it does not give due credit to you let me know and You will receive full credit immediately. I do not claim all of this work as my own. I have compiled much and occassionally have not collected the source with the material. I apologize, and will give you credit if you contact me. I have also lost contact with Mark Sumpter so as soon as I find him again I will post links.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Strega and Ethics

A Conversation

The purpose of the Religion is to teach the soul how to evolve to a higher realm, by revealing the Ways of Nature. Since Nature is a reflection of the Spiritual Laws which established it, a study of its secrets can enlighten the soul, and thus prepare it for a higher existence (freeing it from the cycle of reincarnation). The purpose of the Old Religion is also to give due worship to the Great Spirit, to ensure the Fertility of the Earth, and to create & maintain Balance and Harmony, within the bound Ether of this physical dimension.

The Old Religion teaches personal power and personal empowerment. It also teaches personal responsibility, and reveals that everything is connected together. It is like a web, the threads of which are joined together. Any vibration causes a reaction, felt by every other thread. It is from this Law of Cause and Effect, Action and Reaction, that the code of Ethics for witches arise.

Code Of Ethics
A Witch lives by a code of ethics which is built upon the Laws of Nature. Our behavior is not regulated by a fear of what awaits us in the Afterlife, but a respect for what awaits us in this Life. Everything, and everyone, is connected. What we do to one another, and to our World, we do to ourselves.

The Holy Strega spoke of this when she said :

" Every act which you perform will draw to itself three times the nature of the act. Such is the Law. This affects not only the acts of each day, but reaches into the Future as well. Here the Law establishes those debts which must be paid. Therefore, consider well your actions. Nothing escapes the Law, nor is hidden from it. The Law does not punish or reward. It only returns the intent of each action to its origin. If you step off from a high place, you will fall, and this is consistent. There is no intent, there is nothing good or evil. It may be good to leap upon your enemy from a high place, and surprise him, or it may be bad to fall and be injured. But the nature of the descent itself is only a Law. So too is the nature of the Law of Return".

This teaching is similar to the Wiccan Rede of "and as it harm none, do as thou wilt". The Rede is often misunderstood to mean do whatever you want, as long as you don’t harm anyone in the meantime. This is not what it is addressing. It is addressing the issue that each person must seek out their True Will (the Nature of their Higher Self). By doing so, one is attuned to the "Spiritual Plan" which has been established for them (or by them, depending upon your view). Once so attuned, no one can be harmed by your actions, because you are following a Spiritual Plan, of which they themselves are also a part. This is the understanding of the connectiveness of all things, and of the Law of Return (and Intent). We were not meant to simply wander about doing whatever seems right, without regard to a goal, and the impact of that goal. We have a responsibility to ourselves, and to each other.

Dear Raven, I agree entirely with your interpretation of the Witches’ Rede. It’s a point I have been trying to make in many notes to this board." An it harm none" is simply a warning preface, not a "Thou shalt not," as many seem to interpret it. Whereas "Do what you will" is a positive injunction: Thou SHALT do what thou wilt. Some people on the board say we are right to over-emphasize "harming none" because of the many novices who want to cast love or revenge spells and might not understand the concept of True Will. I say that’s all the more reason to start them early working on understanding and discovering their True Wills. I’ve been a Pagan for 20 years, and still can’t say I fully understand the concept of True Will. By the way, does your use of the term "True Will" come ultimately from Crowley? Obviously the concept itself pre-dates him by centuries, but what about the actual term? Jana

Dear Jana -- I’ve been thinking about what "do what thou will" really means for some time now. When I first heard the rede I assumed it meant, like a lot of people, that it means do whatever you want as long as it harms none. But after reading your interpretation as "do what thou Will" meaning to follow one’s True Will and after other readings that were not necessarily Pagan, I see True Will as meaning to live in tune with one’s inner self regardless of what society, parents and religion expects of one. Sort of like "follow your bliss", though that phrase is over worked these days. Discovering one’s True Will is difficult because you have to peel through all the layers of socialization. I don’t mean that one has to live outside the bounds of society, but one has to go one’s own way AND still be a socially responsible person. Another catch phrase is "march to the beat of a different drum". I’m still working this meaning out so these thoughts may not be fully formed yet. Brenda

Dear Jana, Whenever I come across this phrase "True Will", I do think of Crowley. Definitely did when I saw Gardner’s use of it (he had a fairly liberal sprinkling of Crowley in his Wicca stew). The term as I use it, does originate with Crowley. It’s easier, and everyone is using it, so it’s a common point of reference. But the concept is much older than Crowley, of course, and it’s not exactly the same concept as his. I tend to avoid phrases and terms from my Tradition (for the most part), on this board, because it would take up too much time and space, just getting it all clear. Would much rather spend the time getting the info out, and trying to preserve some of the Old Teachings. I feel a bit like Johnny Appleseed..... Blessings to you - Raven

Nature As The Teacher
Nature is considered to be the Great Teacher. The Ancients taught that the "Creators" placed into the fabric of Creation, a reflection of that which created it. Therefore, the laws of Nature are reflections of Divine Laws or Principles, which operate in a dimension behind and above those of physical Nature. Thus, the Ancients coined the phrase "as above, so below". This means that that which is below, is (in essence) like that which is above.

Studying the Ways of Nature gives us a glimpse (crude though it may be) of the Divine Ways, and from these we see the returning of the Seasons (reincarnation) and the laws of Cause & Effect (Karma) concerning the use (and misuse) of the Earth’s land, air, resources, and living creatures. The ways of the "Gods" are imprinted upon the Ways of Nature. Understanding Nature, allows one to begin to understand the Creators.

One of the reasons for the Seasonal Rituals is to saturate us, and harmonize us, with the focused Essence of Nature at these appointed times. Properly cast ritual circles serve to attract and condense these energies, so that we are "bathed" in them. The more that we gather at these times of Nature’s energy flow, the more we become like Nature, and when we become more like "Her", it is easier to understand "Her", and "Her " Ways.

This is why the Ways of the Old Religion are fashioned according to the Ways of Nature. Everything from the ritual circle construction, to the way we move within it, to the way in which we create magic (cast spells, etc) are all modeled after the principles of Nature. This is where the term Occult Sciences comes from. It is not hocus-pocus, it is Metaphysical Science. This is why it is also quite difficult to simply make something up, and call it a Tradition (although this is exactly what many people do).

Copied from Mark Sumpter

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